The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 411 Inflated Cat Demon!

Chapter 411 Inflated Cat Demon!

"Hehe, Desperate Evil Cat!" The demigod demons laughed, taunting and disdainful, no matter what, the cat demon is no match for him, even if he suppresses his cultivation, he is still a powerhouse beyond the limit Douluo level.

However, the cat demon is just a lustful evil cat that hasn't grown up, it can't threaten him at all, stop it?Just wishful thinking.

Seeing that the leader, the cat demon, was being attacked, the mechanical spirits rushed to the sky one by one, and immediately concentrated their fire to attack the demigod demon. Countless metal bullets hit them hard, preventing the demigod demon from continuing to the next step. Take action, buy some time for Mao Xiaoyao.

A demigod is still a demigod after all. He is not a god, and his physical body has not reached that kind of divine body. He cannot be fearless, and cannot do whatever he wants.

After all, those bullets are Dao artifacts, each of which is refined from very precious materials, and no one has refined them except Mao Xiaoyao, now.They all use this to deal with the demigod demons.

at all costs!
"Damn it." The demigod and demon clan fought hard, using spells, swept away the storm of devil energy, and the storm of devil energy was like a meat grinder, crushing the few mechanical spirit clans that attacked him, completely crushing...

No one has ever injured the demigods so easily, but he couldn't help frowning when faced with the metal bullets from the mechanical spirit artifact, fortunately, it was just an artifact.

If it is above the treasure level, then he cannot ignore this kind of attack.

However, at this moment, at the entrance of the crack in the demon clan, the demonic energy has been gushing out incessantly, crazily, without stopping for a moment.

From time to time, demon soldiers appeared, and the demonic energy continued to spread and never stopped. The demonic tribe seemed to want to let the demonic energy change the entire foggy continent first, and then they slowly devoured it bit by bit...

Due to the restrictions of the heavens in this world, their more powerful army can't get through at all. They barely get a strong man at the demigod level to come over. Discovery, once discovered, will be expelled...

"Damn metal alien, go to hell!"

A strong air current crushed the mechanical spirit race. The demigod demon race hated this kind of technological army that could cause heavy losses to their demon army.

He didn't expect that such a backward continent would have such a technological army, moreover, an army that was not afraid of demonic energy invading the mind.

This is even more annoying, and even the hatred degree is almost the same as that of Desire Evil Cat and Mao Xiaoyao.

So what about cat demons?

Bang, a metal bullet of the level of a Taoist weapon, hit the demigod demon's chest hard. The powerful force made him take a few steps back, and he couldn't help but look at the ruins of the stone wall.

There, there was a guy standing there, a thin and pitiful guy, a seriously injured guy, but he didn't fall down, he was still standing...

"Extreme desire evil cat, even if you have these things, so what if you can hurt me little by little? In the face of absolute strength, your little means are still not qualified." The demigod demon sneered, he was a little surprised, Such a powerful attack just now couldn't kill a little evil cat. This evil cat is obviously weaker than the one back then. It's like the difference between an ant and an elephant. But why do they look so similar?
"Life and death, reincarnation is endless. Either you live or I die. Before you get rid of the demons and take revenge, my little cat will not die so easily, no matter what the price is." Above the ruins, his arm was bloody , the blood was dripping, ten blood-colored elixirs appeared in the blood-filled hands of the little cat, and the blood was filled with them. They gave off a strong medicinal fragrance, and that smell instantly excited the entire demon clan. Looking at it, the eyes are longing...

"Exquisite blood demon pill, at the cost of burning blood essence, a blood demon pill can temporarily double the combat power, but when the effect of the medicine wears off, you will lose all the blood essence and become a waste, and you will die too! "The demigod demon clan was very shocked. He had read the records about the blood demon pill. This kind of horrible medicine is usually used when the monks are at the end of their lives and have nowhere to go...

The secret recipe, none of the demons have it...

It's a banned drug! ! !
Why does this little Lustful Evil Cat possess Blood Fiend Pills, and, moreover, ten?Could it be that this Lustful Evil Cat is a genius alchemist?

The demigod and demons smiled wickedly. It seemed that he wanted to dissect these secrets himself.

"Mao Xiaoyao, don't do this! If you do that, you will die, and now we can just wait for reinforcements." Hearing that the thing in Mao Xiaoyao's hands was so scary, Artorst fought ten demons beyond the level of Title Douluo The strong, don't forget to remind the little cat.

Then the demon race at the title Douluo level is a bit difficult for him, the demon race is a demon race after all, it is a terrifying race...

Moreover, the demons knew very well that they were not afraid of the demon energy, that was because of the soul guide armor on their body, so even though they were attacking desperately, now he was useless.

But as long as you delay the time and wait for the above demons to be resolved, then there will be reinforcements coming down, so that they can deal with those powerful demons...

The demigods, Atolst, were also shocked. He had only seen this kind of terrifying sense of coercion from the great elders of their elves...

The opponent is too strong.

"I know." Clenching the ten top-quality blood demon pills in his hand, Mao Xiaoyao was full of thoughts in an instant. At this moment, he thought of a lot, black cat, Mu Xi, everyone...

However, when everything turned into longing, the cat demon swallowed it in one gulp, and at the same time turned into the main body, lusting for the evil cat, and said coldly: "This guy, leave it to me, you must destroy the demons at all costs ! Above is the family, above is the homeland, we have no reason to back down." The mechanical spirits attacked one by one, not afraid, even if they were smashed to pieces, they would explode themselves. The mechanical spirits wanted to go to help the little cat, but they wanted to go However, the demons stopped them, fighting and killing, both sides suffered heavy casualties...


Of the two hundred warriors of the elves, there are only a few dozen left now, and there are more than 2000 mechanical spirits, and now there are only a few hundred...

Dead, broken, gone...

However, the army of the demons also suffered a lot. The spells and demonic energy they are proud of did not seem to scare the cats and demons. After killing them, the demons also suffered heavy losses. None of the ordinary demon soldiers survived, and they were all guided by souls. Guns, soul guide cannons, soul guide grenades... kill them.

Now, there are only those terrible demon generals left, but those demon generals stopped them and attacked them with powerful spells with punches and kicks...

The most terrifying thing is that demigod demon clan, they can't resist anything at all...

"Hehe, Desire Evil Cat, so what if you took the ultimate blood demon pill, ten times the combat power? But, what do you use to increase so much combat power, just your not so pure blood? Haha. "The demigod demons laughed mockingly, and the demons also laughed mockingly, one by one watching the performance of the little cat and the suicide performance.

Don't they think that with ten top-quality blood demon pills, how much blood essence can a little evil cat burn?

Even if the demigod demons eat the ten top-grade blood demon pills and fight the real gods, there is probably no problem. Let alone the outcome, the demigod demons will be crippled after the effect of the medicine wears off. died.

Even if you survive the catastrophe, the side effects are too great...

"There are yin and yang in the world, and everything has life and death. Come on! Your so-called demonic energy, let me see how powerful it can make me!" Looking at the mocking face with cold eyes, walking forward without fear, the cat demon Unleash the power of the blood of the evil cat, let the whole body empty, levitate...

The demons still watched mockingly.

In an instant, the devilish energy crazily poured into the little cat's body, at a speed visible to the naked eye, the devilish energy was like a surging river, just to flow into the little cat's body...

The face of the demigod demon changed, and he teleported, grabbed the little cat by the neck, and pressed him to the ground...

"Ah!!!" The little cat screamed in pain, his eyes were bleeding red, and the Soul Requiem bell on his neck shattered at that moment...

In an instant, the devilish energy in the entire crater of Sealing Demons disappeared completely, leaving nothing behind...



The heart beat faster, and the uneasy black cat was shocked, and said, "What's going on."

Yan Wuhua just came down, and inside a three-color Bana flower was the head of Emperor Ha. The poor Ninth Elder was a brave and fearless pioneer. He sacrificed, and Yan Wuhua helped him avenge. Down, instant defeat!
The situation outside is also stable. The entire Fog Continent blows the horn of counterattack, and all places are checking for demonized creatures to prevent any remaining monsters...

The United Army also paid a heavy price, with more than half of the casualties before destroying those demonized creatures...

"Could it be a little demon?" The big black cow was also shocked.

They had just connected to the Ancient Tree of Life, and Huan Ya was also in a daze. Could it be that the Ancient Tree of Life could not absorb the magic energy?
Huan Ya was the first to remove the soul guide armor and sense, closed her eyes, and sensed: "Indeed, there is no trace of magic energy..." The only source of magic energy is the army of demons who are still fighting madly with them. gas is gone...

Very strange.

what happened?

Seeing that the Grimace Ape and the Rabbit were still fighting, Yan Wuhua frowned and said, "We need to quickly get rid of these demons, and then go down to support the little monsters. Next, it will probably be even more tragic than here. I sensed two terrifying waves. breath..."

"One strand, it seems..."

It was an aura that was far stronger than her own, and Yan Wuhua was very disturbed, because there seemed to be a lot of titled Douluo level powerhouses in the demon army...

So, could that terrifying aura be...

(End of this chapter)

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