The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 458 The storm is coming! ! !

Chapter 458 The storm is coming! ! !

Also surprised, the black cat touched her stomach, no wonder there was no movement for several months, she thought she was a fake pregnancy, which made her not in a good mood every day.

"My eldest nephew, when he grows up, he will definitely be very shy〃〃." The little rabbit was about to touch it, but was patted by the black cat and stared at him.

"I don't like boys." The little bear drank and drank drunkly, "If it's a girl, I'll teach her how to drink." Everyone laughed, and the atmosphere was very joyful. They were all amused by the two live treasures.

Dai Shu also touched, "Grow up quickly." Envious, the black cat is going to be a mother.

The black cat is also happy.

Cang Yuhe said: "The physique of the little demon is different from our soul beasts. Everyone knows his identity and origin!" In the past, when the cat demon came to the dark night cat demon clan, he was also excluded everywhere, because he There is no trace of the breath belonging to the soul beast.

"Yaozu!" Rabbit was the most active. She raised her hand and said, "Little Yao said before that he is a Yaozu." The Yaozu seems to be a race like soul beasts.

Everyone nodded, the evil cat is indeed not a soul beast, and the breath is not, the little cat did not hide it, because that is the truth.

Nodding, Cangyuhe also touched the black cat's belly, and said with a smile: "So, it may take a long time for you to want to be a mother. This child's genes are very strong."

"Yeah." The black cat nodded and smiled, Xiao Yao... She thought of her previous encounter with him. Before, she always bullied him, and then she was bullied by him. Gradually, the two of them couldn't do without each other.

Later, the two of them defeated those soul beasts who wanted to bully them together.

Full of memories.


On Douluo Continent, in Shrek City, underground base.

The reinforcement task has been completed, even if the upper part is razed to the ground, it is not afraid. Moreover, God Killing is only aimed at Shrek Academy and Tang Sect, so explosions in other places will not be so terrible.

The entrance to the downtown area was blocked again, and the new entrance opened near the Spirit Pagoda, and the little cat demon came to a dark place.

As usual, Mao Xiaoyao uses electric shock therapy to stimulate the whole body...

He was lying in a laboratory, his whole body suspended in the air, surrounded by electric currents, allowing the electric currents to stimulate his body and nerve functions, and he hoped that his body would recover soon.

"My lord, all the mechanical spirits including the Xingdou have issued an order not to return to the Sun-Moon Federation." Tie Hu appeared in the experiment and reported: "The reinforcement glue has been applied, the entire underground base has been strengthened, and the new entrance everything is normal."

Mao Xiaoyao slowly opened his eyes, his faint blue eyes shot out a flash of lightning, his whole body was under the electric current, but, for some reason, there was still no movement in his lower body!
He is in a hurry, very in a hurry.

"Well, keep an eye on the surroundings of Shrek City, and notify me immediately if you find any unknown persons." Mao Xiaoyao closed her eyes again and felt quietly.

There is only endless electric current in the body, but there is no soul power at all. The demon core is still exhausted, and the dantian is silent, as if no matter how much it is charging, no matter how much it swallows soul power, martial soul and evil energy, it can't make up the bottomless pit.

The purpose of strengthening the underground base is to defend against the attack of the soul tool that kills the gods.

Prohibiting the Xingdou and the others from returning is to prevent the black cats and the others from coming back without knowing and encounter any danger.

Tie Hu nodded, and then went out to make arrangements.

However, Tiehu just went out to make arrangements not long ago.

Snake Seven is here.

"Tie Hu, what the hell do you mean? Why did you come to my port? I asked some mechanical spirits, and they all said it was your arrangement." Snake Qi was full of anger. The eldest prince had a deal, which might involve some secrets, and when it was time to transport it, the mechanical spirits told him that Elder Tiehu forbade them from doing anything in the near future.

Snake Seven was very angry, so he went directly to the underground base and asked what Tiehu meant?
Now that Mao Xiaoyao is not here, could it be that their mechanical spirits can also imitate Grimace Ape?
"It won't be long. The situation in Shrek City is a bit special recently. I hope to understand." Tie Hu didn't explain too much. As a million-year-old soul, it won't be afraid of Snake Seven, and it's also the elder of the mechanical spirit clan. The one with the highest seniority.

Now, this is the order of the cat demon again, so what is it afraid of?
"However, I also have a transportation plan recently. It may be about some secrets. If you detain the ship and the goods have not arrived, what should I do if people suspect me?" Snake Qi wanted to curse. Before, he had heard Hu Lili say that Tiehu was very Crazy, very embarrassing.

Tiehu was silent for a while, and was asking what the cat demon meant.

After receiving the instructions, Tie Hu said: "You can go back to unload the cargo! The cargo can be unloaded, but the clansmen must leave Shrek City soon." Killing the gods is not a joke, even the gods are dangerous, let alone them?

Snake Qi endured it, and then went out angrily.

Since Mao Xiaoyao is gone, no one seems to be able to control the Mechanical Eldar. Could this be another hidden danger?

Snake Seven was very, very worried.

Shrek City, Mu Xi's house.



"Yudie, when can I go out to play? I've been at home for several days." Mu Xi was very depressed. Recently, Yudie has been saying that it's dangerous outside, so let her stay at home and don't run around.

However, how can there be any danger recently?
Yudie scratched her head. Recently, her eyelids have been twitching, and she always feels that something is going to happen, but she doesn't know exactly what happened.

She just got an order from Lord Tiehu, an order that she must find a way to stop Mu Xi from going out in the past few days, but today she can't stop it...

"No, no, I'm graduating soon. I can't miss classes all the time. Today, I'm going to class. Don't stop me. I won't listen, unless you give me a soul axis." Mu Xi stretched out her hand and said, she went to Shi Lake Academy searched, but couldn't find the soul axis, and didn't activate No. 9527. She was a little sad...

Seeing Xiaoyao's friends made her even more sad. Everyone cared so much about Xiaoyao...

But where are you, little demon?
Could it be that you really...

Mu Xi didn't dare to think wildly.

Yudie shook her head speechlessly, "How can I, I don't have that authority." She kept talking about Master Tiehu, but she just knew that Master Tiehu was the elder of the Mechanical Spirit Clan, and she didn't know anything about it.

"Tch, then don't stop me, otherwise, I won't buy you a small skirt in the future." Mu Xi scratched Yudie's nose and smiled, like a blooming sun flower, always facing the sun, always so sunny .

Yudie sighed softly. Mu Xi went to the academy, so she couldn't get close to the protection.

Mu Xi got on the soul guide car and went directly to Shrek Academy.

You Lang also appeared, and said calmly: "Do you want to tell Mr. Tie Hu?"

Yudie nodded slightly. They had tried their best, and there was really no way to stop Miss Mu Xi.

But, why can't you go to Shrek Academy?

 Start frying tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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