The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 463 World Situation!

Chapter 463 World Situation!

The eyes of ice and fire are a magical world.

Cat demons dream of such a small world, so that the world can be dominated by them, and they don't have to worry about any major crises.

You can escape and live your own life.

At this moment, at this moment, Tang Wulin and the others were heading there, leading the Tang Sect and the remaining Shrek people, hiding there with grief.

The Sun-Moon Federation is no longer safe, the trees are big and the wind is blowing, the walls are knocked down and people push them, and the drums are broken and drums are broken by thousands of people. Shrek Academy is no longer the academy it used to be.

It's ruined, and there are a lot of people who have fallen into trouble, especially at this time when the enemy and the enemy are unknown, no one can be trusted.

Investigate, stay away, they choose to do that.

However, after reaping the huge benefits from the Ice-Fire Conversation, Tang Wulin and the others decided to go out to join the army, infiltrate the Federation to investigate, and lie in wait, quietly waiting for the situation on the mainland.

"Father, what are you thinking?" Playful, cute Gu Yue... Na, the two of them have already merged. If the cat demon saw it, he would definitely scold Tang Wulin and even fight.

It's a pity that the cat demon can't beat it.

In order to save Tang Wulin, Gu Yuena was injured and suffered from amnesia. Only she could understand the true and false, and maybe she didn't know how to face Tang Wulin.

As for why she also showed up to save Tang Wulin, in fact, like Mao Xiaoyao, she knew about the plan, but she didn't tell others, because they all wanted Shrek Academy to be destroyed.

The powerful Shrek Academy is not good for future plans, and the ruined Shrek Academy will cause the entire human world to lose a top existence.

They all hope to do that, after all, the gap in strength will be more than a little bit smaller.

It's good for the soul beast, but it's not good for the one you love.

"Gu Yue, do you know? I saw Junior Brother, he came back, and he saved Senior Sister Mu Xi."

"he is injured!"

After receiving the help of the ice-fire two-eyed plant soul beast, he somehow became a child of nature with a 10-year-old soul. The same is true for his partners. Their strength has been improved, and they should have been happier.

After all, it's all good...

However, Tang Wulin thought of Mao Xiaoyao.

A trace of strangeness flashed across Gu Yuena's beautiful eyes, and then she lay obediently in Tang Wulin's arms, "Who is he?"

"He..." Tang Wulin smiled wryly, sighed and looked at Gu Yue (Na) who lost her memory so badly?Don't know yourself, don't know the cat demon?
"Originally, I thought that soul beasts would be very mysterious. I didn't know until today when I saw so many senior soul beasts. It turns out that they have always been there."

"Just like little demons, they also have flesh and blood and have true feelings." If they can risk their lives to save Senior Sister Mu Xi, then it means that Mao Xiaoyao loves her very much. Tang Wulin is very happy, but also very sad ╯﹏╰. Is the little demon injured?

Senior Sister Mu Xi didn't come to meet them because of her status as a cat demon. It's so chaotic outside, where can they go?

The evil soul masters, the federal army, the Spirit Pagoda, and various forces are intricately intertwined, and their interests are intertwined, forming a terrifying net.

When Teacher Mu Chen asked him, he could only say that Senior Sister Mu Xi was safe, and he didn't tell his teacher the real situation.

"That must be there." Gu Yue (Na) smiled slightly, lying in Tang Wulin's arms, with a glimmer of light in her eyes, is she worried?Why?
Tang Wulin put his arms around Gu Yue (Na), he will cherish everything in front of him forever!They will also investigate everything, who killed Shrek Academy!


Fog Continent, Star Dou Village.

After the first battle in the West Sea, the world was shaken, and everyone saw the horror of Xingdou Village.

Now, no one dares to act rashly, the Way of the Ocean, which often wins with numbers and strength, is so weak in front of the four defenses of Xingdou Village.

"Tiehu, please give me an explanation, why mobilize the mechanical spirit race to control the aircraft and ships, who gave you the authority?" In the huge conference room of Xingdou Village, the black cat rarely lost his temper, and her million-year-old soul herself also One of the elders of the mechanical spirit clan, however, it also ordered those mechanical spirit clans not to move.

Explain one by one: that is the death order of Elder Tiehu!
Moreover, Xingdou also stood on Tiehu's side, and the three elders agreed with two of them, so the mechanical spirits would not obey orders.

Dai Shu, Hu Lili, Cangyuhe, Yan Wuhua, Big Cat, Cat Rufeng, Rabbit Yulinglong, Little Bear, etc., all the high-level executives of Xingdou Village were there, waiting for Tiehu to explain.

As for Snake Seven, they are still chatting frantically now, but no matter how they try, they can't reach Xingdou Village. Tie Hu and the others are also managing the communication frequency of Soul Beast.

On a crystal screen, it is very big, with iron tigers, little blue and little green on it.

Looking at the crowd, Tie Hu explained: "When something urgent happens, I will deal with it according to the emergency plan left by the leader. I am really sorry."

"The flight ban has been lifted!" Iron Tiger used to control all the aircraft under the complete trust of Black Cat and the others. With this once, it is estimated that it will not be possible to control so many aircraft in the future.

So scary.

The black cat thought it was another rebellion!
"What happened? You'd better give me an explanation, don't use the little demon to talk about it." The black cat was so angry that she didn't want to care about some things, but these elders of the mechanical spirit clan, one by one, have a million years. , They all have their own temper, and some things have to come out on their own.

Dai Shu and the others are also waiting for an answer. The "flight ban" has been so long, they have missed a lot of things, and the loss is a bit big.

Little Bear was still grunting, treating the meeting as a drinking meeting, but no one would blame her for anything, instead, someone brought her wine from time to time.

"Shrek Academy was blown up by two twelfth-level soul-killing missiles, as was the headquarters of the Tang Sect. The Federation Council was dissolved, and the entire human world fell into chaos."

"The flight ban is because we are afraid that something will happen. The Sun Moon Federation was in a state of disarray in those few days. Our troops also hid themselves and minimized their activities."

Tiehu explained, in fact, it also wanted to tell the good news to make the black cat and the others happy, but now that the whereabouts of the leader and Miss Mu Xi are unknown, it doesn't dare to speak out on its own initiative.


? ?

"What!" The black cat was shocked, the whole person is not well, Shrek Academy, such a powerful place, has countless strong people, has a terrible background, and was blown up...

Tangmen too?

Dissolution of the Federal Parliament?

The human world is so chaotic?

Dai Shu and the others were also shocked. From the moment they opened their minds, Mao Xiaoyao told them that Shrek Academy is the most powerful force in the human world, and told them not to provoke them.

Later, after they found out, it was true, but they never thought that Shrek Academy would be bombed?

"What the Holy Spirit Sect did, they dispatched many evil soul masters, but they don't have that many soul missiles at all. This matter has the shadow of the Federation, the Parliament, and even the Spirit Pagoda." Tie Hu explained, there are so many soul missiles at present. One possibility, this is just its own analysis.

However, the dissolution of the parliament means that everything is possible.

(End of this chapter)

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