The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 416 I was born to be king, everything is false!

Chapter 416 I was born to be a king, everything is false!


"No, it's too dangerous, go out, take the little demon out, I'll do it!" Yan Wuhua, the other side Douluo, was trying to get close to the little cat, but the demigod demons seemed to know what she wanted to do, and didn't give her any help. Whenever she gets a chance, several powerful spells will come to prevent anyone from getting close to the cat demon.

Because, the demigod demons are also afraid that the little cat will come back to life, devour and absorb the magic energy, and then he will be suppressed again. Once he is suppressed, his subordinates will have no way to stop Atolster and the others.

However, there is good news now, that is the issue of soul power replenishment, the surroundings are now full of magic energy, and the black cats cannot replenish soul power...

They will only get weaker and weaker, and finally without the supplement of soul power, they will not be able to resist.

Soul guide armor can help them though.

However, at that time, it was no longer dominated by the soul guide armor, and the lost soul guide armor was a burden instead. Instead, the elites of the demon race who had the magic energy to replenish them would become even stronger.

"Let me go! My life was given by the little demon, so let's repay him." Grimacing Ape also said, after living for so long, 10 years, he has seen too many life and death partings, and he has seen many, Also experienced a lot.


The only pity is that he can't take revenge. He still can't forget what happened in the East China Sea Spirit Pagoda, and he will never forget it, even if he dies.

While everyone was arguing about which one to go, the black cat's mech stopped in place, controlled by a mechanical Eldar.

However, her people had disappeared, and she was very fast, and in an instant, she appeared beside Mao Xiaoyao.

It was so fast that the demigods didn't notice anything, and the demigods were stunned. What kind of speed was that?

Seeing the black cat appear, without any protection, her armor was badly damaged.

The demigod raised his hand to see a big purple demon hand, filled with huge demon energy, and grabbed the black cat fiercely. This seemed to be the leader, "Hehe, it's just you? What do you want to do? It's very fast. So what, you can't move a body as big as Ji Lu Xie Mao by yourself."

"Poor." The demigod demon taunted, looking at the black cat who tried so hard to hug the little cat but couldn't hold it, he wanted to laugh, how pitiful and weak.

It is obvious that coming in is to die, but it consumes so much soul power to come in, it is simply a fool, so what now?How can she get out when her soul power is exhausted?
The demigod demons, who have seen the end of the black cat, will be crushed to death by her! ! ! !


One after another, the three-color Bana flowers, the Bana knows life and death when they bloom, they block the big purple devil's claws.

"Damn it!" The demigod demon clan was angry, and looked back at Yan Wuhua, the other side Douluo, and then ordered a demon clan at the title Douluo level to kill the black cat. He wanted to kill these sneak attack guys.

It's a shame, isn't it?

Yan Wuhua, Douluo of the other side, said: "To cover the black cat, the wheel set can't let this guy go, even if she dies, we will drag her to die together!!!"

She has to protect the black cat and the little cat demon. The demigods are very strong, but they still don't fear anything. Life and death, reincarnation is endless, but it's just the next reincarnation.

The remaining mechanical spirits charged forward one by one, and the spirit beasts were not afraid, that was their leader, that was their boss! ! !

The same is true for aliens, humans, and elves. They are very united in the face of catastrophe.

No girl is afraid of the black cat, so what are they afraid of?
Isn't it just death?

kill! ! !

"Damn race, a group of lowly guys, go to hell!" The demigods and demons said angrily. The mechanical Eldar who are attacking.

Those were the attacks that he couldn't ignore. Those attacks made his scalp tingle, and the combined army with such high morale also made him feel a little uneasy. Why are they not afraid of death?

Could it be that he is not strong enough?
Or, with so much magic energy, why can't they see it?

what's going on?
Could it be, just for a guy whose life and death are unknown, and a little girl?

"Hehe, so what about the high morale? I will tell you, what are you people in front of absolute strength? Hehe." The demigod and demon clan alone fought against Yan Wuhua and the others without any effort, just like Like an adult beating a child, with the blessing of endless magic energy, he became even stronger.

The demon elite is also full of energy, because, on the side of the United Army, some soul guide armors are broken, and the demonic energy invades the mind, and there are also a few demonized guys. Now, they have become demonized creatures...

Before, in order to avoid becoming a demonized creature!Those who know that they are infected with magic energy or are about to die, all blew themselves up with armor and self-cultivation, and they know all these things
blew up...

Boom, boom, boom, explosions, let the demon elite finally know why their demon army was defeated so quickly...

Facing such a group of guys who are not afraid of death, they already felt deep fear, because those people would rather die, die to pieces, than become demonized creatures...

"Hehe, what's the use of self-explosion for a group of humble things? When the demonic energy spreads here, your family and friends will all become demonized creatures, and will become slaves of our demons from now on, ahaha." Laughing wildly, Douluo Yan Wuhua from the other side was severely injured, his internal organs were displaced, and other people were also lying on the ground, dying. At this moment, none of them were opponents of the demigods and demons.

Unless, like Mao Xiaoyao, he possesses ten Blood Fiend Pills to burn blood essence and forcibly increases his cultivation by ten times to fight against the demigod demons, otherwise, it is impossible to win.

However, ten Blood Fiend Pills is already the limit, and the cat demon can't refine that many. Some materials are not enough, or even not. Some materials are basically obtained from the elves...

very precious.

If each of them took one or two of them, it would probably be able to kill the demigods and demons.

However, the price is: they may die!If you don't die, you will also lose your cultivation. After all, you have become an ordinary person, a useless person...

"Your realm has not reached the realm of invincibility, and you are deliberately suppressing your cultivation. So you are also afraid." Huanya saw that the demigods did not kill them, and she suddenly thought of a question. Are the demigods merciless? , but deliberately leave a little spare power.

After all, people who have reached their level will be afraid of one problem: the order of heaven! ! !

"Hehe, so what if you know? Suppressing your cultivation can still defeat you, but now you all go to die!" Seeing several mechanical spirit clans protecting the cat demon and the black cat, one of the demigod demons The spell, tearing the air, turned into sharp blades, cutting the body of the mechanical spirit race instantly, just like cutting tofu, and the mechanical spirit tribe turned into pieces, very easily...

"Little demon, black cat." Huan Ya and the others were anxious and worried, but it was useless and there was nothing they could do, because those elite demons had found them who were seriously injured...

Seeing those mechanical spirits die in front of her, the black cat wept sadly and desperately. With her small arms, she couldn't move the cat demon. The cat demon's body remained motionless, as if she had lost her heartbeat...

"Thank you!" the black cat cried in despair, and didn't think about living. The little cat is his world, and the little cat is everything to her. If the little cat is dead, then what's the point of her being alive?
"Hurry up and get out! In 5 minutes, this place will explode, and the volcano will erupt..."

Turning into the main body, the little dark night cat demon, and the black cat are also quietly lying on the cat demon's body, at least they are together at this moment, and the countdown has begun...

5 minutes……

After 5 minutes, the resulting explosion can cause the crater of Fengmo Volcano to erupt, destroying all creatures inside...

 Will the cat demon die?Where is the black cat?

  la la.

(End of this chapter)

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