The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 459 Shrek's Death!

Chapter 459 Shrek's Death!

Ants move, snakes walk, there will be heavy rain tomorrow, maybe it will be early tonight.

Restless night, always so sweltering.

"Strange, strange, why are there so many rats and snakes today."

"The chickens and dogs are restless, what's going on?"

Some creatures became restless. Instead of staying in place quietly, they all ran out, as if they were fleeing.

A very strange phenomenon.

Shrek City, an underground base.

"What did you say? Mu Xi is in Shrek Academy, and, besides, you found a mysterious army outside the city, setting up soul guidance devices?" The little cat is absorbing the electric current to stimulate his body, but at this moment, he no longer Not so calm, his heart suddenly became chaotic, and the soul guide armor possessed him instantly, and he was going to save that fool and stupid woman.

A restless heart!That, is it finally here?Shrek Big Bang?

Xiaolan and Xiaolu lowered their heads, "Yudie said she couldn't stop Miss Mu Xi, so..." They didn't know what was going on, and now, there happened to be an unknown situation outside the city, and at this moment, Mu Xi was in Shrek Academy again.

The situation is a bit special.

"To guard the underground base, most of the mechanical spirit clan troops have been transferred to Xingdou Village. There are not many of them here, but we have to watch out for any troubles. Once we can't control them, then..." There was a gloomy look in his eyes, The cat demon made a gesture of wiping his neck. After the big bang, once humans found something, they would blow up the entire underground base. They didn't kill innocent people indiscriminately. It doesn't mean that the cat demon would look at those humans as the same kind.

He deserves to be killed, he will never be merciful.

In the eyes of human beings, soul beasts exist like animals, but in the eyes of their monster race, human beings are also a humble existence.

Xiaolan nodded, "But, sir, where are you going? If it's what you said, Shrek Academy is the center of the explosion. It would be dangerous for you to go. Let's go!" When the leader said it, it was also taken aback.

God killing level?

"Otherwise, shall we kill those people?" Xiaolu also wanted to stop it.

Shaking his head, "No, that's not something we can stop. Countless soul missile attacks show that the attacks are not just from the Holy Spirit Church. Without the support of the Federation, they can't have so many mixed missiles." Mao Xiaoyao took a look The pictures sent back from the Sky Eye satellite are scary to look at, one door and one soul missile launcher, level seven, eight, nine, ten... That formation is going to raze Shrek Academy to the ground.

And, eleventh, twelfth grade...

Especially the twelfth level, the soul missile of the killing god level, the name is killing gods, even gods can be killed, let alone people?

"If I can't come back, you just pretend that nothing happened. When I continue to die, don't tell the black cats, they came out with great difficulty."

"This is what I beg you to do!" Clenching his fists, Mao Xiaoyao bent his waist and said: "Everything is according to plan!" After saying that, Mao Xiaoyao left the underground base alone and set off towards the sea of ​​fireworks. The sky attack has begun...

The nightmare of Shrek City begins!
"..." Xiaolan and Xiaolu looked at each other in blank dismay, they didn't know what to do, did they act like nothing happened?how can they...

At this time, in Shrek Academy, Mu Xi was just about to fall asleep, but was disturbed by a strange communication, and couldn't sleep again, not knowing what happened.


Holding the communication, looking out the window, "Hello..."

In the next second, Mu Xi's communicator fell off, she was startled, her body was shaking, what was that...a cylindrical flame...that was a soul missile, level seven, level eight, level nine , level ten... Oh my god, there are so many in the sky above Shrek Academy...

In the dropped communicator, there was the anxious voice of the little cat, but Mu Xi couldn't hear it.

Mu Xi said in fear: "Xingchen, Zixin, get up quickly, something happened!"

At the same time, the Shrek Academy alarm rang, an alarm that hadn't sounded for an unknown number of years. On this sleepless night, the entire Shrek Academy would never forget this day for the rest of their lives.


Boom, boom, boom, some soul missiles started to destroy the protective cover of Shrek Academy, level seven, eight, nine, they can be destroyed, not to mention the number is hundreds or thousands...

The entire dormitory area was shaking. Listening to the alarm and the teacher's instructions, the students got dressed one by one to avoid the terrorist attack...

Ye Xingchen woke up, looked out the window, looked at Mu Xi, and couldn't help crying, is this the end of the world?

how come……

Ouyang Zixin was also crying, so the soul missile came from the Holy Spirit?Or other mainlanders?
Or, Federation?
"Let's go!" The armor was possessed, Mu Xi took Ye Xingchen and Ouyang Zixin out, everyone was moving, the teacher instructed everyone to avoid, Sea God Island would not be safe, a golden tree, extremely bright, formed a protective cover one by one, Protect the last hope...

just flew out...

The dormitory building exploded in an instant, and a nine-level soul missile fell, blooming in the dark night, it was like a hell flower, the flower blooms to know life and death, and the flower falls to the person...


The power of the explosion forced Mu Xi to open the protective cover of the Taoist armor to protect Ye Xingchen and Ouyang Zixin. Bang, she slammed down hard, and they rolled on the ground. Mu Xi still protected them steadily.


However, they couldn't describe their situation at this moment, they couldn't speak, only tears...

There are so many students and so many friends in the dormitory building, but they can't find anyone in the sea of ​​flames...

The students who escaped were also crying. There are still many people who have not come out. Why, why are they like that.

Crying, crying, sadness, fear, and helplessness.

What's going on here?
The safest place in the world, Shrek Academy, why did such a disaster happen tonight?
"Hurry up and go, I'll save people." Mu Xi seemed to hear someone calling, but the fire spread and no one could get in. Everyone was frightened, and they were all running now...

"But, Mu Xi..." Before Ye Xingchen could finish his sentence, another soul missile fell next to her. The power of the explosion blasted her away. Shrek Academy's protective cover was already shattered, and soon, it would be unable to withstand it.

The only way is to go to the Golden Tree, where there are strong men from Shrek Academy, who have the last resort! ! !

Mu Xi didn't talk nonsense, time is life, she rushed into the fire to save people! ! !
Ye Xingchen wiped away his tears and put out the fire!
She can……

Boom!An explosion caused her and Ouyang Zixin to faint completely, and was rescued by other students...

However, Mu Xi is still looking for...

Hong Ling'er and the others are safe at this time, they all have armors and even mechas, they can completely escape the explosion range of Shrek Academy, but they are also helping their classmates...

However, a soul guide armor also entered Shrek Academy at this time.

"Communication connection failed? Stupid Mu Xi, aren't you wearing armor?" Mao Xiaoyao couldn't help cursing. For some reason, she couldn't get in touch with Mu Xi, so she could only locate and look for her, hoping that nothing would happen to her.

Hong Ling'er and the others, just now, Mao Xiaoyao also communicated one by one, she didn't speak, they were all there, to see if they were safe, since they were safe, then he could rest assured.

This Mu Xi was the only one who called, but when she answered, she didn't speak, but left behind some panicked voices.


Flying at extreme speed, the little cat can't control that much.

(End of this chapter)

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