The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 454 Welcome Party

Chapter 454 Welcome Party

Stay away from ports.

Hu Lili and Xiaoxiong went to Xingdou Village. Xiaoxiong was curious and looked everywhere. He took a tour on the transport plane, looked there, here, everything...

It's just a bear boy!

A million-year soul beast?Hu Lili expressed doubts, why is she skinnier than a rabbit?

Soon, one day.

"Xingdou Village air defense area, please go to the designated place for inspection."

"Xingdou Village air defense area, please go to the designated place for inspection."

"Xingdou Village air defense area, please go to the designated place for inspection."

A reminder sound keeps repeating.

Hu Lili and the others stopped at a place near Xingdou Village. The mechanical spirit clan troops were inspecting them.

Dai Shu and the others are already waiting below.

This is the simplest inspection, and it is also a normal inspection, a routine inspection.

"This place..." Little Xiong had just come down, he forgot to take a sip of wine, and stared blankly at the forest, very similar, very similar, very similar to the Star Forest.

It's beautiful and mysterious.

The breath of nature.

"Xingdou Village, a habitat of soul beasts, is far away from the human world. There are three races here, aliens, humans, and elves."

"The elves are allies with us, and others are also counted, but they are not allies in the true sense."

"The one in front is our deputy leader."

"Dai Shu, a thousand-year-old brocade kangaroo."

Hu Lili beckoned to Dai Shu, and the position of leader was vacant. That's because everyone believed that Mao Xiaoyao would definitely come back, and there would always be only one leader of them.

Bear Gululu took a sip of wine, glanced at Dai Shu, and several soul beasts, deputy leaders?

So the cat demon is the leader?

"You are Miss Xiong, right? I am Dai Shu, welcome, welcome to Xingdou Village, Black Cat and the others have prepared food, and they are waiting for you." Dai Shu smiled and looked at Xiao Xiong respectfully, then looked at She glanced at Hu Lili, and kept listening to the black cat talking about this very powerful little bear, who was able to punch Mr. Feixiong with one punch. She admired it very much and was very relieved.

"Eat, is there any wine?" Little Bear didn't care about those etiquettes, she was more concerned about whether there was any wine or something to drink.

In the space soul guide, there is not much stock left!

Dai Shu was taken aback, "Yes, a lot." She couldn't help but look at Hu Lili, does she really like drinking so much?

Hu Lili nodded helplessly, she was so in love.

Bear nodded in satisfaction.

Soon, they came to Mao Xiaoyao's house. Black cat, rabbit, Yan Wuhua and the others had already prepared a table of delicacies. Of course, none of them were made by black cat.

She can only cook in the dark.

"Little bear!" The black cat hugged the little bear who had just entered the door, and the little bear was still screaming comfortably, what kind of sister little bear, how can there be so much etiquette, she is obviously a child.

Little Bear blinked his big eyes, then suddenly touched the black cat's belly, and said, "You can only grow up if you drink more." Little Bear smiled, and she could sense that a little life was taking shape.

"..." The black cat blushed slightly, and then took the little bear's hand, and introduced: "Come on, this is the little bear, that is, the scary guy I have been telling you all the time, who knocked down Mr. Xiong with one punch."

Rabbits, big cats, etc., are stunned one by one, so scary?Knock down Mr. Xiong with one punch, Mr. Xiong is a powerful king soul beast.

The 10-year soul beast king.

They were all knocked down with one punch, so how strong is this little bear?
"Hello, hello, hello..." The big guys respected one by one.

Yan Wuhua also nodded with a smile, welcome, the little bear is very powerful, very powerful, a bit like a million-year soul beast, but not so much like a million-year soul beast, the breath is a bit strange.

Moreover, Gululu has been drinking...

Have time to learn from each other.

"Hello." Little Xiong was actually very happy, she hadn't seen so many soul beasts for a long time, coming here was like coming to home, the feeling of home...

Seeing everyone's introduction, the black cat took the little bear to the seat.

"Come on, welcome little bear to join our big family of Xingdou Village." The black cat toasted and said with a smile. She drank fruit juice, and she was not allowed to drink alcohol during pregnancy. Moreover, Cangyuhe had to let her eat a healthy diet every day, with a combination of nutrients, and she couldn't just eat fish. fish……

Pregnant women are the prettiest. Black Cat now has more and more responsibilities as a mother. It doesn’t sigh all day long or play crazy everywhere. It stays at home honestly and learns how to be a good mother from time to time.

If she wants to be busy with anything, Dai Shu and the others don't give her too much work. The whole village focuses on taking care of the objects.

"Cheers!" Everyone cheered.

"It's done!" Little Xiong Gululu drank it in one gulp, making Dai Shu and the others stunned.

"..." Big Cat, as a man, looked at the wine in the bowl and glass, and seemed afraid to drink like that, but Little Bear used a big bowl.

"I'll come too, haha." The rabbit also wanted to drink, but no one allowed her to drink, so she could only drink carrot juice.

The family enjoyed themselves, eating, eating.

Little Bear also has a big appetite, and she is also happy.

"It's all, Tiehu asked you to come back?" The black cat lightly took a sip of the nutritional juice carefully prepared by the Cangyu Crane. The taste is average...

Then looking at Little Bear and the others, shouldn't the human world be busier?

Hu Lili nodded, "Tiehu said that the people in the Misty Continent already know about the leader's affairs, so the major sea tribes probably also know about it. Xingdou Village may not be so safe, so we're here!"

On the Fog Continent, there are still many strong people. If they ignore everything and forcefully attack Xingdou Village, if there are no strong people, then Xingdou Village will definitely fall into a passive position.

Yan Wuhua and the others all nodded, and they were all notified by Tiehu. Fearing that something would happen to Xingdou Village, they hurried back.

The Mist Continent has powerful allies such as the elves. They are not very afraid, but the Sea Clan has to guard against it.

After all, their transformation forms are basically strong, and after the cat demon "death", no one refines the transformation pill, so there will definitely be a lot of restrictions on trading.

Restrictions, the Sea Clan will be dissatisfied, dissatisfied, then there will be conflicts.

The black cat frowned, showing a trace of solemnity on its baby-fat face, and said: "As for the Mist Continent, I'm not very afraid. After all, we have the elves as allies, and the Sea Clan is indeed a problem. However, they think about how to get close to it." Let's go!" When the Shadow Ghost Shark King sent people to attack the island base, even though there were thousands of troops, once they entered the poisonous waters, they would lose their fighting power one by one.

The advantage in the water seems to have become a disadvantage.

Everyone was silent, thinking.

Lin Qingxian, who had been drinking all the time, said timidly: "I can't represent the Poole Empire, but our Lin family army will definitely be your allies." They will be enemies with the black cats.

The black cat smiled.

Little Bear and Rabbit didn't say anything, just started to eat, they became good friends in an instant, there was no difference in cultivation level, they were simply good friends, one drank wine, the other drank carrot juice, and they even competed...

Regarding the Sea Clan, Dai Shu also said: "If they can't enter the toxin area, then they don't want to think about attacking Xingdou Village. Even Grimace Ape doesn't know the antidote to the toxin." At first, in order to ensure safety, Dai Shu Shu suggested that Mao Xiaoyao knew what the antidote was alone.

Yan Wuhua and the others also drank one by one, the heroes of the female middle school, they don't want to lose to Xiaoxiong.

However, regarding Grimace Ape, Black Cat has a different view. She said: "The idea is different, not betrayal. Grimace Ape just wants to take revenge on humans, but he will not betray us." Hate, what Grimace Ape experienced in Donghai City There are too many, generations of East China Sea Spirit Pagoda personnel have conducted experimental research on him...

He couldn't forget these pains and hatreds.

 ready to explode

(End of this chapter)

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