Chapter 449 Depressed?
"Then play!"

Seeing how miserable that Contra evil spirit master was, Mao Xiaoyao suddenly wanted to go down and bully him!

"However, I'll devour other people first. Be careful around you. If it doesn't work, then destroy him!" The coma time is limited, so devour as much as you can. Residual take away.


"This... federation, a nest of snakes and rats, don't be polite when you see the federation army coming." Mao Xiaoyao suddenly remembered another thing. When Shrek Academy exploded and destroyed, it was because of three god-killing twelfth-level souls. Missiles, those three Godslayers are in the hands of the Federal Parliament.

The situation in the parliament is very complicated, but there are only a few forces.

Spirit Transferring Pagoda, Federation.

Shrek and Tangmen never cared about things, but on the surface they didn't care about things, but, what things, as justice, have they ever lacked?
Xiaolan and Xiaolu nodded, they learned something new today, a nest of snakes and rats, it seems that humans are not as united as they imagined.

Fighting and chaos all exist in the human world, they are not so beautiful.

Then, the cat demon went down to devour it, the process was very simple.

When approaching the evil soul master, the little cat will have an instinctive desire. With a light touch of a finger, the devouring ability will be activated automatically. Then, blood essence, soul power, martial soul, and soul will all be swallowed up. Finally, the evil spirit Soul masters will only be left with mummies one by one.

That scene was horrifying, Xiaolan and Xiaolu, who are mechanical spirits, looked at it and felt terrified.


After devouring them all, Mao Xiaoyao got what he dreamed of, consciousness, the kind of consciousness that can pick up things with both hands.

very excited.

"Boss, you succeeded." Xiaolan said happily. At this time, it was watching the little cat holding a soul guide gun, shooting wildly, aiming at the mummy on the ground, shooting like crazy .

Bang, bang, bang, bang! ! !
The sound of gunfire is so pleasant to the ear. Under the beautiful melody, it is the little cat laughing crazily, crazy, joy, sadness, and more hope...

"Although I haven't sensed the fluctuations in my cultivation base, my upper body has regained consciousness." Taking off the mechanical armor, Mao Xiaoyao lay on the ground, crawling hard on the dirty ground, trying to straighten his whole body, bit by bit, finally , he can crawl and sit relying on the strength of his upper body, he can finally move.

If you can continue to devour it, will you be able to recover your walking ability in the future, or even cultivate yourself?
After thinking about it, it is possible.

The cat demon is excited.

"Congratulations to the leader." Little Green is also happy. Although it doesn't understand why the leader, Mao Xiaoyao, hides the fact that he is alive and well, but seeing him so miserable, as a subordinate, he naturally hopes that the leader can quickly Point to recover.

Restore, lead them again.

Xiaolan is also very happy.

"Let's go! Let me try and see if I can beat a Contra?" Mao Xiaoyao smiled lightly. He knew that his ability to act still depends on commanding the soul to act, move and react. There is bound to be a big delay.

Delay will be fatal, the evil soul master Contra will not give him any chance, even if the evil soul master Contra is injured now, he will not be a weak person.

What's more, Mao Xiaoyao doesn't have any cultivation right now, it's entirely due to the ability of the mechanical spirit race and his countermeasures, it is estimated that it will be very difficult to win.

At this time, Mao Xiaoyao came out of the warehouse, and after coming out, he saw the evil soul master Contra who was being beaten by a group of mechanical spirits.

According to Mao Xiaoyao's request, he didn't die so quickly.

"Damn bastards, if you have the ability to kill me, kill me!" The Contra evil soul master roared, Wuhun is a lifeless knight with a severed head, too dark, and ordinary people will definitely be affected by it .

However, from the point of view of Wuhun, this decapitated knight is probably one of the reasons why he became an evil soul master.

Looking at that evil spirit, Mao Xiaoyao thought it was very delicious, very delicious.

No one from the mechanical Eldars responded, they surrounded the evil soul master Contra, he would fight if he wanted to run, and kept fighting until the arrival of the little cat.

"Don't be angry, you will easily get wrinkles when you are angry, and you will grow old slowly." The little cat said cheaply, and the mechanical spirits made way for him to walk in slowly to see the miserable Soul Dou Soul master Luo Xie was covered in bruises all over his body, and he looked as if he had encountered some kind of abuse or torture.

Xiaolan and Xiaolu are like personal bodyguards, following behind Mao Xiaoyao. With their strength as Taoist armor, they seem to have no problem dealing with Contra.

It's nothing more than a sneak attack!

If you fight alone, you will definitely not be able to beat it.

Souls themselves can have abilities, but perhaps they are not evolved enough. After they turned into mechanical spirits, they didn't provide spirit rings to turn into spirit skills like they merged with humans.

Soul rings instead become a storage space for them to maintain energy, just like an electric car battery, storing electrical energy...

The only attack is soul missiles, soul guns, soul cannons, soul grenades, bombs, and some strange attacks...

If it is used well, just like they did just now, hunting a bunch of people is basically not a problem.

"Who are you, who are you, and why did you attack us!!!" The evil soul master Contra, when he saw Mao Xiaoyao, a guy who could communicate, immediately asked three questions at the same time.

He has never seen such a powerful metal army, could it be someone from the Federation?
However, the federation is not...

"You asked me three questions at once, how do you ask me to answer? Who am I? I am definitely not a wife's man, what kind of person... I am not a person, as for why I attacked you, because, you are very good Eat, it’s so delicious, I’m going to attack you.” The cat demon wanted people and animals to be harmless and smiled, after thinking about it, let’s solve it quickly, if someone sees something, it will be very troublesome.

Especially Tang Wulin, that guy started to doubt himself recently, which is bad news.

"Are you ready to die, have you gone to see your Lord Evil God?" Mao Xiaoyao held a weapon, which was also a Dao weapon-level long sword that had been tinkered with in the warehouse before. Although it did not have the blessing of soul power and demon power, it , chopping melons and vegetables is basically not a problem.

Sharp, can make up for all technical deficiencies.

tasty?The evil soul master Contra's complexion changed, and then he said angrily: "Could it be that you were the one who attacked us before? Swallow everything?" When they got some information, they didn't believe it. Then devour them evil soul master...

Essence, blood, spirit, soul, and soul power are all swallowed up. Is that something a human can do?
"It seems that my brain is not stupid." Mao Xiaoyao played with the Taoist long sword and said calmly: "Since you asked me three questions, I will also ask one question, just one."

"When will you attack Shrek Academy?" Shrek Academy probably doesn't know, they are already planning an attack.

Recently, some federal-wide attacks are probably just to cover up people's eyes and ears.

The real goal is still the mainstay of the Sun Moon Federation - Shrek Academy.

The Dinghaishenzhen of the Sun-Moon Federation has Shrek Academy here, and anyone who wants to make trouble has to weigh himself.

What if Shrek Academy isn't here?

(End of this chapter)

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