The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 399 The benefits of being a human being?

Chapter 399 The benefits of being a human being?

"Little demon, don't tell me, you..." The black cat suddenly hugged the cat demon tightly, giving him a little bit of warmth in his cold body. She felt the pain that belonged to the cat demon. At this time, the cat demon seemed to want to Break through the realm of cultivation, and when you break through the realm of cultivation, you will become an ordinary person...

"Absorbing too much magic energy, I finally have to break through. This is why I want to defeat that elf before tonight, because tomorrow I will not have any cultivation." Painful, very painful, twitching dantian, bit by bit Like tearing a piece of flesh, the fragments of the demon core are also flying around, bumping into the dantian, trying to split the dantian, this time the breakthrough seems to be more terrifying than the last time.

The little cat was trembling all over, his cultivation was disappearing bit by bit, and he gradually became a human, a real human...

"I'm here, and I will protect you." The cat demon is very cold, the black cat takes off his clothes, revealing his snow-like skin, and uses his warm body temperature to make the cat demon warmer. At the same time, the cat When Xiaoyao was shaking in pain, she would hold Mao Xiaoyao even harder.

She is, she has always been...

Can't sleep, tonight is destined to be a sleepless night...

Previously, Mao Xiaoyao lasted for one night, and he spent that night in pain, until he truly became a human being, that pain would disappear, and his cultivation would also disappear.

Then, waiting for the Yaodan to be reborn from nirvana bit by bit, and reintegrated together.

The trembling and painful cat demon is holding the hand of the black cat. Her warm and soft little hand is like a fire in the cold night, so nice and warm.

"I made you worry about the black cat." The cat demon said weakly, his voice trembling with a trace of pain, mixed with a trace of weakness, while enduring endless pain, he also endured, trying not to make the black cat so worried.

Cold, painful, uneasy, the black cat felt the same. She hugged the cat demon even more tightly, and at the same time wrapped the quilt tightly, and said: "There are mechanical souls around, and no one will come close. The method you taught me, I have already done. Set up an enchantment around it, with me here, it must be safer than that Mu Xi protecting you, she doesn't know how to take care of you."

In the past, Mu Xi took care of Mao Xiaoyao. At that time, Black Cat was very angry, jealous and worried, because, at such an important and dangerous time, she hoped that she would be by Mao Xiaoyao's side.

Maybe she would feel more at ease that way.

But now, she is only worried, she really wants to bear that pain instead of Mao Xiaoyao.

"Little Vinegar King, Mu Xi is not so calm. At that time, she saw my real body, but she was shocked!" Mao Xiaoyao smiled softly enduring the pain, cute and beautiful black cat kid, no matter what You can be jealous anytime!
Mu Xi, is she okay?
Mao Xiaoyao fell into a kind of longing, Mu Xi, who is far away in Douluo Dalu, is he alright?Did you have a good meal?Did you sleep well?Will you think about yourself?

The answer is yes!On the Douluo Continent, in the Shrek Academy where there is not much time.

In the girls' dormitory, lying on the bed and tossing and turning, Mu Xi didn't know why, but was always in a mess, no matter how she slept, she couldn't fall asleep...

"Little demon..." Where are you?Why didn't you show up, why haven't you contacted her for so long?Mu Xi hugged the quilt and wept secretly in the bed.

Recently, the Sun-Moon Federation has been very restless, and something is vaguely about to happen, but no matter what, she doesn't want to have anything to do with the little cat. Mu Xi is very afraid, she is very afraid of losing the little cat...


The screen returns to the elves.

"You're thinking about her, you're hateful, hug me and think about other women." The black cat was very angry, if it wasn't for the pain of the cat demon, she pouted and wanted to bite so hard. Just now, it was very painful. The cat demon, who was obviously in a daze and silent, must be thinking about something, and it must be thinking about Mu Xi.

Damn it, the cat demon is a big villain.

"Okay, okay, my Lord Vinegar King, I'm thinking of other people, like Tang Wulin, is it alright?" The cat demon is no longer in such pain, and his dantian has gradually stabilized, because the demon core has been completely shattered , all the fragments lay quietly in the dantian, and the soul power and demon power disappeared.

Even the bloodline that belonged to the Desire Evil Cat disappeared...

Now, Mao Xiaoyao is already a normal human being, moreover, he is still the kind of human being who has no cultivation and no power to restrain a chicken.

Pathetically weak, surprisingly weak.

"Hmph, Tang Wulin can't do either." The black cat hugged her tightly. Although she was angry, she was not unreasonable. She could just think about it, but now she has one more important thing to verify. nothing works...

Can't sleep, talk, talk about the future, talk about...

The next day, early in the morning, when everything came back to life.

Feeling a chill, the little cat woke up suddenly. He didn't know how he fell asleep last night. It was just after molesting the black cat every day...

I fell asleep in a daze.

When I opened my eyes, I found that the clothes on my body were gone, and next to me was an extremely attractive guy looking at me with hot eyes: black cat!

"It's so cold, what are you doing?" Mao Xiaoyao suddenly realized that he was also a little cold, maybe because he became a human, he was indeed a little cold.

At the same time, I was also stunned, why the black cat didn't wear clothes? Looking at her, she seemed to be in a daze for a long time, and the small tablet, which was getting bigger and bigger, was exposed to the air.

Seems to be looking at myself, at something...

Suddenly embraced, warm jade into the arms, how can you sit still in your arms?
"Remember? What I told you last night?" The naked little black cat hugged the cat demon with a hint of shyness. Although they had no secrets to speak of before, she also had a secret of her own. That little shyness.

"What?" Mao Xiaoyao was stupefied now, why are the two of them being so honest with each other, what exactly does the black cat kid want to do?
"It's when the evil energy in you disappears. At that time, getting pregnant...seems a little easier."

The black cat pouted and looked eager to try, her eyes were full of longing and anticipation, as well as a strong heat, she was ready...

"Oh, that's why you took off my clothes, don't you want to do it yourself?" Could it be that you were almost raped?How can it be?The cat demon's dishonest hands have already started to wander, and the sensitive little black cat has already made some strange noises.

Turn over to be the master, male and female, four eyes facing each other, honestly, the cat demon and the black cat are listening to each other's heartbeat, feeling each other's temperature, and breathing the hot air.

"Little demon, let me give birth to a child for you!" She was tender and tender, her crystal clear skin showed a trace of blush and hotness, the black cat smiled tenderly, her eyes were longing, and so was her body. None of them are as beautiful as the black cat at the moment.

"Silly black cat." The cat demon smiled softly, kissed the alluring black cat, and slowly admired the graceful body, why didn't he want to?
I was seated in an instant, turned upside down, this morning, I was destined not to get up...

(Millions of words are omitted...)
(End of this chapter)

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