Chapter 453 Port!


Drinking, for Cubs, may not be just to maintain their physical condition.

Unexamined, maybe it is the most true.

Live in memory, forget the past.

Hu Lili was very restless. When she heard about Xiao Xiong, she thought of Mao Xiaoyao and Mu Xi. Now, she still doesn't know whether Mao Xiaoyao is alive or dead.

So, what is their fate?

Thinking about it is also a headache.

The port is here.

Very busy, a lot of goods.

Eel Jiu is busy. As Snake Seven's assistant, his ability to work is undeniable. Now he manages the port by himself, and Snake Seven is doing other things.

Snake Seven is now cooperating with the second prince and the eldest prince, a double agent, cooperating in both aspects, pretending to be a snake, that's probably the explanation!

"Deacon Hu!" Yan Jiu said respectfully. He had been waiting at the port for a long time. Tie Hu had informed him long ago to prepare everything for Hu Lili to return to Xingdou Village with the latest batch of equipment.

It's not the sea, it's the air transportation, and the sea has not been so calm recently.

"Yeah." Hu Lili nodded, then glanced around, and asked, "Where is Snake Seven?"

"The boss of the Seventh Snake is in Mingdu." Eel Jiu replied. He is not too sure what the boss of the Seventh Snake is going to do. Anyway, the boss of the Seventh Snake has been busy with the cooperation. He is only in charge of the port. That's all.

Mingdu!Little Bear was stunned for a moment, then looked at the port, walked around, wow, the boat was so big, it was made of metal, it was different from their previous wooden boats.

Eel Jiu looked terrified, this aura...

"Well, the Shadow Ghost Shark King hasn't moved at all right now! Where's the island base?" Hu Lili frowned. Looking at the port, the defense seemed to have improved a lot. It seemed that the matter had reached a serious point.

Maybe it's the outbreak of civil war!This is the last thing Mao Xiaoyao wants to see, she must stop it.

"The transportation is not at sea, and the Shadow Ghost Shark King can't stop us. It's just that Grimace Ape issued an order to attack humans. Some brothers and sisters who hate humans are now going to the island base." Eel Jiu sighed. In fact, they also hate humans, but They don't want to follow the grimacing ape, possess intelligence, let them know how to think, think about the future, think about what they should do.

However, obeying the orders of the little cat and the black cat is also what they should do. They can't forget the grace of the transformation. However, revenge on humans is not the only purpose, just like the little cat who established Star Dou Village.

The purpose is for home!
For survival!

Two factions, one is the main battle, and the other is also fighting, but they will not fight so blindly.

"Damn Grimacing Ape, he has always opposed the little monster before, and now he has finally exposed his true nature and dared to split Xingdou Village to go out. How can he be worthy of the little monster?" Hu Lili said angrily. Their "death" is basically ready to move. If there is a civil war in their Star Dou Village, the consequences will be devastating.

Those Sea Clans will definitely make trouble...

At that time, Xingdou Village will become an unguarded cake. Everyone wants to come and have a bite.

Little Xiong frowned and asked, "Does the little cat not care?" Didn't the little cat come back?As a manager, why didn't he show up?Even if the body can't move, then someone must be obedient, or make a plan, right?

war?Now there are only a few soul beasts, if there is a war, wouldn't it make humans laugh?
Hearing that Mao Xiaoyao, Yan Jiu, and Hu Lili were silent one after another, if the leader, Mao Xiaoyao, was there, then this kind of thing would not have happened today.

Eel Jiu looked at Hu Lili strangely, this child was terrifying, who the hell was she?

"My lord's friend, little bear." Hu Lili introduced. Could it be that no one told little bear that Mao Xiaoyao is no longer there?

Or is this befuddled bear who has been drinking all day long and has forgotten something?

Little Xiong Gulu drank, blinked his big eyes, and glanced at Eel Jiu lightly, reeking of alcohol, dazed, his face flushed a little.

Eel Jiu bowed his head in respect, the leader's friend, very powerful.

It's a matter of time, Hu Lili said: "Then you have to be more careful in the future, pay more attention to the island base, if any guy is going to the island base, let him go, don't stop him, I want to see how many guys betrayed Xiao Demon, his life and death have only been unknown for a few days? Have you forgotten?"

Several large transport planes stayed at the port, with luxurious equipment and some materials ready to be transported to Xingdou Village. Now the only thing Xingdou Village can rely on is the mechanical spirit clan troops.

Even if the little cat is "dead"!However, the three elders of the mechanical spirit clan are still there, and they control the entire mechanical spirit clan.

The mechanical spirit clan is the most powerful partner of the soul beasts!This is why, after the split, some forces did not dare to take action against Xingdou Village.

Previously, after the battle between the mechanical spirit army and the demon army, the black cat had suffered heavy losses. When the black cat came back, it started a secret plan left by the cat demon.

Carry out a major transformation of the mechanical Eldar, as well as research on strategic weapons.

The mechanical Eldar army has now increased to more than 1. After more than 1, production will stop immediately.

Re-upgrading, some materials are required to be the best, not the largest quantity, but the best quality, the most special, and the most terrifying.

Some special combat machines, the Spirit Race, have also been manufactured, all of which have the ability to transform. Normally, they are in human form, and they can also be transformed into a body form in combat...

Grimace Ape was also afraid, so he put all the mechanical spirits on the island base aside to prevent them from approaching, and the one in the control command center was forcibly shut down. Now the entire island base is run by spirit beasts. On the contrary, the ethnic group encountered exclusion.

However, the Xingdou took all the mechanical Eldar away and stayed away from the island base.

"Everything is ready. The latest generation of transport planes has enough energy to reach Xingdou Village directly. The time is about three days." Eel Jiu pointed to the large soul guide transport planes on standby and said that they needed to go to the island base before. Only supply can reach Xingdou Village. After the stalemate, they developed a new soul-guided transport plane to solve the problem of supply.

"Well, Miss Bear, let's go!" Hu Lili said to Little Bear who kept touching and looking at the Mechanical Spirit Race. Are you so curious?
Bear scratched his head.

After boarding the plane, six transport planes took off, and the latest Tianyan satellite mechanical spirit clan will soon equip the entire Xingdou Village to cover the entire New Xingdou Forest.

At that time, the monitoring will be fully covered, and any disturbance will basically be hidden from Xingdou Village. If there are a few enemies, they can attack.

They are not afraid of an army, after all, they aim and shoot in the air, and no one can come up to deal with them.

If it doesn't work, the Mechanic Eldar flying troops (flying troops: fighter jets, helicopters, etc., can be transformed, can be in human form, or in body form.) will come out to solve all problems.

No, ground troops (ground troops: Mecha-Mech Eldar, Armored Mechanic Eldar, tanks, etc., are also in two forms, humanoid and body, basically similar to Transformers.)
Mechanical Eldar!

 Nicholas. Cat Goblin

(End of this chapter)

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