The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 427 Goodbye Tang Wulin and the others!

Chapter 427 Goodbye Tang Wulin and the others!
"Damn it, you didn't say it earlier!" Little Bear was so startled that he dropped the wine bottle. The explosion was so powerful that the little cat asked her to pick it up one by one. Wasn't this going to kill her?She was so angry that she slapped Mao Xiaoyao, especially in the face...

"I was wrong, I was wrong, let's go, otherwise, when the federal army arrives, we won't be able to explain clearly." The cat demon begged for mercy, since the little bear is terrible.

Just now, some people saw that they were devouring the evil soul master. If they continued to stay in this place, they would definitely not be safe.

Only the head is conscious, and the hit is all on the head, it hurts...

"Hmph!" Xiaoxiong snorted coldly, then gave up, pushed the wheelchair, and glanced at the slowing train.


? ?

Where did the blue silver grass come from?
"It's over!" Seeing the appearance of the Blue Silver Grass, the cat demon changed his face and sighed heavily. The annoying guy he didn't want to face finally appeared after all. This kind of fate is really unlucky for eight lifetimes.

Countless blue silver grass, very flexible, like octopus tentacles, wrapped around the entire carriage. Suddenly, a familiar star power landed on the soul guide train. The train stopped instantly, and the people in the train were also killed. Hold on, the federal army is coming...

"We are students of Shrek Academy, everyone, don't be afraid." Tang Wulin's voice was very loud, so familiar and pleasant. He hadn't heard it for a long, long time. Mao Xiaoyao touched a lot. It was the first time he heard it when he came back alive. I think, monster...

What a fucking fuck.

Tang Wulin, Xie Xie, Xu Xiaoyan, Yuan Enhuiye, Lezheng Yu...they just came back from training in Devil's Island. On the way back, they happened to see a distress message, so they came to save people.

Looking at those blue and silver grasses, Little Bear frowned, couldn't help but looked at Mao Xiaoyao, and said, "What should I do? Do I want to fight?" She had just entered the human world, and she unconsciously formed a habit, that is, what to do, You have to ask this unknown cat, it may be intuition.

"You're a drunkard, I'm a cripple, keep it that way." The cat demon looked at the surrounding blue silver grass in disgust, wishing to set it ablaze, "Help me through this difficulty, I won't treat you badly, I know, You don't believe my identity, but I hope you can help me again." The Shrek Academy student, Mao Xiaoyao, is a little afraid of this confused little alcoholic, so he sold himself to Tang Wulin...

That's embarrassing.

Then he would rather die than let Tang Wulin feel sorry for him.

"Because you haven't lied to me once, I can help you, but we have to settle our debt slowly. After all, you owe me your life." Little Bear opened a bottle of wine and took a big gulp. Her old house is gone, and now she is homeless, and another generous reward has fallen from the world, which made her leave the place where she has lived for so long, and she has also seen the changes outside...

The most important piece of information: the soul beasts are going to be extinct... She doesn't really believe it. How could such a powerful group of soul beasts be extinct?
So, she decided to investigate those things. No matter how drunk she was, she was also a soul beast. Now that she got this news, how could she be calm?

Soon, the federal army also came, the passengers were all rescued, the corpses of the evil spirit master and the victims were carried out, and all the personnel came out.

The federal army cooperated with Tang Wulin and the others. They were asking the passengers what happened. The answer of each passenger was that a ten-year-old girl and a boy in a wheelchair were the ones who took care of the evil soul master. .

At the same time, Tang Wulin and the others also learned a terrible piece of information, that young man can devour evil soul masters, which sounds a bit scary...

How to devour?

"Boss Wu Lin, did you find anything there?" Xie Xie glanced at the crowd, there seemed to be no ten-year-old girl or any boy, let alone a boy in a wheelchair...

Hearing what people said, that guy can devour evil soul masters, and he is probably a dangerous person. Tang Wulin frowned and said, "Xiaoyan, Lezheng Yu, did you find anything?" But as a couple, Xie Xie and Yuan En Huiye are also lovers, but where is his Gu Yue?

Na'er wasn't there either.

The little cat is also missing.

(Cat Demon: ???)

Xu Xiaoyan shook his head, "I didn't find anything."

Lezheng Yu also shook his head.

Tang Wulin was a little confused. Could it be that those two guys can't leave?
Suddenly, he was attracted by a strange combination.

A drinking uncle, a daughter lying on the ground... (The uncle is Xiaoxiong, and the daughter is Mao Xiaoyao. They both use the demon camouflage technique to change their appearance, which is the demon spell taught to Xiao Xiong by Mao Xiaoyao.)
"Uncle, may I help you with anything?" Tang Wulin stepped forward and asked, the girl lying on the ground was very beautiful, her skin was very fair, and she looked a bit like his little brother...

Sigh, I don't know where my little junior brother is now, and what are those guys who slander my junior brother trying to do?

Why keep smearing him!

Uncle Xiaoxiong didn't have time to speak while drinking, but the daughter Mao Xiaoyao on the ground cried loudly, saying: "We lost all our money and everything, and we can't go to Shrek City, blah, blah..." Cat Xiaoyao Crying as soon as you say it, that's miserable, imitating a female voice, it's just too coquettish, the actor of Douluo Dalu.

"Pfft..." The drinking uncle Xiaoxiong spit out his wine and spit on the little cat...

"Uncle, don't get excited."

"Sister, don't cry, don't worry, we just stopped by Shrek Academy, you can go with me." Tang Wulin said, it's so miserable, hateful evil soul master, he looked at this girl The child's state seems to be that the whole body is paralyzed.

so pathetic...

Moreover, my father seems to be an alcoholic too...


Endured, endured, endured the wine on his body, the cat demon continued to pretend to be pitiful, and gained Tang Wulin's trust, relying on his ability to cry and talk nonsense.

Bear was also arranged to be a drinking dumb!He is the father of the little cat...


What a strange combination.

"Captain Qi, then we have to go back. If you find out about the situation of those two people, please tell us." Tang Wulin and the others are going back to Shrek Academy to report. The matter here can only be handled by the federal army. They are also relieved , in fact, they did not exert much effort. When they came, the evil soul masters were already lying on the ground, and their dead faces were distorted and terrifying...

Captain Qi nodded, "Thank you for your help." Shrek Academy, it's amazing, with Shrek Academy here, then their Sun Moon Federation's talents will be stronger with each generation.

Who dares to provoke?

Tang Wulin and the others left.

Starting off in the soul guide car, Mao Xiaoyao and Xiao Xiong naturally hitched a ride and went straight to Shrek City.

When Tang Wulin and the others left, a three-year-old girl scratched her head and said in confusion, "Mom, that uncle just now looks a lot like that older sister. They all like to drink, sip after sip."

The mother was startled, and then she covered her daughter's small mouth and kept silent, signaling her not to speak.

However, Captain Qi has already heard, drinking?Strange combination, isn't it...

Captain Qi's face suddenly changed, and he immediately asked his men to check the passenger information to see if there was any information about the two people just now.


 The lovely Tang Wulin is back.

(End of this chapter)

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