The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 448 Evil Soul Masters Are Still Cute! !

Chapter 448 Evil Soul Masters Are Still Cute! !


"Take out the things I left in the underground base, I think I can kill these guys." Mao Xiaoyao thought of his inventory in the underground base. Fortunately, he was smart before, researched some things, and threw them directly into the warehouse of the underground base. .

If you throw away the interspatial bag for everything, the interspatial bag is still in the armor, without soul power, without demon power, and you can't take it out at all...

Even good things are useless.

"What if the black cat boss finds that something is missing when he comes back to check in the future?" Tianyan Satellite No. 3 worried. If when he comes back, he checks and finds that something is missing, isn't it exposed?

They cannot be explained.

Because only a few people can open the warehouse, it is easy to investigate...

Mao Xiaoyao rolled her eyes and scolded: "If you want to go, you can go, why are there so many nonsense. Why don't you think about the good, think about it, your leader will have returned to normal, and become tall and mighty, no way Do you?" This child, shouldn't he improve his intelligence a little?Mao Xiaoyao is seriously considering whether to help Tianyan Satellite 3 improve its intelligence, otherwise the communication will be very uncomfortable.

"Oh, oh." Tianyan Satellite 3 flew away to contact Tiehu and ask him to take out the things.

Then, they came back to continue their big plan. Anyway, the gathering of evil soul masters will not end so soon.

As for what to take?
Only the cat demon understands, what the hell is that!

Woo la la, woo la la, weird slogans, slogans belonging to evil soul masters, they are crazy, a group of demons dance wildly, that is, they understand what the slogan means.

"Is the leader coming?" A sexy female evil soul master asked, wearing very little clothes, with her breasts and back exposed, and the other believers were waiting for an answer.

"The great leader will shine on us with the light of the evil god..." the Contra evil soul master muttered, praying very sincerely, and so did the soul masters below, praying, worshiping, and feeling That piece of light in their own imagination illuminates the earth...

The scene is full of demons dancing wildly. If you see it normally, your scalp will feel numb. What is this?

"In order to complete that great plan, we have to sacrifice ourselves, can you do it?" The Contra master stirred up emotions and ignited those fanatical believers...



"Willing, willing, the evil god descends and lives forever, the evil god descends and lives forever..."

"Willing, willing, the evil god descends and lives forever, the evil god descends and lives forever..."

"Willing, willing, the evil god descends and lives forever, the evil god descends and lives forever..."


Like a bunch of idiots, exposing the essence of human beings and repeating a sentence, the little cat finally couldn't stand it anymore. After all, the picture was too mediocre and too evil.

Hierarch?The method used by the Holy Spirit to control people's hearts is simply a kind of fear, a kind of fear that makes people's scalp tingle.

Penetrating people's hearts, with the help of the special status of the evil soul master, it can be controlled to such an extent. Thinking about it, it's really scary...

No wonder, humans have always wanted to eliminate the evil soul masters. After watching it today, Mao Xiaoyao also wanted to throw a few grenades.


"Excuse me, excuse me, I'm sorry to interrupt your meeting."

Bang, bang, bang, the sound of glass shattering, a few things emitting thick smoke from the window, and soon, the entire room was filled with smoke...

"Not good, there are enemies." The evil soul master of Contra reacted quickly, opened the door, but the door seemed to be unable to open, and rushed out of the window, but was beaten by the soul guide guns of the Sky Eye satellites. They are not demons, it is impossible Ignoring the attack from the soul gun...

The entire gathering of evil soul masters, like ants in a frying pan, was in a mess in an instant. Where is the door, where is the exit, and so on...

Without the sanctity and organization of the group of demons dancing just now, in addition to the constant destruction of unpleasant gas, there are also sneak attacking soul guide bullets, kicks, hands, shoulders, anyway, they will not be killed ...

"Toxic..." The sexy female evil soul master suddenly realized something, her face covered her chest in fear, feeling the pain, but before she finished speaking, she fell to the ground and lost consciousness instantly...

Then, the evil soul masters fell one by one. Without the support of absolute strength, they couldn't resist the invasion of poisonous gas at all...

"Damn it." Contra evil soul master held his nose, heard the screams of the congregation, felt a dull pain in his chest, gritted his teeth fiercely, possessed his battle armor, and broke through the roof to escape...

The cat demon who has been waiting on it for a long time is holding a big hammer. The hammer looks very similar to that memory metal big hammer. Take aim, and wait for the Contra evil soul master to come out. When it comes out, a big hammer comes out, bang, and hits hard. ground.

A building on the outskirts of the city?
Mao Xiaoyao doesn't know what the federal army in Shrek City is doing, they deserve to be bombed, such an obvious building, there are a bunch of idiots dancing around, can't you see it?
Bang, the Contra evil soul master is very fierce. After going down, he faced the siege of the mechanical spirit clan for a long time. Eldar beast armor, mechanical Eldar flying troops...

There are only so many, dozens of mechanical Eldar, don't bully people, right?

"Boss, do you want to kill them directly? The evil spirit masters are all weird. They may explode themselves. Sir, will the dead evil soul masters help you recover?" Xiaolan asked. The spirit race looks like a humanoid armor, each with its own different appearance.

As a mechanical spirit race with a metal body at the level of a Taoist, the underground base, the black cat is not there, and Hu Lili is not there, so Xiaolan and Xiaolu can naturally come out and move around at will.

"Those people inside, just go in and control them. Don't worry, they won't wake up within a certain period of time, and they don't know how they died." Mao Xiaoyao smiled slightly, a bit evil, but his words were not exaggerated at all. That is: intoxicating ecstasy incense!
Intoxicated with ecstasy, poisoners have a symptom, that is, the whole heart is drunk, indulging in the ocean world of consciousness, and fantasizing about those beautiful moments.

Perhaps, in the dream, those evil soul masters had turned the entire Douluo Continent upside down.

Or, seeing the idol cat demon that they always wanted to see but couldn't see, and now they saw it but thought about how to kill them.

As the most wanted criminal in mainland China, Mao Xiaoyao's reward price is higher than that of the leader of the Holy Spirit Sect, and those non-existent things are contracted by Mao Xiaoyao every day.

Hated by humans?
No, the evil soul master loves him.

Xiaolan nodded, that's why.

Xiaolu also said: "Then, the one below, sir, do you want to go down and play for a while?"

The Contra evil soul master is being beaten by the gang, his Contra strength seems to be so vulnerable in front of those mecha mechanical spirit clans that are comparable to god-level mechas.

And, the same is true in front of those armored mechanical spirit clans that are comparable to one-word combat armor and two-word combat armor.

Not to mention those beast-shaped mechanical spirits... they are simply the embodiment of beasts...

 Happy New Year's Day, small outbreak, 4 more, la la.

(End of this chapter)

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