The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 415: The Devil Is Yourself!

Chapter 415: The Devil Is Yourself!

The demigod demons were besieged, seemingly weak and besieged, but every time it was Mao Xiaoyao who suffered heavy losses, because they couldn't do anything to such a powerful demigod realm demon.

Even if his cultivation is suppressed, he is still a powerhouse beyond the level of Limit Douluo.


However, at this moment, the cat demon has fallen into an endless void, the cycle of dreams...

"The evil extreme desire evil cat should not exist in this world."

"Things that are not tolerated by the heavens, such as absorbing evil spirits, will definitely be punished."

"You are all enemies of the Kunlun Demon Realm!"


One sentence, one sentence, I don't know who is saying it, anyway, there are many, many, a picture that is despised by thousands of people, keeps appearing in front of the little cat...

A lonely evil cat, he is so small that he will fall down when the wind blows, he has nowhere to go, wandering in the lower level of the demon clan, eating wild fruits, stealing leftovers, being beaten and scolded by others, but he Still strong in the face of life...

That is, the portrayal of the cat demon when he was a child...

One picture at a time, one thing at a time.

"It turns out that I was so cute when I was young. I grew up eating a lot of food everywhere. Damn it, those guys beat me when I was young..."

"After I grew up, I turned into a human form, and I only took revenge for stealing some elixir from them. It seems that I lost money..."

Looking at the pictures one by one, Mao Xiaoyao smiled wryly, that was his childhood experience...

But why?
This is where……

What's happening here?Isn't he fighting the demigods?how come……

Oh yes, he lost.

Although burning essence and blood can make him not know what fatigue is, his body's ability to bear it is always limited. Such a huge power and such a mysterious realm are not his own after all...

"Are you afraid?"

Suddenly, a voice came, very gloomy. In this silent space, it was like a strange light that could not guide any direction. It was either hope or despair.

However, it can make people become cats and demons, so they are not alone!

"Who?" Mao Xiaoyao asked vigilantly, turned his head and looked around vigilantly, but he found nothing, the surroundings were still pitch black, filled with endless fear, only a voice echoed.

"Are you afraid?" The voice still said, how familiar, Mao Xiaoyao couldn't be more familiar, he finally heard what it was...

That was his voice, with a gloomy voice...

At this time, a person appeared, a person who looked exactly like him, but that person was a little different. His whole body was full of evil aura, the evil aura was overwhelming, and the evil aura surrounded him, as if an evil god was alive...

rejected by the world.

It looked out of place.

"How is it possible, you, you..." Stepping back a few steps, the little cat was full of incredulity and fear, what exactly is going on, isn't he in the crater of sealing demons?What about the demigods?Just now, he saw the black cat and the others, where are they now?
"What are you?" The cat demon asked angrily, is someone impersonating himself?It's quite similar, but it's also very annoying to look at, that's what I hate.

One punch, with a fierce punching wind, accompanied by demon power, the little cat hit it hard without saying a word, bang, heavy blow, that person had nothing to do with a smile on his face, but instead, the little cat was like It was like being punched hard in the chest.

Bang, fell hard...

"I am you, you just hit me, just hit yourself, don't run away from the cat demon, you hate me? But you still have to become like me after all, without me, you can't beat that demon, ten Although a blood demon pill can force you to elevate your realm, but your heart is afraid!" That person was laughing, he was laughing, that expression, the cat demon hates it, it is his own expression that hates himself.

That's the look he hated he had become.

He hates that self!
"Let the evil spirit invade your mind! Then, we are the real evil cats, and such evil cats are the most powerful..." The man continued talking, smiling evilly. A demon to go, a demon to fear.

Since Mao Xiaoyao's first battle with Tang Wulin when evil spirits invaded his mind, this heart demon began to appear. The heart demon was none other than Mao Xiaoyao himself. It was the fear deep in his heart...

However, at this moment, the cat demon who looks like an evil god is also the one that the cat demon is most afraid of becoming, and it is also the appearance he hates...

Evil, chaotic, bloodthirsty...

As if the root of all evil!
"Ha ha."


"Tsk tsk."

Mao Xiaoyao suddenly laughed wildly, clutching his chest and clawing hard, his paws dug into the flesh and blood, when he looked at the demon, Mao Xiaoyao was not afraid of anything, watching him mocking himself, as if he was a The clown, the cat demon looked up and down, left and right, and said with a smile: "I thought that I would be very ugly when I became like this, but now, looking at it like this, I don't seem ugly, quite handsome." If you hate it, you dare not face it. Yes, there are too many fetters, and the little cat can't let go. He is afraid of becoming like that, because he is afraid of hurting the people around him, but now the people around him are threatened with their lives.

Then what is he afraid of?
Fear of what?
"What are you talking about, the cat demon? Without me, you can't defeat that demigod, unless you merge with me!" The heart demon was terrified, confident, and full of evil on his face. He was afraid of the cat demon. .

The inner demon, but exhaling is a fear in the heart, a fear deep in the heart.

The cat demon is afraid that evil spirits will invade his mind and become an uncontrollable person. At that time, he will not distinguish between enemies and friends, and will hurt people around him...

However, at the same time, his heart is also longing for such a moment, because at that time, he will be in a stronger posture.

He longs for power.

"Turn into my fear and despair, and become my strength! You will no longer exist, and I will still be the same me, the annoying me."

"Haha, haha." The cat demon looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, the inner demon was frightened, he wanted to run, where did he go?bring it on!cute.

"No..." The heart demon said in fear, he was fear, why would he be afraid...

However, the cat demon absorbed and devoured him bit by bit, and the inner demon turned into the purest power...

At the same time, a voice, like a ray of sunshine, is very bright and just right, slowly shining into this dark space...

"Black cat!!!"

At this moment, outside, the black cat was crying in despair, because the clansmen had sacrificed, and some clansmen were killed by the demigods.

Facing such a terrifying guy, Atolster and the other side Douluo Yan Wuhua and the alien masters and human race masters joined forces, and they are still no match...

The joint army suffered heavy losses, and the remnants of the Demon Race, under the leadership of the Demigod Demon Race, launched a fierce attack...

The only thing that can be limited!Restrictions are just restrictions. No one can stop them except the crazy cat demon, but the huge lustful evil cat is lying motionless on the ground with unknown life or death.

"Hehe, you are just like that! Just now, there was a little guy who tried to use ten blood demon pills to burn his own blood and then devour the devil energy, so as to forcibly raise his cultivation level to stop me. Unfortunately, he lost." The demigod The Mozu sneered, looking coldly at the little demon cat who fell to the ground in the distance, and looked at the lustful evil cat.

In the beginning, the demigod demons were really scared, because he saw a cat demon who didn't know what pain was, a cat demon who was not afraid of death...

It's a pity, the cat demon seems to have lost to himself!

Victory will eventually belong to their Demon Race!Belonging to their great demon clan.

However, Mao Xiaoyao is just a lustful evil cat that has not grown up, very weak, and now the biggest threat is lying motionless on the ground.

"No, he didn't lose, so did we!" The black cat wiped away tears, the armor on her body was already tattered, she looked at the soul guide bombs on the surrounding stone walls, she knew that the little cat must have thought of that step , the step where they all die together.

But are they really hopeless?The black cat looked sadly at the corpses of the clansmen, at the mechanical spirit clan that had become fragments all over the place, and at everyone who was still fighting...

"Hehe." The demigods still didn't care about anything, they looked at the elephant from above, because, in his eyes, the black cat was just a dying person, there was no threat, so why get angry?

"Huanya, Sister Wuhua, take everyone out, away from Fengmo Volcano!" Made up her mind, the black cat said with tears, she didn't want to see her tribe sacrificed again.

Yan Wuhua is working with Atolster and the others to stop the demigod demons!At the entrance of the crack of the demon clan, since there is no cat demon to swallow and absorb, the demonic energy begins to spread in the cave, and the demonic energy reappears...

"Black cat, don't you..." Yan Wuhua communicated through radio communication, and at the same time she looked at those soul guide bombs. Volcano, let's have an endless eruption...

At that time, any creature inside will die... The volcano that comes alive will be angry, and maybe it can stop the demon army from coming...

But for now!

Because, the entrance to the Demon Crack has not been sealed yet.

 Do you love me?

(End of this chapter)

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