Chapter 464 Respond!

"Shrek Academy is the highest institution in the human world. I didn't expect..." Dai Shu was also taken aback. Shrek Academy's defense, although they don't pay attention to the soul guide, after all, the status is there, but so many strong who.

In the safest place in the world, this kind of thing happened...

It's really embarrassing to think about it.

The rabbit was also frightened and ate carrots, "That's such a terrible thing, humans don't have many more?" Twelve level, they only study level nine, ten level, human beings are already level twelve, two smash history Lake Academy, the safest place in the human world.

All the soul beasts are also worried, if humans have a lot, then the combat power is not at the same level.

The black cat also looked at Tiehu uneasy, at the same time, she was also happy and worried.

Worried about Mu Xi and the others...

Happy, if Mao Xiaoyao knew that Shrek Academy was bombed, he must be happy too.

"The twelfth-level god-killing soul missile is said to be able to threaten the gods. Qingtian Douluo Yunming used his godhead to resist it, but he couldn't stop the explosion after all."

"Three is already the limit of human beings, but we don't know if they have it under secret research." After all, only fools will disclose the final truth, generally true and false, false and true. Only then can you feint your opponent.

All the soul beasts fell into deep thought.

Ultimate Douluo, having a godhead, a god position, what is that concept?That is equivalent to a powerful existence of a million-year-old soul beast.

Didn't even survive under that god-killing twelfth-level soul missile?

They are afraid even thinking about it, the twelfth-level soul missile is so terrifying, if it is thrown in Xingdou Village, will they be able to withstand it?
Tie Hu's words made all the soul beasts quiet for a long time, and they couldn't calm down for a long time...

"I want to go to the human world..." the black cat frowned, she wanted to confirm.

"No." As soon as the words fell, Dai Shu and the others resolutely objected, each of them disagreed.

Tie Hu explained: "My lord's friends are all safe. People from Shrek Academy are hiding now. You don't need to come here, Boss Black Cat."

"The situation in the human world is unstable, or wait

Let's go! ”

Tie Hu didn't dare to let the black cat come to the human world, if something happened, they couldn't afford it.

Xiaolan and Xiaolu were also taken aback.

Black Cat is very worried.

Yan Wuhua said lightly: "Your first task is to stay honestly in Xingdou Village and not to go anywhere. Otherwise, I would rather let Tiehu continue to enforce the flight ban, and no one is allowed to go."

"Since the Silver Dragon King looks down on us, it's natural for them to worry about things. We just need to wait for the good news."

"And, continue to save those weak soul beasts that they don't care about." Since the last time I heard that Silver Dragon King and the others looked down on Xingdou Village, couldn't see Xingdou Village's efforts, and called them traitors and cowards, Yan Wuhua was also very angry.

The concept is different, you can fight!However, a coward, a traitor, she couldn't accept this, and at the same time, she was very angry.

Dai Shu also nodded, "If it doesn't work, we'll lock you up! What can you do? There's an iron tiger over there, and since it says it's safe, it's safe." The rabbit and the blue-feathered crane are making the black cat give up That thought, don't go to the human world.

"..." Hei Mao sighed, she was just worried about Mu Xi and the others... If the little demon didn't protect them well, would Xiao Yao blame herself...

The little bear also drank with grunts, "Be good, since they are the boss, you little brother, what are you in a hurry for? Anyway, there is still the cat demon here, haha!" After belching, the little bear grunted, dazed , in a trance, drunk.

"..." Everyone laughed wryly.

The black cat was silent, thinking about it, if that is the case, then she will not go to the human world, but, "The plan left by the little demon, we have to hurry up, most of the plan is a weapon to defend against soul missiles, we It must be developed!" The air defense system and the guardian system are basically defenses, and weapons are also used to deal with soul missile attacks.

Tiehu cancels the call, it has to be busy with many things, after all, looking for the little cat...

"It's been done, with some results." Dai Shu nodded, starting from scratch, although it was a bit difficult, but it didn't affect their progress.

The black cat nodded, and the meeting continued, discussing how to deal with the current situation, she suddenly felt a little tired, and also missed the little cat...

At this time, on the side of the little cat.

It is also very painful.

The Nine-Turn Golden Elixir allowed him to recover, but the strength of his legs still did not recover, but his soul power and monster power were all gone.

The only piece of good news is that the withered demon core has a sliver of life...

That's a sign of recovery...

"Xiao Yao, where are we going?" In the golden shining mecha, Mu Xi was flying in the mecha. She had all the documents and she could fly as she wished. However, the situation was sensitive now, and she didn't dare to fly so ostentatiously.

The little cat is lying in the control room, it is forbidden to levitate, and it is attached to the wall. The control room is levitating, and Mu Xi is also levitating at this moment.

After she changed to allow the soul to operate, the entire control room lost the ability to levitate, and she also hugged Mao Xiaoyao, holding him in her arms.

"Turn on the communication, let's contact a guy." Mao Xiaoyao really wanted to go back to the underground base, but with Mu Xi here, he couldn't let Mu Xi know about the underground base. There were a few guys from the East China Sea Blacksmith Association inside.

Mu Xi nodded and turned on the mecha communication.

Mao Xiaoyao contacts Tie Hu.

"My lord, you..." Tie Hu wanted to say something, but he saw Mu Xi.

Mu Xi looked at Tie Hu in a daze, and then said, "I'll avoid it..." But, where can I avoid it inside the mecha?


Mao Xiaoyao smiled, "You jump out!" Mu Xi seemed to be a little stupid.

Mu Xi turned her head, hum ╯^╰.

However, she still looked at Tiehu in shock, such a smart soul!

Mechanical Eldar?

"I'm fine, don't ask me anything else, let Xiaolan Xiaolu come out to help me, bring the magic weapon, the mechanical spirit clan guards, and the best weapons and equipment." Mao Xiaoyao directly ordered, and a trace of the demon core appeared. Vitality, that is the hope of recovery, so there is only one possibility, he needs to keep devouring to make up for everything he lost in the battle with the demigods, so that he can recover.

"Arrange immediately." Tie Hu hesitated to speak.

Mao Xiaoyao said: "Mu Xi is not an outsider, if you want to talk, just say it."

Hearing what Mao Xiaoyao said, Mu Xi blushed. She was still looking at Tie Hu. That was a base, where was it?It seems very mysterious.

"Everything is fine, Miss Mu Xi's family is safe, and so are her friends." Tie Hu just wanted to convey the message that other matters can be discussed slowly after Xiaolan and Xiaolu leave.

Mu Xi is happy, as long as it's okay, as long as it's okay, before, she was still worried.

Mao Xiaoyao also breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately shut down the communication, sent the location information, and waited for Xiaolan and Xiaolu to arrive.


In the human world, what can be devoured?
It's nothing more than an abyssal demon!Compared to the Mozu who are aggrieved and unable to exert their true strength.

The creatures in the abyss are much freer, and the abyss is only that big. Unlike the demons, the portal is so small, and it is still destroyed by the cat demon.

World oppression, wait...

(End of this chapter)

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