The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 394 Other Lustful Evil Cats?

Chapter 394 Other Lustful Evil Cats?
"That is to say, you can't make a move?"

Seeing the helpless and remorseful eyes of the Great Elder of the Elven Clan, Mao Xiaoyao seemed to know something. It seemed that the disappearance of the God Realm had indeed had a certain impact on the creatures of Douluo Continent.

Just like in the Kunlun Demon Realm, some demon cultivators who cultivated from lower worlds, when they crossed the catastrophe and ascended, there will also be guides to pick them up and guide them to ascend to the Kunlun Demon Realm.

If there is no guide to go, then the world of Ascension is not as simple as the demon world. Once it goes to other worlds, the consequences will be disastrous.

Even when you are unlucky, you die directly in the turbulence of time and space, so hard to cultivate and ascend, and finally die so embarrassingly...

Picture what?
"Well, this world is watching me. Once I make a move, if I can't suppress the power in my body, I will be forced to ascend through the catastrophe. However, without the guidance of the elf god, I can't ascend..." The elder of the elves was very confident. She said that it was also because of this reason that so many elves died, she was a sinner!
Otherwise, it's just two little demons, she can kill them in seconds, but the price is too high...

She can't make a move easily.

"So, you are looking for me?" There must be something!Otherwise, don't look for yourself for no reason!The cat demon is also very strange, he doesn't understand, why does the great elder of the elves know that he desires evil cats?

"Besides, why do you know about the Evil Cat? Could it be that there are other Evil Cats in this world?" The cat demon was very puzzled. It must not be as simple as drinking tea and chatting with him, it must be because of other things. matter.

"I'm looking for you because the task of sealing the demons seems to be able to be done by people who are desperate for evil cats. I have been paying attention to you since you came to this world a few years ago!" Elder Elder Smiling lightly, she discovered that the entrance to the fissure of the demon clan was unstable. At that time, she had already sent troops to guard it. At that time, using the ancient tree of life, she also sensed that there was an evil cat on this place, that is, the little cat demon. Landing in the Star Dou Great Forest.

However, it is too far away.

Unable to understand "God's Operation", Mao Xiaoyao can only admire, demigod is also a god, awesome, some abilities are really scary.

"This is also one of the main reasons why I came today! To find ways and materials to seal the cracks of the demons. Originally, I wanted to use my own method, but my ability is limited." Mao Xiaoyao said, he is always used to carrying Things, I almost forgot that there are not only their soul beasts on this foggy continent, that's why they asked Lin Qingxian and Obogu to go back to find materials, and try to seal the cracks of the demon race as soon as possible.

"Don't worry about the materials. As early as thousands of years ago, an extremely lustful evil cat had already prepared us, and the sealing formation also told us. However, we just lack a person to execute it." The elder of the elves said, Immediately, with a wave of white hands as white as snow, he changed his hands, and a pile of materials came out, almost lighting up the blind cat demon's [-]k gold cat eyes...


Space stone, world stone, enchantment stone...

Pile up like a mountain, so to speak, a pile of good things makes the little demon drooling, suddenly, a note fell...

Mao Xiaoyao lightly held it and blew it.

The elder of the elves explained: "These are all looking for according to the hero's intention. For thousands of years, we elves have been looking for them."

"And the notes in your hand are his notes, but the writing is so weird that we can't understand it." The elder of the elves looked at the mountain of materials, and she was thinking, is there enough?

Mao Xiaoyao's eyes are shining, holding a space gem, he suddenly doesn't want to leave, this place is so beautiful...

However, he couldn't help being curious when he heard the strange writing, like the writing of the monster clan...

Also, the handwriting...

Seeing the strange look in Mao Xiaoyao's eyes, the Great Elder of the Elf Clan said, "It's very late, you should stay in the Elf Clan for one night! Maybe the way to seal the fissure of the Demon Clan may not necessarily be inside!" The way to seal the fissures of the Demon Clan, back then, the lustful evil cat hero was also left behind, but no one could understand the strange characters. Those strange characters didn’t seem to be characters from the Mist Continent, so they couldn’t understand them at all.

The only thing I understand is the bill of materials...

"Yeah!" Although Mao Xiaoyao was in a hurry, he shouldn't be in a hurry, he knew he had to take it one step at a time, since the other party asked him to rest for a night, then he should rest...

Looking at the notes and putting in the space soul guide, Mao Xiaoyao, led by a few beautiful elves, came to a place with a lot of people. As night fell, everyone sat on the ground, eating flowers, plants, and fruit buds!

It's very elvish and not greasy at all.

"Little demon." The black cat beckoned. She was sitting next to Huanya, and there were a few more elf girls beside her. In front of them, the black cat was not inferior in appearance, but had an extra wild beauty. Especially in front of the elves.

Mao Xiaoyao turned around and wanted to thank the two elves who brought him here, but the other party walked away without giving him any good looks. Everywhere he passed, he was hostile by the elves.

This is very embarrassing.

"How was the talk?" The black cat asked with a smile, then hugged Mao Xiaoyao's arm, let him sit next to her, happily leaning on it, she seemed to know what she wanted, and was very happy There are smiles on the face.

Huan Ya was still a little angry, and didn't pay much attention to the cat demon. She sat in the middle, surrounded by several powerful elves guarding her, and the intern queen finally regained her queen appearance.

"Maybe I can go back tomorrow!" The cat demon rubbed the black cat's soft face, looking at Huanya. The black cat's happiness should be due to Huanya!He smiled: Thank you.

"Hmm!" The black cat leaned against the cat demon. Anyway, she couldn't eat the elf food in front of her.

The elves are still looking at the little cat and the black cat. For them, outsiders have always been mysterious and evil.

Seeing the doubts of the tribe, Huanya got up suddenly, and introduced: "This is the warrior I told you about dealing with the demons, the cat demon, human, alien?" She was a little embarrassed, as if she didn't know which cat demon was Race, can transform, a bit powerful.

Kitty, very cute.

The cat demon patted the black cat, let her loosen herself, held the wine glass, and said to Huanya: "The demon clan is also a soul beast, from another continent, the Sun Moon Federation, the Star Dou Great Forest, and belongs to the dark night cat demon A family, now living in the east of the Tengshan Tribe in the Misty Continent, in the New Star Dou Forest."

"Welcome everyone to play in our home!"

As he spoke, he drank it all in one gulp, because Mao Xiaoyao knew that if he toasted, the other party would definitely not give him a good face.

When you're done, sit down.

"Monster clan? Soul beast? Dark night cat demon?"

Huan Ya is also a bit puzzled, so many identities?However, she has also seen the main body of the cat demon, which indeed does not belong to human beings, nor does it belong to alien races.

Of course, after the general identity introduction, there must be some unconvinced.

(End of this chapter)

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