Chapter 429 No. 9527!
Shocked, stunned, wait...

Little Xiong, who was originally drunk, started wowing non-stop when she entered the underground base, it was amazing, and she finally saw the soul beast...

Alive, not dead.

Some soul beasts with weak cultivation bases obviously have not reached the cultivation base of transforming form, so why can they transform into form?
Could it be that since I haven't been to the outside world for so long, this world has completely changed?
Can transform into form in less than 10 years?
Usually, only Mao Xiaoyao and the black cat can enter the office dedicated to Mao Xiaoyao. Even if Hu Lili manages the underground base now, she still cannot enter here.

Tiehu didn't give in.

At this time, Little Bear passed through this place, through the glass, and saw the humans working below, as well as some soul beasts, but the atmosphere was a bit wrong...

How do you feel, soul beasts are enslaving humans?
What morals?
"Boss, why are you in such a mess? Who hurt you like this?" asked Iron Tiger, the million-year-old soul. It was formed by collating countless tiger-type souls and souls of beasts and forcibly fused them together.

Before Mao Xiaoyao meets it, which fusion must die, moreover, it is very unstable, with countless components making it in chaos, not knowing what its position is.

It wasn't until the cat demon appeared and absorbed all its chaos that it was where it is today.

The real million-year soul, 10-year soul technology, the cat demon has no control, and neither does the Spirit Transferring Pagoda. The forced fusion of the Spirit Transferring Pagoda has failed.

This is also why soul beasts are extinct so quickly, research, hunting, etc...

There is no need to force a million-year soul, slowly absorb energy to evolve, and the cat demon can be cultivated slowly.

If you learn the way of the Spirit Transferring Pagoda, hunting and merging the souls of soul beasts, Mao Xiaoyao can't do it, and will never do it.

In the underground base, the iron tiger can appear anywhere, because its body at this time is the entire underground base, and it shows its original shape and uses its body to talk to the cat demon.

Integrate into the underground base, then the underground is it, and it is also the underground base.

Just like the soul of the Xingdou, if it is integrated into the Xingdou, then the Xingdou is also it, and it is also the Xingdou.

"Boss Black Cat and the others have been looking for you all the time..." Tiehu hesitated to speak, and it projected a picture in which was Hu Lili who was working. Hu Lili was very serious. After the execution, she was sent to manage the underground base.

The island base is now managed by Grimace Ape, Dai Shu is in charge of Xingdou Village, and Snake Seven continues to monitor the movements of the Shadow Ghost Shark King and humans.

Yan Wuhua is also in the human world arranging people from the tribe to penetrate into the human body, waiting for the opportunity to move, waiting for the order of the black cat...

"Don't let them know for the time being, I can't let them worry." Mao Xiaoyao said with her eyes tightly closed, letting the tears flow back from the corners of her eyes. Recently, there has been more and more sand, and it keeps falling into her eyes. Although it is a bit cruel, but he I still don't want the black cats to see their appearance.

"Yes!" Tiehu said helplessly, it will obey the order of the little cat, but it still doesn't understand, why?

"Little bear, don't you want a reward?"

Not thinking about other troublesome things, the little cat yelled at the little bear who was looking at everything below, and said: "I can let you have endless wine, and my wine is definitely better than those humans. I will give you the highest quality armor, mecha, soul guide car, and various soul guides, and I will also give you a lot of money." Regarding the armor, I can't promise Xiaoxiong for the time being. After all, I have a little cultivation now. None, cannot be refined.

As soon as the words fell, Tiehu arranged for a mechanical spirit clan to bring the wine brewed by the little cat demon in the past.

Little Bear hugged the wine, his eyes lit up, his little nose took a sniff, drooled, and with a professional look in his eyes, he smiled and said, "Not bad, not bad, I didn't save you in vain, haha, wine, good wine... "Gululu, Gululu, drink, drink, the little bear starts to drink, he knows to drink.

She won't ask so many why, since she saw the soul beast, she has already confirmed the identity of the cat demon, as for the Mist Continent, black cats, demons, and so on.

She doesn't even want to know.

Because those things are not as enjoyable as drinking.

Mao Xiaoyao smiled lightly, he would never treat her badly to this lifesaver.

At the same time, Mao Xiaoyao ordered Tiehu to secretly create a pair of soul guide armor. From then on, he appeared in front of the world as a mechanical spirit clan.

Time ticks by, a week later...

Hu Lili, who has been working all the time, looked at some mechanical spirits strangely, "Little blue, little green, what is that guy Tiehu doing? Why are you mobilizing so many humans?" Seeing that a sixth-level blacksmith and several important soul guide blacksmiths were brought back, I didn't know what to do before.

The point is, she was banned from passing?

What do you mean?
"We don't know anything about Elder Tiehu. If we ask, it won't say anything." Xiaolan waved his hand. As for why, it naturally knows, but the leader of the cat demon asked him to keep it secret, so he didn't dare to reveal anything.

"Tie Hu is going too far. Today, I wanted to go to see Xiao Yao's former office, but I didn't let him go." Hu Lili was very angry and said, "When the black cat comes, I will definitely tell him."


Xiaolan and Xiaolu are also very helpless, because, at the place above, the leader of the cat demon is...

"Wait, who is that?" Hu Lili tried to open her eyes wide. She seemed to have found a stranger, a ten-year-old girl who was drinking, she had never seen before.

Xiaolan and Xiaolu were stunned, why is this aunt in this place?
"You, stop." Hu Lili stopped a very drunk girl, smelling heavily of alcohol, she pinched her nose and asked, "Who are you, why are you drinking here?" She looked back at Xiaolan Xiaoxiao in doubt. Green, what's going on?Is there a guy that young here?

"Eh..." Xiaolan was silent, and so was Xiaolu, how did they know...

"She is the leader's friend, and she is also a soul beast. The leader allowed her to play as she pleases before." A mechanical spirit clan with the number 9527 said, in fact, it is the cat demon himself, and now the little white tiger spirit controls this one. The vice metal body moves.

Little Bear needs an identity. After thinking about it, it seems that only Hu Lili can take care of her. The cat demon naturally wants to leave Little Bear to Hu Lili's care.

Oh my friend?Then it must be a soul beast, Hu Lili pinched her nose, grabbed the little bear's wine bottle, pulled the little bear's ear, and said: "The little demon might spoil you in the past, but now I am in charge here, so you can't drink. Give me a bath!"

Pulling the little bear, Hu Lili took her to take a bath.

During the whole process, the cat demon, Xiaolan, and Xiaolu were stunned. Hu Lili pulled the ear of a 10-year-old soul beast, so fierce?

"My lord, what if the bear's benefactor tells Deacon Hu Lili about your identity?" Xiao Lan said, feeling a bit unreliable in a daze of drunkenness.

Xiaolu also nodded.

"She is just drinking, you just look at it, it's fine." Xiaoxiong is simply lazy, maybe too lazy to think, she usually drinks and drinks, but if Hu Lili knows, the other party is a 10-year soul After the beast, would he pull his ears so confidently?
As for leaking secrets, wait, when Little Bear doesn't drink, Mao Xiaoyao will be worried.

A little drunkard, who would believe it?

"Speed ​​up the collection of electric energy, remember to tell me where there is wind and thunder." Mao Xiaoyao ordered, in addition to letting the little bear give him electric shock therapy every day, he began to use electric energy to stimulate his body, since the last time he absorbed and devoured the evil soul master After the soul power and martial soul, his fingers reacted slightly, but now, the rest of his body still has no reaction, he is a little anxious now.

"It's already in progress." After checking the weather, Xiao Lan said, "It seems to be raining tonight."

"Well, then tonight." Mao Xiaoyao nodded, now he is a mechanical spirit family number 9527, he seems to be able to do whatever he wants, but his identity is still only known by the three mechanical spirit tribes, namely Tiehu, Xiaolan and Xiaolu .

"If you have nothing to do, go and get busy. I'll just take a look." Mao Xiaoyao also wanted to see how the underground base was doing. By the way, although his body was crippled, his mind was not crippled, and he could still do many things.

Xiaolan and Xiaolu suddenly looked at each other, as if they had something to say, but they didn't dare to say it.

 Master Xing's 9527
(End of this chapter)

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