The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 461 Missing Persons!

Chapter 461 Missing Persons!

Shrek Academy is gone!
The Federation Association is dissolved!

Without any warning!

The Sun Moon Federation is in chaos!

So many soul missiles were originally controlled by the Federation, but now they appear in the hands of the Holy Spirit Cult to deal with Shrek Academy, what do you say?
If it is said that the Federation is not involved, no one will believe it!
Those Shrek Academy personnel who survived by chance chose to hide. They didn't trust anyone anymore. Before investigating the truth of the matter, everything was vain. They hid in a place that no one else could find——Arguing between fire and ice.

A mysterious secret realm, which has been guarded by the Tang Sect.

However, the death investigation continues.

The entire continent was in panic. After all, Shrek Academy was bombed. Are other places safe?
underground base.

Tiehu looked at Xiaolan and Xiaolu coldly.

"Boss, can't you get in touch?" Tie Hu was very angry and couldn't get in touch with the leader, Mao Xiaoyao.

"At the last moment, there were two twelfth-level soul missiles, destroying the world and devouring the world. At that time, the leader was going to rescue Miss Mu Xi, but now there is no news."

"I can't contact any of them!" Xiaolan was very sad and wanted to cry, but, as the mechanical Eldar, it was so difficult for them to cry, and no real tears flowed out.

If Mao Xiaoyao and Mu Xi are wearing armor or soul guide armor, then they can contact each other, but one is seriously damaged, and the other is so damaged that there is nothing left.

Tiehu fell into deep thought and grief, why?They just found the leader, why did they lose it again?
In that way, how do they explain to the black cat boss, do they really want to pretend that nothing happened?
Is this possible?
Little blue and little green are also very sad.

"Elder Iron Tiger, Tianyan Satellite No. 3, let me show you a picture." A mechanical spirit came in and said, basically they are all in human form, an anthropomorphic plan, so that they can transform, body and human form.

However, to work in the underground base, they must use human form, and humans cannot find any clues.

Tiehu watched, and that machine Eldar projected a picture, and Xiaolan and Xiaolu also watched.

The big bang didn't affect their underground base, but humans panicked. What's going on?
Tiehu explained that the experiment was a big bang, it's okay, it's okay.

However, humans are still skeptical, because there are so many vibrations, it's like being attacked by air...

Projection, a picture.

In the picture, Mu Xi left Shrek Academy with the cat demon on his back, but soon the picture disappeared, and the big explosion started again, unable to capture the picture.

However, the only certainty is that Mu Xi and Mao Xiaoyao left Shrek Academy, where they are probably now.

"The leader and Miss Mu Xi are fine." Tie Hu said happily, but the soul guide armor on the leader's body seems to be missing, which means that he was seriously injured and exposed himself to Miss Mu Xi, so we must find them as soon as possible just work.

Xiaolan and Xiaolu were also excited. The scene was after the twelfth-level God Killer, oh my god, they survived.

"Notify Yudie Youlang, keep in touch, and notify as soon as Miss Mu Xi comes back." Tie Hu said, when Miss Mu Xi returns home, they will find the leader of the cat demon.

"Yes." Xiaolan nodded, and went to do it immediately.

"At the same time, order the Sky Eye troops to search for the leader in the nearby wilderness. If Miss Mu Xi wants to hide, she will definitely not be in the city." After all, the cat demon is a wanted criminal, and Tie Hu thinks that Miss Mu Xi will not go to the city so stupidly.

Right now, the entire continent is under martial law, so.The mechanical Eldar troops cannot be dispatched. Once they are discovered, they will either take the blame or fight.

"Yeah!" The mechanical Eldar also went out.

Little Green looked at Tiehu who was lost in thought, and asked: "Then what do I need to do?" Very urgently, very urgently, knowing that the leader is alive, it also wants to find it.

"We should think about it now, how to explain the prohibition of any clansmen from coming to the human world..." Tie Hu frowned. I heard that the black cat had already asked Xingdou once, what did it mean...

Then, the Shrek Academy matter will probably not be kept secret for a long time, and it will be very troublesome at that time...

"..." Xiaolu bowed her head, as if she did too, the leader just didn't want the Black Cat Boss and the others to come over.

However, what should we do with such a big matter?
At this moment, in a cave in a certain mountainous area, a soul guiding light illuminates everything.

The environment in the cave is so-so, humid and cold, but the place where Mao Xiaoyao lies is very comfortable, a standard knee pillow.

Mu Xi has already taken out all the things that can be used for heating in the space soul guide. There is also a fire next to it, and the temperature is not that cold.

However, Mu Xi's heart was so cold, she was so cold that she shivered, she was so cold that she shed tears, it was the same every time, at the last moment, there was always that one person who appeared!

In the most desperate time, give her protection!

"Xiao Yao, I don't want anything to happen to you." Mu Xi took out some pills, all of which were given to her by Mao Xiaoyao before, and the specific functions were all written, especially this crystal clear nine-turn big pill. Huan Dan, I heard that as long as there is a breath, it can be saved.

Gently pinching the bleeding mouth of Mao Xiaoyao, Mu Xi put the Nine-Turn Great Return Pill into his mouth, weeping sadly, quietly waiting for the effect of the medicine to take effect.

It melted in the mouth, and the effect of the medicine began to take effect. A golden halo appeared on Mao Xiaoyao's body, and a trace of life force appeared. At this time, the displacement of internal organs in Mao Xiaoyao's body was slowly recovering. , you can eat such a pill...

In the armor, there are many healing pills, but without soul power or demon power, it is impossible to summon them, and there are not many healing pills in the underground base warehouse.

The last time I fought against the demons, I basically took them with me.

What Mu Xi possessed was in the past. In the past, the little cat was afraid that something would happen to Mu Xi, so he gave her a few precious pills.

With one breath, you can save that kind.

"Thinner." Mu Xi stroked gently, and touched the pale and bloodless face of the little cat. The handsome face was quite haggard, and her little cat was thinner and haggard too.

However, what made her cry was those scars, those shocking scars on his body, what exactly did he go through?
It was hard to imagine what kind of battle would cause such terrible damage.

The more she thought about it, the sadder she became, and the more she thought about it, the more she cried. Mu Xi thought of Shrek Academy and everyone, she cried T﹏T, everything was gone, the last explosion, everything was gone...

Curled up, Mu Xi was very helpless, she didn't know what to do, and she didn't dare to ask for help, so she could only guard Mao Xiaoyao by herself.

Moreover, she also lost her communicator, so she couldn't contact anyone, otherwise, she would contact Black Cat and the others, maybe Black Cat would have something to do.

At this time, it seemed that the medicine effect had taken effect, Mao Xiaoyao's body began to become hot and cold, and a force of death and life collided in his body...

What is fused with.

(End of this chapter)

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