Chapter 462 Wake Up!


"Ahem!" Coughing violently, Mao Xiaoyao woke up and opened his eyes. His whole body felt as if he had been hit by a metal hammer weighing tens of thousands of kilograms. He had no strength, and his body seemed to be split and painful. It hurts, especially the upper body, it is heart-piercing pain

However, the legs of the lower body still didn't respond.

"Mu Xi!" After waking up, Mao Xiaoyao glanced at the side, without saying a word, hugged Mu Xi who was sleeping soundly with tears on his face, and hugged him tightly. good.

That voice, this hug, and the familiar temperature awakened Mu Xi, "Little demon." She cried, cried, and cried bitterly, her cat demon finally woke up, and that restless and frightened heart was finally able to... Put it down, but she still wants to cry...

An inexplicable sadness made her cry no longer.

Glancing at him, Mao Xiaoyao hugged Mu Xi and sighed slightly. After all, he still didn't hide his identity. At that time, the power of the last god-killing explosion was really terrifying. Fortunately, the target was not them, but Yun Ming A group of bigwigs inside.

Shrek Academy is gone.

"Cry!" The cat demon patted Mu Xi's back lightly, cry!That is an irreversible fact, Shrek Academy has been bombed!
That is the truth.

In fact, Mao Xiaoyao could notify Shrek Academy, but he didn't do that, because it was unnecessary, and he also hated this academy.

Even if it is not the opposite, he is very annoying!Hate the Shrek Seven Monsters, hate that Sea God Pavilion.

Force neutral?

Hehe, why does neutrality need to develop so large that it makes people dread it?It will be sooner or later, after all, it is so uncomfortable.

It is called neutral, but whatever happens, it will intervene, just like a law enforcement officer, it doesn't matter if it blows up.

Mu Xi was crying, and cried bitterly in Mao Xiaoyao's arms for a long, long time, and Mao Xiaoyao also hugged her for a long, long time, she didn't need comfort, she needed a big cry to vent her emotions.

Consolation, when she finishes crying and sees the little cat, that is a kind of comfort.

"Are you tired?" Mao Xiaoyao smiled, feeling very guilty in his heart, he gently wiped the tears from the corners of Mu Xi's eyes, she must be very sad after losing so many friends!
Shaking her head, Mu Xi was lying in Mao Xiaoyao's arms. With him, she wouldn't feel sad.

"Little demon, the black cat said you were missing...but you...and these scars!" Looking at the cat and thinking about something, Mu Xi lightly touched a large scar on his chest. It's hard to imagine how terrible the wound was.

"..." After a moment of silence, Mao Xiaoyao held Mu Xibing's icy little hand with her left hand, hugged her tightly with her right hand, lightly touched her long golden hair with her chin, and smelled her faint body fragrance, "she said That's right, I'm missing, they think I'm dead."

If you can't hide it from Mu Xi, it's just that you can't move your walking body. The cat demon can't hide it from Mu Xi. With Mu Xi's intelligence, he will definitely know something. When the time comes to contact the black cat, it will be very annoying...

He really didn't want anyone to know about his current state.

"How could it be..." Mu Xi was crying as she looked at those wounds and threw herself into the arms of the little cat, crying.

"Something happened in the new homeland. We encountered a terrifying race. After a battle, we finally defeated them. We also paid a high price."

"Me too……"

"Even my cultivation, my body."

"Mu Xi, I'm already a useless person. I didn't tell the black cat, nor did I tell anyone. If this kind of thing hadn't happened today, I wouldn't even appear in front of you." But, what can I do?
The cat demon was very helpless, and finally let Mu Xi see her most ugly time, at this time, she was such an ugly trash...

"Mu Xi..." The cat demon hesitated to speak, but Mu Xi slapped her on the face before she could finish her sentence. Although it was very light, she woke up instantly.

The cat demon was stunned.

Mu Xi looked at him angrily, with an indescribable anger, "Life and death are shared, we are together, there is something we can't face together, are you afraid that we will despise you? Don't you think, you become In this way, we will leave, shall we?"

Mu Xi is very sad ╯﹏╰, sad that such a big thing happened, Mao Xiaoyao didn't tell her, but chose to hide it, afraid of this, afraid of that...

"How can I protect you now? My cultivation base is gone, my legs are crippled, I don't have any consciousness, I can only walk with the soul guide armor, Mu Xi, I'm a useless person..."

"I..." Mao Xiaoyao is also very desperate, so desperate that sometimes he even wants to die...

"You, you, you, you, I want to tell the black cat, you wait!" Mu Xi got up very angry, she must tell the black cat, the cat demon is so stupid, thinking that they will despise him, really hateful.

But, plop, the cat demon grabbed Mu Xi and held her in his arms. He was also very angry, "Don't tell her, don't tell anyone, until I recover, understand?"

Mu Xi pouted, "But the black cat is no less worried than me. That would be unfair to her. She only knows that you are alive or dead, but she doesn't know that you are alive. I am different, I always think she is fooling around I, therefore, have always believed that there is nothing wrong with you."

"Sure enough, you still showed up!" Mu Xi hugged Mao Xiaoyao, and at the same time, touched his leg, it was cold and cold, did he really have no sense?

In fact, I understand those things and feel helpless. The cat demon looked at Mu Xi and said, "I have found a way to recover. If I tell you, I won't scare you into tears. When I recover, I will take you to Xingdou Village. Take you to the tribe, take you to meet the black cat, but you give me time, my identity represents too much, I can't go back as a disabled person." A disabled leader can't lead the soul beasts, the enemies He will not be afraid, so he must recover bit by bit...

"How to recover!" Mu Xi held Mao Xiaoyao's hand tightly, no matter what, she would always be with Mao Xiaoyao, always with him, cuddling with each other was the real being together.

"Swallow the evil soul master, swallow the electric current." The little cat smiled evilly. He looked at Mu Xi, hoping...she could accept it!After all, the self she likes is such a terrible person.

"I knew it was you." Mu Xi said lightly, but her reaction was beyond what Mao Xiaoyao expected...

"..." The little cat is speechless =_=, is there a traitor?What do you mean.

"The suspension car smells like you. No. 9527, which can accommodate one person, also smells like you. Tang Wulin said about those things before, so I went to check it, and it fits you very well!" Mu Xi smiled proudly , her reasoning is not wrong at all, this is the understanding of liking someone, knowing everything about the person she likes.

"Are you a dog? I hate dogs." The cat demon pushed Mu Xi, she was too smart to be cute at all, and she had already been exposed...


Mu Xi hugged the little cat's arm, she's not a dog, she won't leave either...

(End of this chapter)

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