The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 447 Unfinished business!

Chapter 447 Unfinished business!


"I can't find it, it's okay, it's okay." Mu Xi scratched his head, "Now this place is under your management."

Many of the instruments are already missing, so they must have been taken back by the academy for research, right?The rest are basically useless things, miscellaneous and everything, but they are indeed those strange things of the little cat.

Nodding, Wusiduo smiled bitterly, looked at Mu Xi with a hint of helplessness, and said, "I just want to keep something, but the research here is already different, Tang Wulin's group, mecha , the soul guide, and the battle armor were all successful, but we were stuck at that moment."

The moment the cat left.

In the past, Teacher Wuchangkong asked them to fight in groups, to study battle armors and mechas. At that time, they were the happiest. Although there were quarrels, they were all disagreements. Good things can be discussed.

All good memories.

But because of Mao Xiaoyao's departure, the grouping failed, and they stagnated. The teacher asked them to regroup, but they refused and refused to take the group written test.

Because their team leader didn't come back.

Hong Ling'er also sighed, looking at Mu Xi sadly, she asked, "Senior Mu Xi, do you know where Master is and how is your life?" The master is now a wanted criminal by the federation and the academy, and it would be very dangerous to be exposed. Everyone wants to catch him, but she still wants to know, is the master eating well?Did you sleep well?

Will he think of them in the dead of night?Will he also think of the time they spent together in Shrek Academy?
Hong Ling'er was very sad, she just wanted to hear if the master was safe.

Lan Siyi gently held Hong Ling'er's hand, smiled gently, and motioned her not to be too sad.

Hong Ling'er leaned against Lan Siyi's arms, and immediately looked at Mu Xi with a trace of longing, she really wanted to know.

Wusiduo also watched.

"..." Mu Xi was stunned, she?Actually...she didn't know either, the only thing she knew was what the black cat told her, that the little cat had an accident and would never come back, until now she couldn't forget the desperate look in the black cat's eyes... …

However, Mu Xi didn't dare to think about it. She would rather think heartlessly that the cat demon just wanted the black cat to test herself, so she stopped crying very quickly and became strong very quickly, but when the night was quiet and always Can't help but think, cry...

Little demon, where are you?

"He's fine. He still contacted me before, but, as you all know, his identity is inappropriate to appear." Mu Xi said with a quiet smile. She lied, but Hong Ling'er and the others wanted to hear the lie. The good news I received was also my own opinion, Mao Xiaoyao is fine, fine, everything is fine.

That's it!

She didn't dare to think about other things.

Facts have proved that Mu Xi is right.

Because, after hearing what Mu Xi said, they seemed very happy, excited one by one, happy Mao Xiaoyao, he is fine, he is fine, and sad because of blind thoughts, how about a real sentence: He is fine!
Mu Xi was deeply touched, why didn't the black cat say that at the beginning?
After thinking about it, the black cat is really a bit hateful.

"Red, blue, purple... I have a few small balls here, I know you won't use the things here. However, the information I gave you after I found the little demon on it should be for them!"

Maybe it can fool others, but Mu Xi understands the cat demon's forging method. After all, she also inherited some of the cat demon's forging methods.

Holding the small ball and handing it to Hong Ling'er and the others, Mu Xi said, "Go back and open it! The way to open it is probably to let your blood drip on it." The ball belongs to that level, after all, Mao Xiaoyao only had that ability at the time.

Mu Xi also left, there was nothing she wanted here, but ever since she saw Hong Ling'er and the others, her heart became very chaotic, she kept thinking about what the black cat had said before, feeling a little uneasy and aching.

The three girls stared blankly at the small metal ball in their hands. What is inside?blood?They also know how to...

what exactly is it?
In the group's research back then, they wanted to study mechas, but unfortunately something happened that delayed them, but Mao Xiaoyao never forgot what he promised them.

There are magic weapon mechas inside!It was the mecha that Mao Xiaoyao gave them, that was the goal that their group had already accomplished...


Time, at night, the temperature dropped very cold, and I sneezed a lot today, the cat demon thought that he was weak now, so weak, that's why sneezing, a cold phenomenon, appeared.

"Tianyan, you don't need to say that the other party is a Contra." In the past, those were all rotten fish and shrimp Contras. With Xiaoxiong, one punch was no big problem. Now that Xiaoxiong is not there, facing a titled Douluo , the soul guide armor state, it is also difficult to kill the opponent.

Unless there is a battle of wits, sneak attack, assassination, poisoning and the like.

Tianyan Satellite No. 3: "No, it's not just Soul Douluo, there are several Soul Sages, Soul Emperors, and Soul Kings, and the number is much more than last time." It's like a small party, and the other party doesn't know what to say Things, the other party is very vigilant, even a fly can't fly in, and there is a risk of exposure if you listen.

People in the powerful realm can still distinguish between normal bees and bees carrying small soul guides.

"Don't talk about it, I can't control my saliva anymore, tsk tsk, evil soul masters are so nice, don't they cooperate with Grimacing Ape?"

"Then, in the future, can we use Grimace Ape's identity to trick them out one by one and kill them one by one." Mao Xiaoyao suddenly thought of a way to kill two birds with one stone, which can not only restore strength, but also warn and destroy Grimace Ape and Grimace Ape. With the cooperation of the evil soul master, Mao Xiaoyao really doesn't like his own things, and has become a tool for the evil soul master to kill innocent people everywhere.

That time, the mother and daughter could tell about their strange behavior with the little bear, but they didn't. They were thanking the cat demon for avenging them.

But, as ordinary people, did they hurt the soul beast?

What's wrong with their family?
If not, why did this happen?
After thinking about it, the cat demon finally defeated himself, maybe it was the emotion that belongs to human beings!

After all, he is also half human.

Back then, until the last moment of her death, my mother never blamed those villagers who hurt her...

However, Mao Xiaoyao can't inherit his mother's kindness and forgiveness. For him, liking means liking, and disliking means disliking.

But you have love, and I have righteousness, that's all.

"Do you want to mobilize the mechanical spirit clan troops?" There are so many people, they probably won't be opponents, but the evil soul masters on the opposite side have two-word combat armor, one-word combat armor, etc...

There are a lot of evil soul masters, and Tianyan Satellite No. 3 is also afraid that something will happen to the leader.

(End of this chapter)

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