The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 426 Absorb Soul Power and Devour Martial Soul!

Chapter 426 Absorb Soul Power and Devour Martial Soul!

"Smelly brat!" The evil soul master in the windbreaker, covering his wound on his chest, took out his soul guide gun and attacked the little bear. He didn't expect that a girl who loves to drink would be so scary?
I am Contra, how could I be injured by a punch by a little drunk?

Is this a bit unrealistic?
"Be careful, don't use your body to resist, use your soul power." Although he doesn't know how powerful the little bear's body is, Mao Xiaoyao knows that the power of the soul guide gun cannot be underestimated.

The demons all died because they looked down on soul guns and soul weapons, and as a blacksmith who knew soul tools, Mao Xiaoyao naturally would not underestimate any soul tools.

Although Xiaoxiong didn't know what Mao Xiaoyao was talking about, but when she saw the strange metal flying towards her, and the speed was as fast as lightning, she immediately strengthened her physical body...

Touch, bang, bang, it hurts...

The metal bullet hurt so much, the little bear was angry, if this powerful force is not defended in time, then...

Bang bang bang again?

This time, the little bear had no defense, a thunderbolt force defeated the bullets, and at the same time attacked the windbreaker evil spirit master. Needless to say, Mao Xiaoyao sometimes talks nonsense, but he knows a lot.

But isn't he an evil soul master?Why not help the evil soul master?This profession, there used to be, is composed of some evil guys.

"Damn! Go to hell!" Seeing a guy in a wheelchair talking so much nonsense, wearing a windbreaker and an evil soul master, a soul skill with evil aura came to attack...

Little Xiong strode to protect Mao Xiaoyao, but Mao Xiaoyao said: "Get out of the way, let him hit me!"

Little Bear was full of doubts, what do you mean?Want to court death?However, she thought about it, and she could redeem rewards even if she died, so she stepped aside...

A big evil hand, full of evil power, grabbed the little cat and grabbed his neck, trying to strangle him to death. The evil soul master in the windbreaker couldn't stop laughing, and said, "Hehe, you're an idiot."

"Don't move around, otherwise, I'll kill him, and everyone in the car will die." The windbreaker evil soul master threatened the lives of Little Bear and Mao Xiaoyao with the lives of the humans in the car.

Mao Xiaoyao looked happy and comfortable, "Xiong, go and throw those twinkling things out, and try to find them in the carriage." It's so comfortable, what a comfortable feeling, hard, hard, hard , Seeing those evil spirits burning himself bit by bit, Mao Xiaoyao was very excited and happy.

so hi.

"If you find a few people like this, don't kill them, leave them to me!"

"Huh..." Although she didn't know what was going on, Xiaoxiong still followed the method that Mao Xiaoyao said, because she thought that Mao Xiaoyao was going to die, but she didn't die, but instead enjoyed it, a little disgusted...


Little Bear started to pick up bombs, beating up a few evil soul masters casually.

"You, you, you..." Seeing the soul power on his body, even the martial soul was devouring bit by bit, the face of the windbreaker evil soul changed and he became frightened, wanting to let go of the little cat and not attack, but he found that I can't cancel that soul skill, and the power in my body is disappearing bit by bit...


"Are you afraid? Let me ask you a question. If you answer well, I can let you go." I have never been so satisfied. It turned out that such a little bit of evil spirit turned out to be so good. Mao Xiaoyao smiled and asked: " Where did those soul guide bombs come from? Tell me!"

devour evil
Evil soul masters are full of evil energy, which can just be devoured. The cat demon is simply their nemesis. For the cat demon who is in urgent need of strength to restore his body, every evil soul master is a tonic, soul power, and martial soul. are supplements.

It is more nourishing than the old hen.

Fuck?Want to blow yourself up?The cat demon's complexion changed, the other party's expression was wrong, he almost devoured it, threw it away, and using the evil energy to rebound, the cat demon threw the windbreaker evil spirit as far as possible.

boom boom boom...

The power of the explosion still smashed the little cat to the ground, and a hole leaked in the carriage...

Lying on the ground, unable to move, and the wheelchair is on the ground...

"Damn it, when I come back to Shrek City, I must invent a soul-guided armor that can be controlled by the soul." Lying on the ground, he came to an inelegant posture, with his butt up and his head on the ground, the little cat lay in a very embarrassed state, He almost forgot that the evil soul masters were a bunch of lunatics, and they couldn't ask anything at all.


Suddenly, Mao Xiaoyao looked at him, why is he far away from the ground, what do you mean?
After taking a look, I found that a young woman hugged herself and put herself on a wheelchair. There were tears on the woman's face, as if she had cried...

Some people still held their heads, not daring to move.

"Thank you." Mao Xiaoyao said, he was put back on the wheelchair, and the woman helped him fix it again.

"Aren't you afraid of me?" Just now, the aura on my body was even more terrifying than that of the evil soul master. Those people on the ground were afraid because of this reason. They didn't dare to look up, but cried with their heads in their arms.

"He killed my husband. It was me. I should thank you." The woman said with tears. Behind her was a beautiful three-year-old girl, carved in pink and jade, with a very long braid. She was afraid to look at the little cat , the appearance of red eye circles, really makes people feel distressed.

"Mom, is Dad sleeping? It's so cold on the ground, let him get up." The little girl blinked her eyes and said, she didn't know why, her tears couldn't be controlled, and she wanted to cry...

Holding her daughter who didn't understand anything, the woman wept bitterly. Looking at her husband who was lying in a pool of blood, she couldn't hold back her tears anymore.

"Contact the nearby federal army and let someone come to the rescue!" Mao Xiaoyao said calmly. This scene makes people look uncomfortable. After all, he is not a person who can be cruel. What's wrong?
He then controlled the wheelchair to leave the carriage. This carriage was safe for the time being, because both the evil spirit master and the bomb had been removed.

Little Bear did not kill those evil soul masters. After being disabled, the little cat absorbed them one by one to prevent self-explosion. He absorbed them very quickly and did not dare to resist.

Carrying a big sack, Little Bear waited in the last carriage for the cat demon to absorb the last evil soul master. Although she didn't know what skills the cat demon practiced, this kind of guy who devoured other people's soul power and martial soul must definitely it won't be a good thing...

"Look, those red numbers, what are they?" Mao Xiaoyao just absorbed the last evil soul master, a huge soul power and martial soul, a special power, and he also got good news...

The fingers finally reacted little by little, and they could move a little bit...

This is the breath of recovery, so it means that he can recover...

Little Bear opened the sack, glanced at it, and said calmly: "10, what's the matter, now it's 9...8..." The numbers are changing, what does this mean?


"Quick! Throw it away, it's going to explode!" The little cat's complexion changed, forget about the fucking one, how did he pick up a sack, didn't he let the little bear throw it away?What's going on, I picked up so many...


Although he didn't know what was going on, Little Bear still casually threw it away...

Suddenly, boom...

The terrible explosion blew up and flattened a forest...

 Boom boom boom!
(End of this chapter)

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