The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 460 It's me!

Chapter 460 It's me!

"Boss Wulin, what are you looking at? Hurry up! It's very dangerous here." Looking at the sky, Xie Xie said in fear, if they didn't run fast just now, they would have died under those soul missiles.

The whole night sky is like setting off fireworks, booming, explosions, blooming, dead people...

Everything is that simple.

Many people in Shrek Academy died tonight.

Sea God Island turned out to be the center of the attack...

What about the defensive weapons in Shrek City?Why can't I see it?
What about the federal army?
So many soul missiles are coming from outside the city, why not stop them?
Some things are very strange, and when you think about it, you will find many problems.

The more I thought about it, the more I felt it was a big conspiracy.

"I seem to have seen the metal man before!" Tang Wulin, who was in a daze, did see a metal man just now, and it passed by in a flash. Maybe some people didn't know what it was in the panic, but he knew it.

Xie Xie squeezed Yuan Enhuiye's hand next to him, comforted her restless heart, and said, "No matter who it is, let's go! Go to the Golden Tree, that's the elder Ge's order." At this time, the people from Shrek Academy are all going there.

"But..." Tang Wulin hesitated to speak, just now, a stranger communicated, didn't speak, didn't say anything, is it you?little demon...

Are you coming?

where are you?
Gritting his teeth fiercely, Tang Wulin took a look, and then left, the strange communication...


At this moment, the dormitory area.

Among the ruins, Mu Xi finally found the person who called for help. The girl's thigh was firmly pressed down by a huge building, and she couldn't move.

There were fires all around, and there were blurry corpses, Mu Xi was crying, and the former classmates could no longer see clearly now...

"Students, don't be afraid, I'm here." Mu Xi held back her tears, under the armor, there is no chance to wipe her tears, she can't cry, she has to be strong!

Use all the strength of the armor to move the building that is pressing on the female classmate, it is very heavy, and it is very difficult to activate the armor.

Fortunately, it was just being held down. The girl's feet were fine and could still move freely.

After being rescued, the girl's whole body was trembling, and she thanked: "Thank you!" She was terrified, and her whole body was trembling. Such a scene of annihilation is so terrifying...

Those corpses and limbs on the ground are all her classmates...

Mu Xi wanted to say something at first, but another eight-level soul missile landed, "Be careful!" She protected the girl, and at the same time opened the protective cover, boom, the explosion was very close to her, and the entire armor was blown away. The girl in his arms was also thrown out violently.

The girl was slightly injured, but Mu Xi's armor was smoking, and her life and death were unknown...

That girl was terrified, she didn't dare to go up to check how Mu Xi was doing, just after the catastrophe, she was terrified, scared, no good, didn't dare to go up...

she ran away!
"..." After a while, Mu Xi opened her eyes. Maybe she was fine due to the trauma, because she was protected by the armor. However, the explosion at such a close range made her a little hurt now, and she couldn't control the armor...

After thinking about it, I was a little embarrassed, I saved others, but I didn't save myself...

Is that a level nine soul missile?Mu Xi saw a ninth-level soul missile fall, and even the Titled Douluo couldn't hold it back. It seemed that his life was over.

little demon!

where are you?

how are you recently?

At this moment, Mu Xi thought a lot, and also thought of what the black cat said before. If that was the case, would the nine-level soul missile allow her to meet the cat demon at this moment?

Opening the armor helmet, Mu Xi was crying, too much reluctance to let go, turning into tears...

bang explosion...


? ?

After death, there was no pain at all, so why is there still a cool breeze?

Open your eyes, high above the ground...

"Ah..." Mu Xi screamed and was afraid of heights, why is it so high.

"Shut up, I'll throw you down if you keep yelling." Mao Xiaoyao wanted to throw this barking guy down, for her sake, he didn't even taunt Yun Ming with a few words.

Seeing that Yun Ming really died, he felt uneasy. Damn Tang Wulin would definitely do something.

"Who are you, let me go down." Mu Xi struggled, they were leaving Shrek Academy, where are they going, this guy...

It looks the same as 9527, but the color is different...

"9528? Are you sent by the little demon to save me?" When Mu Xi was flustered, she saw the numbers, 9527, 9528, could it be two brothers?The numbers are so close, it must be sent by the little cat...

No, it must be...

"You are a cat demon!" Mu Xi said.

"..." Cat demon.

"You are!" Mu Xi continued.

"..." Cat demon.

"You..." Just when Mu Xi was about to say something.

A destructive aura swept over with death, killing gods!Two twelfth-level soul missiles exploded, and there was a mushroom-shaped aura. Qingtian Douluo Yunming was finished, and the protector of Shrek Academy was dead, so Shrek Academy was also finished.

However, Mao Xiaoyao didn't really stay away from the sky above Shrek Academy. He really wanted to curse, to protect Mu Xi, to protect Mu Xi tightly, and the light of extinction dispersed, and everything returned to peace...

No more, Shrek Academy.

"Ahem!" In the midst of the ruins, at the last moment, Mu Xi didn't know what was going on. Suddenly, a protective cover appeared around her, tightly protecting her. The terrifying light of annihilation didn't hurt her at all. But, that...

Weeping Mu Xi is looking for, frantically moving away the ruins, she is looking, crying, Shrek Academy is gone, under the light of the world just now, everything is gone...

She can't lose anymore, can't...

Finally, she found number 9528...

The whole body was smoking, Mu Xi put him on the ground, took off the armor, Mu Xi touched that hot metal body, at that moment she hesitated...

But when she opened the 9528 mechanical helmet...

"Little demon!" Mu Xi cried, and immediately removed the broken metal armor on Mao Xiaoyao's body. She knew it must be Mao Xiaoyao.

At that time, the smell left by the suspension car was the breath of the little cat.

As well as a person that can be accommodated inside 9527, everything points to the little cat. Mu Xi is also suspicious, but tonight she is finally sure.

But the price is too great, now that Shrek Academy is gone, everything is gone...

"Senior Sister." Tang Wulin appeared in a daze, with a disheveled face and dull eyes. He was also lucky to have survived the big explosion just now...

"Little demon..." Tang Wulin cried and laughed, suffering misery and pain, and finally saw Mao Xiaoyao. The figure just now was really him. He's back, he's back...

"Wulin, are you okay!" Some people called Tang Wulin, thanking them for coming this way.

Wiping away her tears, Mu Xi was very nervous. She hugged Mao Xiaoyao and hugged her tightly. Now that Mao Xiaoyao is the status, people from Shrek Academy will not let him go.

However, Mu Xi believed that all of this had nothing to do with the little cat.

"It's okay." Tang Wulin's eyes showed a strange look, Niutou went straight away, and smiled lightly, but he staggered and fell, losing all consciousness. He didn't know what motivated him so much!

Not daring to stay, Mu Xi shed tears and looked at the hell on earth in front of her. She carried the little cat on her back and left directly. The Shrek Academy is gone, and this place is not safe...

The entire Sun Moon Federation will be in chaos...

She wants to protect the cat demon.

 It finally exploded, is there any reward?

(End of this chapter)

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