The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 465 Mother-in-law's Threat!

Chapter 465 Mother-in-law's Threat!

The only thing to worry about can finally be let go.

The guilt in Mao Xiaoyao's heart also disappeared a lot, otherwise, knowing the truth but not telling Mu Xi would always feel a little unreasonable.

"What's wrong with you?" Mu Xi frowned and asked, the cat demon seemed to be very sad, Hong Ling'er and the others had nothing to do, shouldn't they be happy?

Why so sad?

"It's okay, it's okay." Smiling, Mao Xiaoyao looked at Mu Xi, and said seriously: "Can you go home and wait for me at home, the place I'm going to is very dangerous, I don't want anything to happen to you." Little Green will come, as well as the mechanical Eldar troops, so that he will not be afraid of any human troops.

However, there is a problem.

There are humans at the entrance of the abyss - the Blood God Legion.

A very nasty guy from the cat demon is also in that place.

Tang Wulin and the others are going to join the army!Just, hopefully, that guy is put somewhere else!Mao Xiaoyao didn't want to meet that guy.

Now, the closer you get to the abyss, the happier the cat demon is, and his body has already started to move around.

Desire evil cats are the root of all evils. However, the evils of the abyss lead to the same goal, but the cat demon can purify and devour them. This is also one of the abilities of the desire evil soul.

The exhausted demon core is longing for it!

"Why? I'm leaving, who will take care of you! I won't leave, you need my care now." Mu Xi shook her head, determined not to leave.

Mao Xiaoyao has trouble walking now, if he leaves him alone, how can he be worthy of the black cat, how can he be worthy of his own heart?
If something happens again, it will be very troublesome, who will help when the time comes.

Besides, we finally got together, why did we leave?

"..." The little cat was speechless, and then let Mu Xi land on a snow mountain.

It's snowy, I don't know how much snow there is, this place snows all year round, there are few people, and ordinary people can't live in this place.

The temperature is too low, this is no longer a place where ordinary humans can overcome.

The Douluo Continent is very large, and in unknown places, there are still some soul beasts, scattered, and the soul beasts are still living. They are already the targets of human beings, and they are basically killed when they encounter them.

Things, once scarce, are money.

This is an eternal law!
If there are fewer soul beasts, it is naturally very precious, and if it is precious, it is money, which is profit.

The Yaoguang Mecha landed, and blue flames were sprayed from the soles of the feet. The entire mecha surface began to be camouflaged. A color-changing ability, the golden light, became snow-white and snow-white, completely blending into the snow-capped mountains, making it impossible to see any flaws.

Now, just wait quietly for Xiaolan Xiaolu and the others, and study the next step, how to do it, how to hunt the abyss under the eyes of human beings.

Or go aboveboard!
Endless mountains, creatures of the abyss, with the characteristics of devouring and destroying, the little cat is drooling just thinking about it, since the evil soul master started hiding and couldn't find it.

Electroshock therapy is also almost at a saturation state, and it can no longer have any recovery effect, so the abyssal creature is the best tonic.

"You look at what I do, anyway, I won't leave." Mu Xi hugged Mao Xiaoyao's big breasts and buried her face, she didn't go, she didn't go, she just didn't go, she finally found Mao Xiaoyao, and she knew his experience With so many things, she will never go anyway.

She also wants to help Mao Xiaoyao recover, even if she can't recover, she will take care of Mao Xiaoyao for the rest of her life.

However, she believed that Mao Xiaoyao would definitely be able to do it.

There was a scent of milk, and the scent was the same as his breath. The little cat was speechless =_=, it was scary to bury his chest, but he still grabbed Mu Xi's shoulder seriously, and said: "At least, send a message to let the family know You don't have anything to do, and who you are with, anyway, if you say elope, I have no problem."

Now that the matter has come to an end, the little cat will not chase Mu Xi away. If Mu Xi is so angry that he tells the black cats, a lot of people will come over...

That would be very embarrassing!

Abyssal creatures, cat demons have never seen it before, but their danger level should not be lower than that of the demons, but they do not have the infectious ability of the demons, otherwise, they would be even more terrifying.

"Private yourself to a big-headed ghost!" Mu Xi glanced at the little cat and said, blushing with anger, but she still called to explain her situation to her mother, she was fine, she was very safe, ate well, dressed well, There is everything, let her and dad not worry.

However, Mu Xi's mother kept crying, asking where Mu Xi was and who she was with...


Although the long chat is very long-winded, after all, they are repeating a few questions. This is the nagging from my mother.

Seeing Mu Xi's mother caring so much about Mu Xi, Mao Xiaoyao was very envious, and he lay quietly in the cab.

He was thinking, mother is really the most beautiful person in the world.

If there is reincarnation in this world, then he hopes that his mother can also live a very good life.

"Little demon, my mother, I want to talk to you..." Mu Xi blushed, feeling wronged and uncomfortable. She was severely scolded by her mother. Fortunately, she was wearing a mind-sensing helmet, and the cat demon could not hear how to scold. of.

Mao Xiaoyao nodded, he didn't need a helmet, "Auntie, hello." A simple greeting, with a hint of apology... After all, his daughter was kidnapped by him like that.

"Okay, you have a head, I don't talk nonsense, you want to marry my daughter, it's very simple, don't do evil."

"And, I don't care where you are, during the Chinese New Year, you and Mu Xi must go home, and the two of you are not allowed to have sex."

"Otherwise, I'll break your leg..." What happened next was basically a standard topic for a mother-in-law to scold her son-in-law. The problem of car and house...

The more you ask, the more outrageous it becomes.

Mu Xi blushed in embarrassment the whole time...

Finally, Mao Xiaoyao reached an agreement with her mother-in-law. Mu Xi will go home from time to time. What about that? Wait until they get married officially. A bunch of contracts...

"...Your mother is really scary." Mao Xiaoyao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He was scolded throughout the two-hour conversation, and he didn't refute a single word. Anyway, he wouldn't die if he scolded a few words.

Mu Xi glanced at Mao Xiaoyao, "You shouldn't agree to some things, my mother is too much." What kind of family property is divided in half, the house is written in your own name, etc., what kind of mess... Besides, my mother has passed this test Yes, but where is Dad?

Mu Xi's head is blown thinking about it, she just wants to marry Mao Xiaoyao quickly, otherwise, when they know Mao Xiaoyao's other identity, they will definitely not agree.

"Oh?" He hugged Mu Xi and let her lie in his arms. Her small waist was very sexy. Hu Lai's left hand was a little dishonest, and he said in a bad way: "What is it, I shouldn't promise your mother?" No I know why, the closer I get to Mu Xi, smell the fragrance of her body, and touch her body, the more "certain legs" will react, but the normal legs will not respond at all.

Is this also a form of treatment?
Huhu what?After thinking about it, her face turned red and her ears felt hot, Mu Xi glanced at Mao Xiaoyao, and said, "What did you say just now, did you forget?"

Didn't you say there was no response?
Why is there such a big reaction...


"It's just holding my little wild cat, what can I do?" The cat demon smiled, what did he do?I can't do what I want, and I don't have that kind of thought. Like someone, it's not just, fuck.

"..." Mu Xi was shy〃〃, and immediately lay in the little cat's arms. She was really a bad guy, but when she thought that the little cat was normal in some aspects, she became inexplicably excited...

It's over, it's over!
She is also a bad girl!

 crying loudly

(End of this chapter)

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