Chapter 396 Beating!

"The power of the five elements? Earth?"

The moment he spoke, the dust flew up, and the cat demon appeared wearing the scarred evil cat armor, raising his hand and hitting the soul guide cannon!Sizzling, condensing, accumulating, launching...

A red and white ray smashed the boulders, and instantly formed an explosion, flying dust, which made Huanya mistakenly think it was a soul missile...

The little black cat was also cheated.

While A Guru was stunned, he didn't panic at all. Instead, he became more serious, because he felt that Mao Xiaoyao seemed to have some skills, and he deserved to be taken seriously.

Then, countless vines began to grow. The vines were tough and not easy to cut off, and they were full of toughness. The thorns on the vines seemed to contain poison. If they were stabbed, the whole body would be paralyzed.

The elves are all clapping their hands. The explosion just now startled them. Now, it's finally time for them to fight back.

The vines were entangled and the boulders attacked. Aguru still stood in place, but ran around with the cat demon. The morale was instantly high, and the elves cheered enthusiastically.

The light comes, purify the darkness! ! !
However, the dark night is mysterious, and it is also the cat demon's home court. Night is the time when he can really display his strength, and the evil cat's armor is all black, which also caused some trouble for A Guru...

Difficult to track!

At the same time, an arrow feather also hit the little cat...


"It's interesting, it's better than shooting, isn't it?" The little cat looked back at the vines chasing him and the huge boulders on his head. He really wanted to curse, the elves really hate it.

fire!It's just the five elements, and not only the elves know it, but also the little cat who is practicing "Yao Xin Jue", with the oil barrel taken out from the space soul guide...

"Roasted vines! I don't know, how does it taste?" Mao Xiaoyao detonated the oil barrel, and the flames shot up into the sky in an instant. He controlled the power of the fire to burn the vines crazily, and those vines instantly lost their function and turned into ashes...

However, the flames soared into the sky and the fire spread. He and A Guru were fighting for control of the flames, and everyone controlled the power of the flames to attack each other...

"Playing with fire and self-immolation!" A Guru was shocked. He was shocked that the other party could also control the fire element, and what's more, his arrow feathers that contained the power of purification couldn't help the other party?
The basic defenses have not been broken?That metal armor is so powerful?

"This seems to be different from the armor that Dai Shu gave me. Is this the real one?" Huanya has a pair of soul guide armor on her body. weapon, and soon the cat demon can be upgraded to a treasure weapon.

When the time comes to fight Contra, it will be easier, and you won't be chased by people like now. The difference in strength makes the cat demon wearing the Dao weapon armor dare not block those terrible attacks.

The black cat, who has been competing with those elves and cheering, looked at Fanya and smiled: "The soul guide armor is a replica of the armor, and the soul guide armor is mass-produced, but the armor can only be made by my little demon. Others Man cannot make."

"My lord queen, do you elves want to buy some soul guide armor or some weapons?" As he spoke, the black cat thought of selling soul guide armor. After all, soul beasts lack resources now, and elves have a lot of resources. , Keeping it is simply a waste.

If it is possible to cooperate with the elves, then it must be...

"We elves never use these weapons!"

All right!Huan Ya directly refused, but she was actually a little moved, because the soul guide armor can prevent magic energy, and this function is very good.

"Hehe." The black cat looked bored. The elves are really boring and too rigid. Waiting for one day, when soul guides appear in the Mist Continent, they will be beaten to cry, and they will probably think of these weapons, right?
"However, we can buy some with you to deal with the demons and defend against the invasion of demonic energy."

After thinking about it, Huan Ya thought that buying weapons is not to kill and set fire, but to deal with the demons, so it seems possible...

"I have two hundred sets of soul guide armor here..." the black cat showed a profiteer smile just like the cat demon, who is close to the vermilion is red, and close to the ink is black, she fully interprets this sentence, and often goes out with the cat demon To deceive people, she has also learned to deceive people now...

"Not expensive, right?" Huan Ya frowned, why did she feel that she was cheated?

The two girls immediately began to bargain, not paying attention to the battle...

In terms of fighting, the cat demon has been running for a long time, a long time, a long time, and Aguru has been disgusted for a long time, causing the cheering of the elves to become very quiet.

After all, there is no such thing as passion.

One to fight, one to run, one to chase, one to run, cycle...

"Why don't you attack?"

"Why should I attack?"


It's not that the cat demon doesn't attack now, and there are some problems with the armor, which makes it impossible to use the soul power. It seems that the evil cat's armor has been damaged and cannot be used.

When the Demon Clan cracked, it exploded in a large area, and the cat demon wearing the armor was in the center. The evil cat armor had already been scarred by the blast to protect the cat demon, and now it began to be damaged again...

Mao Xiaoyao feels distressed and wants to cry. This is not an ordinary soul guide armor. It needs very special materials. He has found it for a long time...

After all, the armor I own must be different from other people's.

Heimao, Mu Xi, and myself now only have three sets of Taoist armor with the best quality, which are top-grade Taoist weapons, and most of the others are middle-grade Taoist weapons.

There are four grades: lower, middle, upper, and extreme. Although the required materials are the same, the grades are different.

Now, rare metals are strictly controlled by human beings, and there is no chance for cats and demons to steal them.

"Hehe, didn't you say that I taught me? Why, are you scared now?" A Guru laughed, but the ridicule was ridiculed. In terms of speed, he still couldn't keep up with the little cat...

This made him very depressed.

The evil cat's armor is broken and cannot be repaired for the time being, and he is in a very bad mood. The cat demon suddenly stopped and looked at A Guru coldly, "Since you want to be taught so much, then tonight, when you go home to sleep, don't Have nightmares and don't pee your pants."

"Hehe, please..." Without saying a word of enlightenment, A Guru was shot flying, a huge metal arm, the speed did not become difficult because of its huge size, it was very flexible and very fast.

The elves cheered up instantly, because they saw a metal giant...

Dao Machine Armor!It is also a top-grade Taoist weapon. Of course, the material is not as precious as the evil cat armor. After all, if the material is the same for such a big guy, how much resources will be wasted?

"Metal freak!!!"

"It's so big, just now a metal villain, how can he become a metal monster now..."

"Evil guy, everything he has is so weird..." The elves talked a lot, they were too surprised by this battle...

The same is true for Huan Ya, who was cheated by the black cat just now and helped to count the materials. She was also stunned, because she recalled the time when she was fighting against demonized creatures and the army of demons...

These metal giants took the lead, with one knife and one sword, basically a demonized creature...

The key is the metal giant's weapon...

(End of this chapter)

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