The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 400 The Situation of the Fog Continent!

Chapter 400 The Situation of the Fog Continent!

"My lord queen, why don't they come out? And, what are those things outside the house? How can they fly like birds?" A little girl from the elves, her appearance is estimated to be about ten years old, but her real age is estimated It must be dozens of years old, but they are children, minors.

It was already in the afternoon, and the little cat and the black cat still hadn't come out of the cabin. They were obsessed with multiplying, and the mechanical spirits stayed beside the cabin, and they would attack if they approached the cabin and warned them.

The little elf girl came to call the little cat and the black cat once when she was having breakfast, but they didn't respond, and the little elf girl was scared when she saw the mechanical souls, and she didn't dare to approach them.

Go back and report to Huanya, Huanya thought that the little cat and the black cat were resting, so forget it.

At noon, the little elf girl came to bark once, but the cat demon and the black cat still didn't come out. Huanya was in a hurry this time, so she came over to check the situation.

Could it be that they ran away?
It doesn't make sense.

But why not come out?
doing what?
"Don't mess with those guys, they are scary and evil." Huan Ya smiled at the elf girl, stroked her hair lightly, and then let her behind her, the little elf girl was suddenly frightened, Can't help hiding behind Huan Ya, sprouting big eyes and secretly looking at the mechanical soul that has been flying above his head.

So scary?
Huan Ya frowned, do you want to go in and have a look?

Go on!

Huan Ya wants to go in and call Mao Xiaoyao and Hei Mao, because there seems to be bad news coming from the Demon Crack, and there are a lot of demonized creatures on the Fog Continent.

The situation is a bit wrong, the demonized creatures are spreading, she needs to discuss with the little cat, and the materials for sealing the enchantment, the elves have already prepared, and they can leave at any time.

"Do not approach!" A mechanical spirit clan warned, the humanoid mechanical soul, the metal body is the level of a Taoist weapon, they are the personal guards of the little cat, and they only obey the orders of the little cat and the black cat.

The number is not many, only seven, red orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple, only seven, they are the bodyguards of the cat demon who come out day and night, compared with those souls of the soul guide level, they are more powerful a little.

"I'm here to find your leader. I have something to discuss. The situation is urgent. Please go and inform him." Huan Ya is already in a good temper. This is their elf clan's territory. Where is it forbidden to go?

"Wait a minute!" The orange mechanical spirit family made a mechanical voice, without emotion, its way of speaking was very cold, and it seemed that there was no communication. Through the communication system in the body, it had already contacted the cat demon.

"Okay." Huan Ya showed an awkward yet polite danger, and the little elf girl behind her was also a little scared, after all, last night, the cat demon taught them a lesson for the elves.

It is terrible for this outsider, they have a kind of unknown fear, after all, it is from the victory of crossing two realms, and their elves were defeated.

Huanya waited quietly, because she knew the special contact information of Mao Xiaoyao and the others.

The little elf girl was a little curious, curious about the dazed orange machine Eldar, she used spells to control a piece of grass, and the grass was like a soft little green snake, gently touching the machine Eldar.

Suddenly, the orange mechanical Eldar looked back at her, scaring her back to Huan Ya.

Fan Ya shook her head and smiled.

"Please wait a moment, the leader will come out soon." The mechanical Eldar replied, when it was created, it was not without emotion, but it has a mission and cannot play around casually.

Just now, when it looked at the little elf girl, it was actually a normal look. It didn't know why the little girl was afraid of itself.

"Yeah." Huan Ya nodded, then sat on a wooden pier, quietly waiting for the little cat to come out, the little girl froze in place, and the mechanical spirit was also looking at her. ...

Big eyes and small eyes, whoever moves, whoever loses, you don't move, I don't move, neither move.


"Lazy cat, wake up, there are important things to do today, I'm not convenient to come forward, you go to deal with it."

Just now, when the mechanical soul notified, the cat demon had just woken up, and his human physique was a bit weak, but, for the dignity of a man, he still persisted in fighting to the end, not afraid of the wild little black cat.

Beat her "disarmed"!
Then the price is: tired...

The wildness of the black cat is based on her wanting a child, so it is crazy, very crazy, the insistence of the little cat, that is because she does not want to disappoint the black cat...

The result was disastrous!

Back pain and leg cramps, the recovery of the human body is not so fast, and, according to the orange machine Eldar, Huanya seems to be in a hurry to find herself.

Now, the secret of the human body must not be known to outsiders. Some things, it is inconvenient for the little cat to come forward.

"But, I..." The black cat looked resentful, very reluctant, she didn't want to leave at all, what could be more important than reproduction?

"It is estimated that there is a problem with the crack of the demon clan. Don't make trouble. Maybe, with luck, we have succeeded?" The cat demon scratched the cute little nose of the black cat, smelled her forehead, and hugged her, "Are you right?" After working so hard in the morning, if there is no return, Mao Xiaoyao will be very angry, and the Heavenly Dao of Douluo Dalu will be very naughty.

"That's for sure." The black cat blushed, and kissed the soft lips of the cat demon...

The two guys almost forgot about business again.

After a while, he came out.

"What are you doing stupidly standing at the door?" The cat demon wearing the evil cat armor slammed the orange mechanical spirit family in front. Although the evil cat armor was broken, it did not affect the normal wearing function.

Just, flying, attacking, boosting, etc...

Some important functions have lost their function, and the cat demon has no time to repair them, so now he can only wear them to cover up the aura of ordinary humans.

"No." The mechanical spirit clan hurried out of the way without blocking it.

The black cat also smiled, and was very happy today.

However, something happened that stunned the two of them, a little loli suddenly shouted: "Haha, you lost, you moved first, and I didn't move, haha."

The little loli seems very happy. Since just now, she has been staring at the orange machine spirit family. If the orange machine spirit family does not move, then she will not move...

She has been silently guarding the same place, and so has she. Everyone does not move, and the competition begins without knowing it.

The mechanical spirit clan was wronged, it didn't lose, it's just that the leader of the cat demon came out.

"Ah... scoundrel." The little Lolita screamed, and ran away without giving the cat demon and the black cat any face, and ran back to Huanya, with a look of fear.

"???" Mao Xiaoyao was stupefied, he was just wondering who's loli is so beautiful, yet she smiles so cutely?

The black cat is also puzzled.

Suddenly, little Lolita ran away, as if seeing some big villain, but, where is the big villain?
"How can there be villains?" Mao Xiaoyao glanced around, isn't there just a few people?

"Are you bullying others?" Mao Xiaoyao turned around and asked the orange mechanical spirit family just now.

The orange mechanical Eldar shook his head vigorously, how could it be it?Obviously it's you!
"Don't make trouble." Huan Ya signaled little Lolita not to be afraid, got up and said with a smile: "It's really not easy for you to discuss things, what are you doing in the house?"

Little Lolita was still afraid and hid.

Asked like that, Mao Xiaoyao always blushed, but under the armor, he couldn't see anything.

The black cat also blushed.


The puzzled Huanya... seemed to have thought of something, and couldn't help but give Mao Xiaoyao a hard look. He was indeed an evil guy, and he didn't come out because of that kind of thing.

It's too evil!
(End of this chapter)

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