The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 395 Desire Evil Cat vs Elves!

Chapter 395 Desire Evil Cat vs Elves!
"Oh? Then, Mr. Warrior, is this evil aura on your body left over from dealing with the demons, or is it something you were born with?" The elf clansman who looked at the little cat very disliked today took the lead in attacking, the first Come out against Mao Xiaoyao, question Mao Xiaoyao.

The other elves also watched, with somewhat disdain on their faces.

"Your breath makes me wonder if you are really destroying the demons." The meaning is very simple, that is, the breath of the little cat may seem normal to outsiders, but to the elves is very sensitive.

The other elves were also discussing and expressing their different opinions. Most of them were a little suspicious of the little cat's body.

"..." Huan Ya's face was a little unhappy. No matter how evil the little cat is, it is true that he dealt with the demons. Moreover, he is a guest invited by himself. What's the matter with this Aguru? ,ill?
Aguru, a boy from the elf race, is only a few hundred years old, not very old, but, a few hundred years old is equivalent to a human child's 17 years old, and he is young and full of energy.

However, a younger brother is a younger brother. When Mao Xiaoyao was a kitten, he had only a little bit of simplicity and wisdom. He had already wandered around in the Kunlun demon world, growing up eating leftovers from various clans.

It took about 3000 years of wandering, and it was difficult to cultivate to the transformation stage, to open up the spiritual wisdom, and to find a mountain patrol job. It took a hundred years to do it. Calculated according to the age of human beings, in fact, the cat demon has just reached the age of eighteen. .

"Me? I was born naturally, and there is no way to change it. Could it be, do you have a way?" Mao Xiaoyao smiled. This guy is quite strong, and his aura seems to be around Contra. Moreover, the Contra level of the elves, if Without other factors, the elves must be the most powerful. After all, everyone's physique is different.

Humans are even weaker.

"I want to help you purify!" A Guru looked at Huan Ya and respectfully said: "My Lady Queen, please allow me to challenge the heroes who fight against the demons. I believe that the heroes will not refuse, so please give me some advice as a junior? "

Huanya is a little bit embarrassed, there is a gap in strength, she looks at Mao Xiaoyao, although this guy is annoying, but, no matter what, he is also her ally, so do...

"Little demon, I'll go up and teach him how to be a human being." The black cat glared at that Aguru, rolled up its sleeves, and was about to go up and teach him a lesson, isn't the little demon cat who bullied her, Contra amazing?
A soul missile killed you!
"I'm here, it's okay." The cat demon held the irritable little black cat and smiled, scratched her cute little nose, which made the black cat shy for a while, then blushed and sat quietly. So many people watching?
"I accept your challenge. As a senior, I will teach you well what it means. Sometimes the realm is high, not self-confidence, but fatal."

Mao Xiaoyao looked back at Huan Ya and nodded with a smile, indicating that she could accept this person's challenge, and that she was fearless and would welcome anyone's challenge.

"Take it as far as it goes, don't use weapons with too much lethality." Huanya warned, she was warning the little cat, this is the lair of the elves, not the demons, so don't blow up anything randomly.

Soul missiles naturally don't know how to use them. They are precious, so save them for Tang Wulin!Mao Xiaoyao nodded, and then said to A Guru: "I allow you to display all your cultivation, so will you allow me to use some means? After all, your realm is so high, and you are too high, so you don't need some means. Can't guide you either."

As for the method, Mao Xiaoyao said hehe, a bunch of methods can kill this A Guru, with a high cultivation level, and now he is no longer the master of everything.

"Don't worry, no matter what method you use, you are still vulnerable to absolute strength." A Guru didn't have any fear. He used all his cultivation?

Just looking for death.

Glancing at the atmosphere, Huan Ya said: "Clean up the square, you guys can compete here, click here, this is also the last time to learn, the little cat is my guest, no matter what he does, he will deal with the demons Warriors are also our guests, I hope you can understand."

Huan Ya quietly looked at Mao Xiaoyao's confident face, thinking in her heart, he must be very uncomfortable too, right?After all, so many elves never had a good face when they saw him.

Most of the elves are disdainful now, because among the elves present, nine out of ten are stronger than the little cats, warriors who can deal with the demons?Hehe, if you go there for a stroll and come back, even if you are a warrior to deal with the demons, who wouldn't?
Soon, the square was cleaned up, the football field was as big as it was, and Mao Xiaoyao and A Guru could fight whatever they wanted. Next to it, the melon-eating crowd were watching a play and cheering for A Guru...

Not to be outdone, the black cat let the spirit of the levitating car hover in the air, and used the amplified soul guide to instantly cover up the cheering sounds of the elves...

In terms of solidarity and support, Mao Xiaoyao was the first to win!The loudspeaker from the black cat kid directly crushed the group of elves...

"Tsk tsk, I'm sorry, my black cat is a bit naughty, but her voice is actually quite low." The cat demon smiled triumphantly, why can't she accept it?Where's your cheering?Hehe, now it's all my cheering.

Moreover, now the black cat is not shouting at all, but repeating... It is the essence of human beings, and it is also the essence of soul beasts: crazy repeating!
"Very good, you managed to piss me off!" A Guru controlled the dust to turn into stones as hard as iron, and threw them in the direction of Mao Xiaoyao. The sky was filled with stones, and instantly surrounded Mao Xiaoyao.

boom boom boom...

Huan Ya slapped the table and scolded people, "Damn, little cat!" Didn't you say that you should not use a powerful explosive weapon?How is this going……

The elves were stunned. It was rare for Her Lady Queen to lose her composure and curse at others, but she was so cute when she cursed.

Seeing the clansmen looking at her, Huan Ya stopped immediately and sat down awkwardly, but she was still very unhappy. Didn't she say that she was not allowed to use huge destructive weapons?
Looking at the huge black shadow in the dust, the black cat explained to Huanya: "Don't worry, the power of those explosions will definitely not affect this place. Those are the lowest-level soul missiles." Level [-], [-], [-], and [-] Soul missiles are not that powerful, but they must not be ignored, because once there are too many, a large-scale explosion can still kill a Contra.

Moreover, it's not just soul missiles...

Now, human beings usually directly use soul missiles with at least five levels or above, because only those above level five can be considered powerful.

However, since the start of the development plan, the research direction of the soul beasts is no longer following humans. Of course, if they do not continue to follow, they will not learn. They should learn and have to learn, but the things that belong to the soul beasts are still innovating... …

Soul missiles below level [-] were changed by Mao Xiaoyao, shrinking, shrinking, and shrinking, and now they have developed into a type: compressed metal bullets!

It's only as big as a bullet, but its power is divided into levels [-], [-], [-], and [-], which are the soul guide bullet levels exclusive to soul beasts, and its power is even more terrifying...

It has even surpassed level five, level six, level seven, level eight...

Because, if the soul guide bullet hits the enemy and explodes without the enemy knowing, it will explode directly from the inside of the body...

The power can be imagined...

Such a dangerous thing, of course the little cat would not use it.

It's not a soul missile, but a soul guide cannon!

(End of this chapter)

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