Chapter 450 Desperate?
"You..." Contra evil soul master was terrified, his eyes widened, he stepped back a few steps, gasped, and looked at the mysterious guy in front of him in disbelief, why?
Why would he know?
"Who the hell are you..." Desperation, a look of despair, the evil soul master Contra lost his life goals in an instant, their actions are very top secret, why did they leak out, what is the problem?
Federation, Spirit Pagoda, or...

So would Shrek Academy already know about their plan?

If they knew, their great plans would be in vain...

No, he wants to stop...

He's out of his mind.

Bang, bang, bang, bang...

On the mechanical armor of Mao Xiaoyao, clicked, deformed, on the metal shoulders, opened a few black metal muzzles, shot and shot, warning the evil soul master Contra, "Where do you want to go? Didn't you figure it out, now , what is your situation?"

Metal bullets hit the evil soul master Contra, hitting his knees, thighs, and arms respectively. He was in a panic without a trace of defense. The academy is already the most terrifying attack, and it will destroy what has always been tough in his heart at once...

Finally, the evil soul master still summoned his own decapitated knight spirit, knight, knight, riding something naturally.

This decapitated knight was riding a horse, which was also a decapitated horse. Their necks were still bleeding, as if they would bleed more than they hadn't killed all the enemies.

Ordinary soul-guided weapons cannot deal with martial souls. Facing the decapitated knight, the cat demon can only avoid the fairy to avoid its sharp edge. It is to deal with the master of Wuhun.

Where is your master lying on the ground?

Xiaolan and Xiaolu have already controlled the evil soul master Contra, preventing him from exploding himself. A special device is worn on him, and when the soul power is detected, a strong electric current will be emitted.

Perfect for dealing with criminals!
"If you move, your master will die, and, you can't kill me, accept your fate!"

"If you tell me when you will attack Shrek Academy, maybe I can make your death a little bit more comfortable." Mao Xiaoyao said to the decapitated knight, but the other party didn't listen.

Mao Xiaoyao swung his sword to chop off, so crazy, not afraid of death?Hehe, then he can't admit defeat, swinging the sword is also cutting up, bang, bang, the sound of metal colliding.


The huge force made the little cat push it far, far away before slowly stabilizing its figure.

However, the decapitated knight doesn't seem to care about the evil soul master's life. The decapitated knight is now focusing on how to kill the cat demon, and the one who controls the decapitated knight must be the evil soul master.

"It's just for fun, come on!" It's interesting, the little cat started to fight seriously, swordsmanship against swordsmanship, knight's charge swordsmanship?Sorry, he has all kinds of swordsmanship, even if he can't use the power, he can still use moves, "Come on! Let me see, your swordsmanship is better than mine." The little demon used this sword technique at the first time, without the blessing of soul power and monster power, he couldn't display the power of domineering sideways, but the moves are still domineering, chop hack, thirteen swords, then it must be only thirteen cuts That's all.

One more sword is not thirteen swords.

Bang, bang, bang, the metal bullets are useless, it seems that it has no effect on the decapitated knight...

After fighting for a long time, Mao Xiaoyao suddenly found a problem and said, "Destroy him!" Since he couldn't kill the decapitated knight, why should he fight back and forth?
Are you sick?
"Ah..." The evil soul master screamed, his arms and thighs were crippled by a few bullets from Xiaolan and Xiaolu, all the meridians in his body were crippled, his soul power disappeared in an instant, and the decapitated knight went back helplessly...

The owner has no soul power, so it cannot exist, although it is very unwilling, but it is a fact.

The propeller on the back sprayed blue flames, and the little cat flew down, landed next to the evil soul master, and said mockingly: "See, I gave you a wrong demonstration just now, don't learn it, and deal with the soul master in the future. Don’t worry about those martial spirits, if you kill the soul master, the martial spirit will disappear naturally, don’t worry about those fancy things, you know?” It’s embarrassing, I’ve lost my cultivation for so long, and it almost made Mao Xiaoyao forget some things. Soul masters are just dealing with soul masters, just now I was foolish enough to deal with other people's martial souls, who were lying on the ground waiting to die.

Xiaolan and Xiaolu nodded, so that's the case, and they silently wrote down what Mao Xiaoyao said in their hearts. In the future, if they go to deal with the soul master, then they only need to deal with the soul master, regardless of those fancy things.

"Yeah." Mao Xiaoyao nodded seriously and nonsense, and then looked at the evil soul master in pain on the ground, "If you tell me the attack time, I can prevent you from being so painful!" The long sword slowly bit by bit He stabbed into the evil soul master's chest, he was struggling, he was in pain, but the cat demon didn't seem to intend to show mercy, how delicious the blood was dripping, tick, tick, it would be a pity to fall to the ground.

Seeing the black long sword piercing into his flesh little by little, the evil soul master Contra screamed. He was also a small deacon in the Holy Spirit Church, and he had never encountered such an encounter.

The black long sword was accompanied by a devouring force, and small black vortexes appeared around it. He could see his own blood, not dripping, but turned into a stream of energy, passing through the small vortexes, slowly Slowly merge into the mysterious man in armor in front of him...

The power of devouring, the energy in his body, was lost bit by bit, but his fear was not swallowed away...

"Haha, you don't know the time, then Shrek Academy will still be destroyed, haha." The evil soul master Contra laughed wildly, even if his seven orifices were bleeding, he would laugh wildly, faith, he is not allowed to betray the Holy Spirit teach.

"When the evil god comes, the world will be peaceful, haha, when the evil god comes, the world will be peaceful..."

What are you talking about?The more Mao Xiaoyao looked at it, the more angry he became. The Holy Spirit Sect is really a bunch of lunatics. Grimacing Ape even wanted to cooperate with them. It was simply wishful thinking. I feel that I can control the power of devouring, which is the only ability of the cat demon's target, to devour...

go to hell!
"Ah..." The body of the evil soul master Contra collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye, until he became a mummy with a hideous and distorted face...

To be devoured alive to death!

"My lord, the humans are here, the federal army." Tianyan Satellite No. 3 reminded: "There are a lot of them, and there are also mech troops." The federal army, if there is a problem in other places, it may not be solved so quickly, but, There was a problem with the evil soul masters, but they came very quickly.

Xiaolan and Xiaolu are also worried.

Mao Xiaoyao threw the shriveled corpse into the warehouse, and said coldly, "Let them watch the flames!"

A giant suspended soul-guided transport plane landed, and all the mechanical spirits boarded the plane and retreated...

That warehouse was also on fire...

When the federal troops arrived, there was nothing left but ashes.

 Go to school, go to work, right?

(End of this chapter)

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