Chapter 428 Shrek City!

"Sister, what's your name?" Tang Wulin was the only one in the soul guide car.

The two soul beasts, Mao Xiaoyao and Xiao Xiong, Xie Xie and the others couldn't stand the smell of alcohol. They were sitting in another car. Although Tang Wulin didn't like the smell of alcohol, it didn't affect his choice to help. .

"Mao Xiaoyao!" After thinking about it for a while, the little cat suddenly had a bad taste. He deliberately wanted to disgust Tang Wulin, but Tang Wulin definitely didn't find anything. After all, Tang Wulin couldn't think of saving just anyone. It is the cat demon herself in female disguise.

Tang Wulin smiled and said, "Good name." He originally wanted to ask the drinking uncle behind him, but when he found that the uncle had fallen asleep with the bottle in his arms, he kept laughing foolishly...

Only "Mao Xiaoyao" who was sitting in the driving seat kept looking at him...

"Where's brother? Brother, what do you call him?" Lu Manman was a little bored, and Mao Xiaoyao chose to tease Tang Wulin. Otherwise, when he was upset, it would be easy for evil spirits to invade his mind, and it would be troublesome at that time, so he had to stay happy.

Tang Wulin introduced: "Tang Wulin, Shrek Academy, a student of the inner courtyard."

"The ones just now were all my classmates and friends. We just came back from military training." Suddenly, I was a little embarrassed. He thought for a while, this elder sister was paralyzed and unable to move, it was a little pitiful, so what would she do in the future?

"Tang Wulin? Can I call you Wulin?" Mao Xiaoyao resisted a disgusting smell. The name Wulin is too disgusting...

Tang Wulin smiled and said, "Yes." A healing smile, beautiful and holy.

CNM, it's that damned smile again, Mao Xiaoyao wants to scold people, what he hates the most is Tang Wulin's smile, foul, as if everything can be purified and everything can be forgiven.


Along the way, Mao Xiaoyao kept disgusting Tang Wulin in order to satisfy his own evil taste. However, after being disgusted for a long time, he found that Tang Wulin didn't feel disgusted at all, instead, he was disgusted by himself.

"Goodbye, brother Wulin."

"Goodbye, little sister Yao."


When the time came, Tang Wulin insisted on sending Mao Xiaoyao back, but it seemed useless for Mao Xiaoyao to refuse. After all, Tang Wulin couldn't leave her sister alone.

Mao Xiaoyao had no choice but to find a place to go down, saying that this was his destination, and Tang Wulin left at ease.

Tang Wulin and the others went back to Shrek Academy to report.

"Don't you feel sick? Sister and brother, I'm going to vomit."

"Me too."


At this time, Mao Xiaoyao was sitting on a park chair. The wheelchair had been lost long ago, in order to prevent Tang Wulin and the others from suspecting anything.

Next to him, Little Bear was still drinking, "What do you want to do now, let me exchange rewards, or you said, give me rewards?" Shrek City, Shrek Academy, is 1 years really a long time?She almost forgot about this place.

This place was not that big before, and there were not so many high-rise buildings. Could it be that I came to the wrong place?

"Take me to a place, you help me find something, then you will naturally understand, but now, we can't wander around in Shrek City." Mao Xiaoyao thought of a thing, that is - Sky Eye Satellite, That is the machine Eldar responsible for monitoring humanity.

Each Sky Eye satellite is a mechanical spirit family, a normal basketball size, who has been above the sky for a long time, and the position of each Sky Eye satellite is known to the cat demon, and the weakness is also known.

Through the Sky Eye satellite, he can contact the million-year-old soul in the underground base——Iron Tiger, without disturbing any soul beasts, and get what he wants.

Little Bear, who just learned how to hail a taxi, drank and murmured, but no one wanted to talk to her all the time. It was disgusting, and finally called a taxi.


At the same time, on Tang Wulin's side, Tang Wulin suddenly received a communication: "What, Captain Qi? Did you find anything?"

"We just found out that the two people who were traveling with you are probably the suspects we've been looking for..."

"Because there is no information about them in the car."

"The uncle who loves to drink is the same as the girl who loves to drink..." After arriving late, Captain Qi finally went online and told Tang Wulin something.

However, when Tang Wulin came back to his senses, Mao Xiaoyao and Xiao Xiong had already left and disappeared into the sea of ​​people...


Tianyan Satellite, because of being "betrayed" by the cat demon, was naturally caught by the little bear, and the Tianyan satellite also recognized the identity of the cat demon.

"Boss, why do you..." The Sky Eye satellite image is very simple, round and round, like an eye, they hide in the sky where people's soul guides can't detect, as for how to get it down, the leader Mao Xiaoyao has no idea. Morality, almost ruined others.

Almost let people lose the flight function!
"Something happened, remember, don't alarm anyone, contact Tiehu, let him send little blue and little green to pick me up, act secretly, keep it secret!" Mao Xiaoyao ordered, now he doesn't want anyone to know, except himself The body regains full consciousness, otherwise, he...

He will not let others know that, in fact, he is still alive.

Tianyan Satellite said: "Can't the boss of the black cat do it too?"

Mao Xiaoyao said directly without thinking, "No, you can tell Ye Tiehu when you go back, you can't tell anyone, only Xiaolan and Xiaolu." The Sky Eye satellite nodded, then took off and went back to the underground base.

Heaving a sigh of relief, Mao Xiaoyao just waits where he is, and someone will come to pick him up after a while.

"I really admire you guys. Now, there is no need for a carriage, and the house has become so beautiful." At this time, they were on a mountain, and Xiao Xiong was looking at the scenery of Shrek City below. When she came here before, she might not have been so gaudy. In a green world, at that time, people's life was very simple.

Shrek City is not that big.

"Change, maybe it's not so good." Sitting under a big tree, the cat demon said to the little bear, "Now, I officially invite you to my place. Do you dare to go?" Having been together for so long, this The guy who is addicted to alcohol is probably not as suspicious of his identity as before.

"Why don't you dare? The big thing is not good, I can kill you first, anyway, you can't resist, you are just a cripple." Bear laughed, Gululu took a sip of wine, she was also curious, this cat demon What is his identity? Could it be that he is really an evil soul master?

Not like ah.

Why did the evil soul master kill the evil soul master?

However, that kind of devouring method is really evil, no wonder it was hunted down by others.

"Yeah, I'm a cripple." Mao Xiaoyao raised her head and smiled, she was just a cripple, what threat could she have?

Here comes, a suspended soul guide vehicle lands, and two mechanical spirit clans come down, respecting: "Boss!" The cat demon is very familiar with these two mechanical spirit clans.

Absolutely loyal!

That is, the existence of the secretary, the names are: Xiaolan, Xiaolu, humanoid soul, blue, green, the color is like the name.

"Boss, you..." Seeing the downcast appearance of the little cat, Xiaolan said angrily, "Who hurt you like this?" ?
Little Bear rolled his eyes, what's the matter?
"Something happened in the Mist Continent, didn't you alarm anyone?" Mao Xiaoyao asked, seeing that it was Xiaolan and Xiaolu, he felt relieved, at least it wasn't Snake Seven and the others coming out.

Xiaolu replied: "Elder Tiehu sent us out, and no one was alarmed. Deacon Hu Lili is also in the underground base, how about..."

Hu Lili is in the underground base, and now she is in charge of managing the underground base.

Mao Xiaoyao shook his head and said: "I have a problem with my body. Before I recover, the black cat can't tell, and she can't either." He can't let the black cat and the others be happy for nothing, but finds a crippled self.

"This is my friend, she is also a soul beast, and at the same time, she was the one who saved me." Mao Xiaoyao introduced.

"Thank you for saving our leader." Little Blue and Little Green said respectfully, without any disrespect, they sincerely thanked Little Bear.

Their intelligence will not be lower than that of any human being, and their intelligence has been raised to the extreme by the little cat.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be Mao Xiaoyao's deputy in the underground base.

"Do you have any wine?" Little Bear smiled slightly, and suddenly burped, smelling like wine, but Xiaolan and Xiaolu couldn't smell it.

"..." Xiaolan and Xiaolu were confused.

The suspension vehicle took off, and soon the cat demon and the little bear entered the underground base secretly. Now Hu Lili, who took over the management of the underground base, did not know that the cat demon they had been looking for had returned...

 Crippled cat demon,

(End of this chapter)

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