The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 410 Demon Horror!

Chapter 410 Demon Horror!
The above is in full swing, and the same is true below.

Mao Xiaoyao and Artorst have killed countless demons, until they are soft-handed and covered in scars, Mao Xiaoyao is also becoming stronger and stronger, forcibly absorbing the magic energy, so that his strength reaches the limit. Came to the level of Contra, and, has always been stronger...

Now, he is like a balloon, expanding more and more. He knows that he will explode if he keeps absorbing it, but he doesn't know where his limit is and when he will explode...

With the improvement of strength, if the balloon is inflated, no matter how you blow it, when it is deflated, it will return to normal and it may explode.

After all, the current strength seems to be borrowed, not my own, after all, it is not...

The main body is extremely lustful, I am born to be the king, everything is illusory, that kind of evil momentum is already spreading...especially when killing the demons...

The cat demon can feel herself being excited!
in pleasure...

"Will there be any problems for you? I feel that you are very dangerous now, don't you feel it?" Atolst worried. He was very sad that there were many deaths and injuries among the elves, but they were all warriors. Heroes, no one is afraid.

However, they still didn't get close to the crack of the demons, and they didn't seal the entrance of the crack of the demons, so they didn't count as success, and they couldn't go back.

Still have to kill!

"I need strength, I need to be strong, time does not allow me to think too much, the family is above, and the home is above, I can't back down..." At this time, Mao Xiaoyao brought Atolster and the others to the demon clan At the entrance of the crack, there is a demon army waiting for them.

The mechanical spirit clans, according to Mao Xiaoyao's instructions, planted soul guide bombs in the cave, and at worst they all died together!
Everyone die!
Atolst looked at the powerful enemy in front of him with a solemn face, but he also smiled and said: "Fear is not the style of our elf warriors. Although your strength is not very good, I really want to make friends with you." .”

"I hope, I can have a drink when I go out!" Mao Xiaoyao smiled lightly, hoping to drink...

So does Athols.

"That is the Demon Race Teleportation Formation, if it is destroyed, the Demon Race army will not be able to teleport." Mao Xiaoyao frowned, looking at Hum Huang and several more powerful auras, he is really not absolutely sure now.

It seems that the other party is no longer considering sending ordinary demon soldiers over, but is considering sending some powerful demon masters, such as those few...

The strength of every demon clansman will not be weaker than Heng Huang, and even stronger...

"I know that you elves are good at using bows and arrows. Here is a long sword for you! And these fifty explosive arrow feathers can add soul power. How to use them and how to hit them all depends on your skills." Mao Xiao The demon took out a Taoist bow and arrow, both of Taoist level, and a Taoist long sword, and threw it directly to Atolst. Originally, he wanted to use it himself, but after thinking about it, he would still use the Taoist weapon in the future Soul gun!That thing seems to be a little more domineering and powerful.

However, it can only be used while alive.

Bows and arrows seem to be more suitable for the elves. Seeing that the elves use the soul guide armor as an ordinary armor, Mao Xiaoyao feels distressed. Why don't they use so many functions?
Atolst looked at an exquisite bow and arrow. The mysterious runes were very unique. When he held it, he felt as if he was full of strength. Moreover, with his strength, it was a bit difficult when he pulled it...

How terrifying is this power...

"Don't worry, I'm sure I'll hit every shot. I've never made a mistake." Holding a mysterious Taoist bow, Atolst said with firm eyes. He is a small shooting expert, and he is very familiar with bows and arrows.

"Listen to my order!" Mao Xiaoyao asked the mechanical spirits to prepare hundreds of flash bombs, and hundreds of tear gas bombs. The flash bombs exploded and attacked, followed by tear gas, and then incendiary bombs...

Gas bombs! ! !
Is the volcanic magma erupting? The power of the soul missile is too terrifying. He doesn't want to anger the extinct volcano, let it wake up and become an active volcano. Then everyone will have to finish playing. The troops at the entrance of the cave will be in danger.

Three exploding arrow feathers, blessed with soul power, looked like an expert at first glance, and wanted to launch three at the same time, Atorst had already aimed at the teleportation formation at the entrance of the demon crack, and said: "Already aimed!"

"Okay!" Mao Xiaoyao ordered the flash bombs to be thrown, and the mechanical spirits began to throw them. A blinding flash bomb instantly blinded the demon army who was caught off guard.

Because they had to stare wide-eyed to guard the teleportation array at the entrance of the Demon Crack, maybe their eyes were too wide-eyed, and the result was good! ! !
One by one temporarily blind.

"Launch!" At the moment when the demon army was blinded, three explosive arrow feathers were fired at the same time and hit the entrance of the fissure of the demon clan, and exploded with a bang. The cat demon didn't know what happened.

However, he also ordered the launch of tear gas bombs and poison gas bombs. He must poison the bastards of the demons to death. The tear gas bombs can make the demon army cry and breathe heavily, and the poison gas will make them breathe heavily and die completely Warp...

Then, countless kerosene bombs smashed in, and they didn't need to be ignited at all. As soon as they hit the ground, they shattered, and immediately there was a raging fire burning...

The brief blindness caused by the flash bombs, the tear gas made them cry, and then, the poisonous gas made them hover on the verge of death, and the flame burned them completely...

Everything is so perfect.

Atolst said in shock: "I have a very beautiful sister..."

"No, I have two wives." Mao Xiaoyao also said with a smile, they smiled and looked at each other, the demon army seemed a bit miserable...

However, a powerful demon appeared, and with a wave of his hand, the tear gas and poisonous gas disappeared in an instant, and so did the flames. In front of him, this seemed to be a small trick, and it was simply vulnerable...

Some demon soldiers screamed like they were slaughtering pigs. After they were rescued, they also lost part of their fighting power.

"Work." Mao Xiaoyao and Atolst rushed out at the first time, trying to sneak attack on the powerful Demon Race expert. At the same time, the Elven Race and the Mechanical Spirit Race launched an attack, making up for those demons who did not die. , the battle begins.


"Desperate Evil Cat!" said the powerful Demon Race viciously, an aura that surpassed the level of Limit Douluo erupted from his body... Demigod, this is a powerhouse at the level of Demigod...

"Be careful!" Atolst's complexion changed and he reminded him, but before he finished speaking, he was immediately overwhelmed by more than a dozen demon powerhouses at the Douluo level, headed by Emperor Ha, who couldn't do anything. Group fights, unable to go to help the cat demon...

"I thought that your race had been wiped out by those stupid monster races, but I didn't expect that there was one left on this continent. Tsk tsk, it seems that you know how to get to the Kunlun demon world?" The demigod demon clan sneered He said, the purple wings on the back were neither fast nor slow, flapping lightly, his body was as big as the body of the evil cat, purple bully, with two horns on his head, a bit like a sheep's horn, behind the devil's wings, a powerful breath, It was as if the cat demon could be crushed to death with a single hand.

However, at this moment, Mao Xiaoyao is like a small ant in front of him, it is almost vulnerable...

Moreover, the most unfortunate news is that the teleportation array at the entrance of the demon rift has not been destroyed, and the demonic energy is gushing out crazily, and the strong demon is still coming out...

"Your strength is not allowed in this world, and you will be targeted by this world." A demigod-level powerhouse is no joke, but it seems that such a powerful person will not be allowed to appear in this world, such as , the great elder of the elves, she is like that, she dare not make a move, afraid of heaven...

"To deal with you, why should I use my real strength? What's more, you are just a little evil cat, what danger can you have?"

With a wave of his hand, he hit the purple magic ball and hit the little cat fiercely. In the face of absolute strength, the little cat couldn't resist anything. Bang, he hit the stone wall hard, and spit out a mouthful of black blood...

 It's started, the cat demon has started.

(End of this chapter)

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