The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 403 The troubles of the ancient tree of life!

Chapter 403 The troubles of the ancient tree of life!

"Desire for the evil cat? It's just him..." The Ninth Elder couldn't believe it. He looked at the little cat with some suspicion, and looked at the little cat in armor. He couldn't see it, not at all.

"What do you mean!" the black cat was angry, glaring fiercely at the Ninth Elder, she had endured it for a long time, this Ninth Elder relied on his title Douluo, flaunting his power, always targeting them, what do you mean?
The Ninth Elder hesitated to speak, because the First Elder would not lie to them, she said that the Mao Xiaoyao was, so the Mao Xiaoyao was, but the Ninth Elder was still not convinced, why did they listen to the Mao Xiaoyao.

"I don't have any objections." Huan Ya also said indifferently: "At the beginning, if it weren't for the little cat, our elf army would definitely have suffered heavy losses. It was he who kept persuading us to withdraw, which is why the tragedy did not happen. "

"You should also know about the affairs of the Poole Empire! The prince of the Poole Empire, if he didn't stop the cat demon at the beginning, he insisted on being there, and ended up burying so many soldiers and losing a Limit Douluo. avoid."

Huan Ya still remembers that poor general, helpless in the face of the demons.

"But, let our elves obey his orders, I'm afraid..." The Ninth Elder couldn't accept it. How could their noble elves obey other people's orders?Even an extremely lustful evil cat can't do it, unless the little cat has that strength.

However, the cat demon did not.

"Then do you listen to me?" Huan Ya really wanted to curse, but held back, after thinking about it, as a queen, she should always pay attention to maintaining elegance and not casually curse.

Even if she has a group of pigs under her command, she can only smile and tease people slowly, and she can't yell: "Grass mud horse!"
That's what the cat demon does, it's very uncivilized, she can't learn.

"Naturally, we will definitely obey Her Lady Queen's orders."

"Follow Her Lady Queen's orders."

A group of elders said one after another, Her Lady Queen's orders must be obeyed, no matter what, this is a respect engraved in the bones, and Her Lady Queen represents their elves.

Who dares not to respect, who dares not to obey?
"Remember what you said." Huanya turned her head and smiled at her mother, signaling that she could continue, and she had already taken care of it.

The Great Elder of the Elf Clan smiled and nodded in satisfaction, but the Ninth Elder and the others looked confused, what do you mean?
"Mao Xiaoyao, can you come over with me?"

The things that should be discussed have already been discussed, and there are arrangements for how to do it. Now she has a more important matter that needs the help of Mao Xiaoyao.

The black cat looked back at the little cat with a worried expression, what should I do?It's hard to refuse the words of the Great Elder of the Elven Clan, but the current state of the little cat...

Huan Ya also watched, the Ninth Elders and the others were already ready to curse, what attitude?

"No problem, Great Elder." Mao Xiaoyao suddenly said, stood up gently and opened his helmet, he showed a smiling face, then put away his armor, he has recovered his strength, he is now a demon general, he will no longer be afraid of anyone Contra, he will become stronger and stronger.

Although the side effects of the magic energy are serious, the speed of improving cultivation is indeed very fast. Now that there is so much magic energy in the Misty Continent, Mao Xiaoyao believes that he can definitely do it.

The black cat hugged each other, lying happily in the cat demon's arms. Her cat demon finally regained its strength, alas, it's just... alas, what a pity, she hopes to stay for a few more days, then they...

There was a little disappointment on his face.

The Great Elder of the Elven Clan smiled, and then left with Mao Xiaoyao and Black Cat, Huan Ya also followed, the Ninth Elders and the others went to prepare the troops, and when the matter here was over, they set off for the Demon Sealing Crater.

Decisive battle with the demons!
"Great Elder, but because of that big tree?" On the way, Mao Xiaoyao asked. He had just regained his strength and felt himself full of evil spirits. He also saw the very unhappy black cat, and couldn't help smiling bitterly. It seems that I have to be scolded by the black cat again.

"Yes." When they arrived, the elder of the elves looked at the ancient tree of life, an ancient tree that had survived for an unknown number of years, and said: "The ancient tree of life has begun to appear in a state of dead leaves, which is a threat to us elves." , is scarier than the demons..."

"But, there are so many fruits?" the black cat looked at the ancient tree of life and said, there are many crystal clear fruits on it, they look so beautiful, I wonder if they can eat them?
"Do you want to eat?" Hua Ya smiled, feeling a bit like a big bad wolf.

"What's the matter, what's the difference between this fruit?" The black cat was puzzled, and looked back at Hua Ya who was smiling a little, what's the difference between the fruit?
The cat demon is also curious, could it be possible to raise the realm, tsk tsk, then he also wants to eat...

No, he doesn't want to.


"The fruit that breeds life! Most of our elves are women. Long long ago, we could not reproduce sexually. Later, in order to prevent the elves from becoming extinct, the god of elves brought the ancient tree of life."

"Fruits can give birth to life."

The great elder of the elves looked at his daughter Huan Ya and smiled, "Huan Ya is the child I conceived in the fruit of life with blood essence."

"..." Asexual reproduction?Mao Xiaoyao was a little shocked. This method is a bit like a daughter's country. It is dangerous for passers-by to drink saliva casually.

In other words, children are a personal matter.

"Then, Fanya's father..." the black cat asked a very impolite question.

Huan Ya said indifferently: "The elves only have mothers and never have fathers. As a partner, the child is also a woman and has nothing to do with men." This is normal, having a mother is enough, what do you want a father to do?

Mao Xiaoyao was silent. He didn't just recover his strength quietly just now, he read his notes...

After reading it, I want to scold my father!

Damn it, this turned out to be the note of my dead ghost father...

The text is written in the Yaozu script. Currently, only the little cat can understand it.

It turned out that my father ran to the Misty Continent in order to find the Transformation Pill for himself... He also went through the events of the demon clan and absorbed the magic energy.

The magic energy invaded the mind.

After going out for revenge, he never came back.

This caused the poor cat demon to wander in the lower layers and was unable to transform, and it took more than 2000 years of practice to transform...

From the way the elder of the elves looked at him, Mao Xiaoyao knew that the old dead ghost must have lied to the elder of the innocent girl...


"Ahem, I don't want to eat." The black cat scratched its head, then pouted and looked at Mao Xiaoyao. She wanted Mao Xiaoyao and her own child, not her own child.

"Why?" Huanya was puzzled. The reason why she was so sure was because of the fruit of life. As long as the black cat cultivates it carefully, it will definitely have its own children. !
And, my lord mother will definitely give it...

"No reason." The black cat hugged the cat demon tightly, anyway, she just didn't think so.

"Eh..." Huan Ya is also drunk, what's the difference, aren't they all just a child?
"Then... what do I need to do?" Mao Xiaoyao looked at the elder of the elves and asked, because this elder is very likely to be his father's lover, he has to be careful, after all, the father of the dead ghost will definitely It's doing something harmful to others.

How embarrassing would it be if you retaliated against yourself?

"Purify! You go to absorb the magic energy, come back to the ancient tree of life and let it help you purify." The elder of the elves looked at the little cat like that, and his evasive eyes showed a trace of strangeness and uncertainty.

"It's that simple?" The little cat was confused.

"Well, it's that simple." The elder of the elves looked at the ancient tree of life and sighed, and said: "The ancient tree of life can purify all evil breaths and use them as nutrients for oneself, but the elves are too pure, there is nothing to purify , the only person who can bring back the magic energy, only you can do it."

"Besides, it's good for you to do that. The magic energy doesn't have any side effects on you, and it even regulates yin and yang."

The ancient tree of life absorbs the evil aura in the world and is responsible for purifying it. It can be said to be the nemesis against the evil aura. However, when the evil aura reaches the elves, it is estimated that the foggy continent will be finished. What is the use of absorbing it at that time?

Therefore, the Ancient Tree of Life now needs a container to hold the demon energy, that is: the cat demon. .

(End of this chapter)

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