The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 402 Black Cat's Strength!

Chapter 402 Black Cat's Strength!

"Ha ha."

Only two words can represent the mood of the black cat at the moment, she said: "You just saw the demons coming out, but have you seen any demons on the foggy continent?"

"Did you see it when we desperately killed those demons?"

"Ha ha."

When Mao Xiaoyao and her came to the elves, they ordered the troops to deliberately reveal a little flaw when guarding, so that the demons would think they had an opportunity, let the demons rush out, and wipe them out at once.

However, she didn't expect that the demons are very cunning, and they only send out so many demons every time.

So, those demons who came out, can they really escape?
"Perhaps, the demons are hiding and secretly harming the Mist Continent? How do you understand this?" the elder said again. Anyway, there can be no mistakes in the information of their elves, absolutely impossible.

The black cat gave him a supercilious look.

Huan Ya also asked: "Those demons, have they been wiped out? This is the information of my elves."

Huan Ya is also worried, because once those demons come out, they will cause much more harm than demonized creatures.

The Great Elder of the Elf Race who had been listening to the analysis also asked, "Or, those demons who came out were actually released by you on purpose?"

Everyone was stunned.

The black cat smiled, and said, "The Great Elder is still so powerful that he actually saw our intentions." She couldn't see through this Elf Elder, who was very mysterious and sacred, and when getting along, he didn't give people too much pressure, and Mao Xiaoyao also said that this Elf Elder should be the most powerful person on the Fog Continent.

The Great Elder of the Elven Clan smiled lightly, and couldn't help but look at the cat demon in armor. This guy probably had the idea!

It's just, strange, why don't you talk about anything today, just look at it?Are you sleeping?
"How dare you do that?" The elder said angrily, "You still have the heart to laugh, don't you know how dangerous it is to release the demons?"

"It seems that you must not let you guard the crater of Fengmo crater." The great elder said angrily, and the other elders supported him. They must not let these guys of unknown origin continue to guard the crater of Fengmo crater. The fate of the continent is a joke.

"Could it be, let you go? Do you dare? Hehe, let you go in and become a demonized creature, and come out to harm others? You can try it. If a demonized creature comes out, we will kill one."

"The same is true for the demons! If you dare to do that, it's because those demons that we deliberately released have been killed. It's a pity that there are only a few that came out. The demons are still in the crater."

"You go to the crater of sealing demons, I can guarantee that you will become a demonized creature, do you think it is useful to have a high level of strength? Ha ha." General Zhang's tragedy is enough once, anyone who becomes a demonized creature, That's all helping the demons, and the black cat team doesn't allow any threats.

Huanya breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that the demons who had escaped had been killed. It was because the black cat spoke too intermittently that made her so worried.

Seeing that the Ninth Elder was about to say something, Huan Ya immediately said displeased: "Ninth Elder, don't you believe it, a strong man who is stronger than you in the realm, and finally committed suicide, can't stop himself from being demonized. After death, the body remains the same Become a demonized creature."

"Some of the troops who tried to get close have become demonized creatures! Don't talk about the matter of approaching the entrance of the cave. It is the act of a brave man who is not afraid of death. But if you become a demonized creature, then you are a fool." At present, only Mao Xiaoyao and the others The metal clothes he owns can only prevent the intrusion of the devil energy. Other people, unless they can isolate the devil energy, are still useless.

The Ninth Elder was not convinced, their elves are the strongest, he said again: "Then why aren't they afraid of the invasion of devil energy?" Others are afraid, but they are not afraid?Just kidding!How can there be such a thing?

"Tsk tsk." The black cat ignored the Ninth Elder. This person is mentally ill, and he probably needs to let the devil energy invade his mind. That way his brain will be better.

The Great Elder of the Elven Race was also curious, saying that the cat demon who is a lustful evil cat is not afraid, she believes it, but why are other people not afraid?
She was puzzled.

Huan Ya looked at the black cat helplessly, why don't you explain?
"..." Then explain, the black cat let an orange mechanical spirit come in and asked it to take out a pair of ordinary soul guide armor, but she was very strange, why did a little loli come in too?

It seems to be the little loli just now.

The soul-guiding armored family was used as a model, and the black cat immediately explained: "On a continent you don't know, the people on that continent create a spirit body, a soul, that can fuse with people. Providing a soul ring is not like the fog continent where one can have a soul ring by raising one's realm."


"This kind of miraculous spirit body has now become a race. Since they are not afraid of demon energy, they are also the main force in defending against the cracks of the demon clan this time."

Black cats have never regarded souls as slaves or servants, because they have their own thoughts, they can think for themselves, and they can say no or refuse if they are not happy with things!
Living together with the soul beasts is what the black cat wants to see, and what the little cat wants, so there is today's mechanical spirit clan, the mechanical spirit.

Little Lolita nodded, half understanding, it turned out to be like this, but she was quickly taken out, and children are not allowed to play here.

The orange Eldar machine looked at her with a smirk.

"This..." The Ninth Elder couldn't believe it, and the other elders were also talking about it. There is such a race?
other continents?
Could it be that Mao Xiaoyao and the others are other mainlanders?
"I can testify that what the black cat said is true. Moreover, that pair of armor can also defend against evil spirits. I have already bought two hundred pairs. I hope that all the elders will be one of the two hundred warriors. Everyone Let's deal with the army of ten thousand demons together." After thinking about it, Huan Ya is also drunk, why is being a queen so tiring?

The little cat, even you, the queen, and the great elder of the elves, are you afraid of anything?

The Great Elder of the Elf Clan nodded, agreed, and said, "You've done a good job." She looked at her daughter with satisfaction. It seemed that after going out once, she had grown up a lot, and she was able to do business with others, right?
I just don’t know, how much was cheated?

Huanya smiled happily, she was very happy to be recognized by her mother.

The black cat didn't care much and smiled, and then let the orange machine spirit go down, because she could see that there was something wrong with the machine spirit's thinking, it seemed a little careless, and looked outside from time to time.

The Ninth Elders and the others talked a lot, looking at the little cat in disbelief at this moment, could it be that such a pair of armor?

It can actually defend against magic energy?


At the same time, the Great Elder of the Elf Clan also said: "The future of the Elf Clan, please everyone! It's not convenient for me to take action, everything depends on you, this time, you all have to obey the orders of the little cat."

Before the words were finished, a bunch of people objected. Isn't it right that Mao Xiaoyao and the others should obey the arrangement of their elves?

"He is an evil cat!"

In a word, there is silence...

 Thank you, time to erase the memories of the past as a reward of 10000 book coins plus 7000 book coins, mighty and domineering! ! ! !

  After fighting the demons and the little cat is fully charged, it is time to go back to bomb Shrek Academy.

(End of this chapter)

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