The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 414 Bloody battle to the end! !

Chapter 414 Bloody battle to the end! !

The screen returns to the Sealing Demon Crater, below.

The situation is still complicated. Although there is no magic energy, the entrance to the crack of the demon clan has not been sealed, and the magic energy is still being transmitted crazily. However, the target of the crazy output is the little cat.

Transformed into the main body, the desperate evil cat and the demigod demons (at this time, they are beyond the limit Douluo level, suppressing their cultivation, fearing that the order of heaven will be noticed.) Fighting non-stop, the cat demon was not defeated by the demigod demons, nor To defeat the demigod demon clan, the ten blood demon pills burn demon energy and blood essence as energy to support the entire battle of the little cat.

Originally, the Blood Evil Pill used essence and blood as the main price to forcibly improve its cultivation level, but Mao Xiaoyao improved the formula of the pill, and now the Blood Evil Pill mainly focuses on absorbing demonic energy, supplemented by essence and blood...

"Damn you evil cat, you are already crazy, don't you fear death? Ten blood demon pills are enough to burn your entire life." The demigod demons can't use all their cultivation now, and the cracks in time and space are unstable , this place is also unstable, once something is noticed, he will be expelled from the order of the world.

"I can promise you that when our demons control the entire continent, you can be the master of the misty continent, as long as you join our demons."

The demigods have defeated the little cat demon more than once, but he found a problem, no matter how he beat it, the little cat seems to be getting stronger and stronger, without any sign of weakening...

However, the demigods and demons also noticed that the demonic energy at the entrance of the cave had disappeared.

disappear?No, the magic energy flowed into the little cat's body.

Originally, the demigod demons wanted to see where the cat demon's limit was, but now he suddenly didn't want to see that limit, looking, their demon army was trapped in this ghost place and couldn't get out.

Those terrifying metal creatures stopped the advance of the demon troops and attacked the powerful elves. Under the protection of those soul guide armors, they were not afraid of demon energy at all. Now the demons no longer have that advantage.

In the past, others were afraid of the demons because the demonic energy was so terrifying that they could not fight against the demons normally.

However, no matter how much magic energy comes out now, it will be absorbed by the cat demon. Without magic energy, the demons will have no advantage at all.

"I don't have your dream of being an emperor. To rule the Continent of Fog, you think too much. Unless your army of demons keeps coming out, it is wishful thinking. However, in order to teleport you, hehe, it is estimated that the teleportation array can no longer teleport the demons. Are you an expert?"

Claws clawed hard at the ground, the little cat laughed mockingly, turned into its own body, was knocked down again and again, stood up again and again and continued to go back and was knocked down again.

From the pain in the whole body at the beginning to the fatigue and bloodthirsty, now he seems to be numb to the pain. The ten blood demon pills all absorb the magic energy, giving him the strength to fight against the demigods.

The demigod demon clan that suppresses cultivation is now a realm that surpasses the limit Douluo level, and the cat demon who swallows all the magic energy also has that strength.

Moreover, the demon energy at the entrance of the Demon Crack could not escape outside and was absorbed by him.

It's just that the borrowed things are never one's own, and so is the borrowed state.

"Then, you go die!" The demigod demon said angrily, really toasting and not eating and drinking, he manipulated a huge amount of magic energy, turned it into an attack, and smashed black magic balls around the cat fiercely The little demon, the crazy magic ball, wanted to break off the black wings of the cat demon. He had long disliked this wing.

There was a sharp pain from the wings, and the little cat flew at an extremely fast speed, pushing the demigod demon against the stone wall. rub on.

Desperate for the wings of the evil cat, the demigods wanted to break off the black wings with their powerful physical strength.

The little cat seems to be rubbing against him without saving face!
At this time, because there were too many demon elites, Atolst still couldn't come to support the cat demon. On the contrary, the number of their elves was getting smaller and smaller, and the opponent had already begun to destroy the soul guide armor.

Although the magic energy is gone and absorbed by the little cat, the demons can still use their own attacks to injure the opponent and use the magic energy to invade their sanity.

However, there is a problem now, which is good news.

That is, the demonic energy is absorbed by the little cat, so how can the demons replenish the magical energy, and what should they do?

Finally, a titled Douluo demon was killed, but the price was very heavy. More than 100 mechanical spirits were lost. The space in the cave is not large, and most of them are not flying mechanical spirits. Can't beat the demons.


There is hope, and there is death.

Suddenly, the three-colored flowers of the other side, mainly red and supplemented by black and white, came. The soul beast army, the remaining elf troops, human troops, and alien troops joined the battle.

One after another, black mechas fell down, holding black sharp giant swords, and the black cat was at the forefront, killing the demon army, which was not considered a demon army, because the ordinary demon army had basically been sent under the magma.

"What a perverted demon." The little rabbit said in shock. The terrifying guy who fought with the evil cat and cat demon was too powerful. His aura seemed to be stronger than their Douluo Yan Wuhua from the other side.

How to play this thing?
However, she saw Mao Xiaoyao punching each other with a lot of fun. Of course, Mao Xiaoyao was always the one who was knocked down.

"That demon race has surpassed the tolerance of this world. He is just suppressing his cultivation. Otherwise, if he touches people in that field and kills us, he will just wave his hand." Yan Wuhua glanced at the situation in the cave, It was found that there was no trace of demonic energy, but the demonic energy from the teleportation array was absorbed by the little cat at this time, and the terrifying aura on the little cat seemed to be stronger than himself.

What is the situation here?

"Little demon, it seems that he is absorbing demonic energy. His breath is a bit abnormal." Grimacing Ape said, he saw a Demon Race with the Title Douluo level, and without a word, he went up and started fighting! ! !
The big black bull also rushed forward to help and relieve Atolst a little pressure.

"Little demon, here we come." The black cat said, and at the same time, the soul guide machine gun slammed into the demigod demon. The demigod was in pain and turned around to rush over. Front.

However, the black cat found a problem, what happened to those bombs in the cave, the number seems to be...

boom!The other side Douluo Yan Wuhua was slapped flying, in front of the demigod demon, he was slapped flying in an instant, there was nothing fancy, the metal bullet attack from the mecha troop actually hit the demigod demon, but still couldn't hurt anything.

"So strong." Yan Wuhua, the other side Douluo, stabilized his figure, frowned and looked at the dying cat demon on the ground and that very powerful enemy. She couldn't back down! ! !
The demigod demons ignored the black cats and the others. Without the entanglement of the cat demon, he rushed into the mecha unit and began to tear the mecha with his hands. The picture was very scary...

It's like chopping melons and vegetables.

"Damn it, you hit my little demon." The black cat said angrily, ordered the troops to attack with soul guide cannons, laser cannons, compressed energy bullets, etc. ! ! !

The demigod demons were repelled again, and he couldn't ignore so many attacks. His body was not that invulnerable.

Rabbit and the others also went to deal with the Demon Race. Of course, they were basically abused, because the opponent was a Demon Race at the Title Douluo level.

Shoot them away in minutes.


(End of this chapter)

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