The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 412 Those People!

Chapter 412 Those People!
Black Cat and the others are fighting frantically, trying to go down quickly to support the cat demon. However, the resistance of the demon army will not lose its fighting power because of the death of Ha Huang. After all, Ha Huang is just a scum...

Not the most powerful one...

At the same time, Dai Shu and the others were guarding the entrance of the Demon Sealing Crater. Just now, the queen of the elves, Huan Ya, and the Douluo Yan Wuhua of the other side went down. After going down for a while, the devilish energy near the entrance of the cave disappeared instantly...

The only demonic energy is the corpses of those demonized creatures outside the entrance of the cave, and there is no magical energy coming out of the seal.

Did they succeed?
Dai Shu was puzzled.

"Sister Dai Shu, the demonized creatures outside have been cleaned up almost, but those troops dare not approach the corpses of the demonized creatures, so I want you to send someone to deal with the corpses."

Lin Qingxian also came. Just now, she had been fighting outside to kill demonized creatures, and now she had almost killed them, but no one dared to deal with the corpses.

The corpses of demonized creatures are surrounded by demonic energy. Most people dare not get too close to them for fear of being infected by the demonic energy.

"Well, let the mechanical spirit clan go with you." Dai Shu ordered ten mechanical spirit clan mechas to help Lin Qingxian burn the corpses of those demonized creatures. Thoroughly purify, the devil energy will not exist in the corpse.

Lin Qingxian nodded, looking at the ten big guys, she was suddenly a little excited, the big metal guys, but she glanced at the crater of sealing the magic, and said in shock: "Sister Dai Shu, the magic energy..." The weird and terrifying magic Qi, at this time, did not spread from the crater of Fengmo Volcano, as if it disappeared, there was no magic energy at all...

What is the situation here?

Lin Qingxian looked at it in disbelief, could it be that she was hallucinating?
"As you can see, the magic energy is invisible now, as if it was swallowed and absorbed by something. It is probably Huan Ya and sister Yan Wuhua, but please don't tell anyone, after all, we don't I know if the magic energy will reappear."

Dai Shu frowned slightly, I hope that Huanya and Yan Wuhua have thought of something, I hope, I hope it's not the little cat...

Lin Qingxian nodded, and said with a row of chests: "Don't worry, Sister Dai Shu, I won't tell anyone, and we will definitely win. The conspiracy of the demons will eventually fail." That's right, she also knows the importance of the matter, she won't go out and talk nonsense, one tragedy is enough, and more people can't become demonized creatures.

His Royal Highness, the chief culprit, has now become a prisoner, because his stupidity caused the empire to lose a strong man, a patron saint of the empire, and the whole country is distraught...

are condemning.

How sad that a generation of patron saints turned out to be a demonized creature?

However, all of these are unlucky princes, impeachments are everywhere in an instant, and His Royal Highness is deposed...

However, this time the Poole Empire army sent many masters, commanded by Lin Qing...

The Poole Empire can't afford to lose a stupid commander's mistake. What they need is not a very powerful commander, but they must not be a fool.

Lin Qingxian took ten mechas out to deal with those demonized creatures. At the same time, looking at the crater of sealing the demons, prayed for that evil guy: live!

"Little demon..." Dai Shu looked at the entrance of the cave and shed tears. In fact, she also wanted to go down and fight. She hated the feeling of being behind her all the time. This feeling was really uncomfortable, and she wanted to go down too. Let's fight demons together.

Destroy the demons...


Sun Moon Federation, in front of Mu Xi's house.

Mu Xi had just escaped an attack, and the identity of the assailant is currently uncertain, but the only thing that is certain is that they must all be enemies of the little cat.

"You were sent by the little demon, right? Come out! I've already spotted you." Mu Xi's golden double ponytails fell vertically, a trace of solemn expression appeared on her delicate and beautiful face, and she turned her head slightly to look behind her, There seemed to be no one, and it felt like she was talking to herself, but...

Youlang and Yudie appeared, and they came to Mu Xi's side, shirking each other's responsibilities. They all said that it was the other party's fault, so they exposed themselves...


"Thank you, you have protected me so many times." Mu Xi smiled and said, are these two enemies?It's a bit like when I was with Mao Xiaoyao, when they got along, they kept fighting each other, I really miss it.Damn cat demon, where are you?
did you miss me?
On the ground, the cold corpse disappeared. Mu Xi looked at Youlang and Yudie in shock, they were so decisive and ruthless, it was hard to see that they were so young. (The age of the soul beast?)
"That's the leader's order." You Lang said indifferently, his attitude was very bad, he was pushed away by Yudie.

Glaring at Youlang fiercely, Yudie respectfully said: "It's our honor to protect you." How can I say this, this woman who is also our leader, can you show some respect and be careful that the leader will beat you up?Yudie looked at the wolf with warning eyes.

Very depressed, Youlang said lightly: "I'll go and see if there are any enemies nearby." Looking down at Mu Xi slightly, Youlang left immediately, and he still couldn't get along with humans.

"Madam leader, actually, Spirit Wolf is very good, but he is not used to getting along with humans."

Yudie explained helplessly, while watching the ghost wolf go away and sighing, the mechanical spirits have been around all the time, always vigilant about their surroundings, recently some unidentified people seem to have started to move again, they reported to the leader before, But……

The leader didn't respond, he didn't seem to be in Xingdou Village.

"You can just call me Mu Xi. Don't look at me as older than you. In fact, I'm only 20 years old. I'm a bit old. Anyway, I won't believe the little demon who said he was only 18." Hun Aren't beasts given a long life?Mu Xi smiled lightly, but soon frowned again, yes, life is very long, but what about me?
How many years can you live?

Yudie also smiled, and she suddenly realized that this Mu Xi didn't seem to be a bad woman, no wonder the leader likes it so much, she is really nice and easy to get along with...

"My name is Mu Xi, so what's your name?" Mu Xi opened the door of the house and invited Yudie in with a smile.

"Excuse me." Scratching her head, Yudie nodded and went in. Looking at the house, she froze for a moment and said, "Yudie!" The butterfly in the rain...

"Yudie, that's a good name." Mu Xi smiled, and went to prepare some snacks for Yudie, and asked her what to drink.

When Yudie saw the dim sum, she was a little conflicted.

"Don't worry, I made it myself, it's fine." Mu Xi smiled, and took a bite of the snack. This girl named Yudie seemed a little afraid of herself. Could it be that the snack was poisonous?

Soul beast, are you really that afraid of humans?
"Sorry." Yudie smiled awkwardly, and ate, ate, it was delicious.

"Yudie, tell me, do you soul beasts hate humans very much? After all, we have caused so much harm to you..." Mu Xi was also sitting on the sofa, preparing a glass of juice for Yudie, while holding it tightly. With the cup in his hand, he couldn't take a sip of hot water for a while, looking at Yudie, he was a little concerned about her answer.

Yudie was stunned for a moment, wiped her mouth, and said: "Most of the clansmen escaped from the hands of humans. They were treated cruelly by humans, so they hate humans very much."

"Some, even extermination!" Clenching her fists, Yudie thought of her own people, those poor people who were made of human specimens, and almost couldn't control her anger for a while, and then suppressed it again.

Restoring calm.


Mu Xi's eyes were red and she said, "It's very pitiful, very sad, but those are facts, those things are indeed the terrible consequences caused by their human beings.

 Mao Xiaoyao: I'm cold, where's the lens?
(End of this chapter)

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