The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 482 Hot Pot Situation!

Chapter 482 Hot Pot Situation!

Looking at the rabbit who hesitated to speak, eating absent-mindedly, and kept looking at himself, the cat demon said: "Ask whatever you want!" Since he let the rabbits come, he is also ready to tell them everything, and will not ask them again. Hide something.

Mu Xi also smiled, the fact that the rabbit can find this place means that things cannot be hidden anymore.

The rabbit's eyes were red, "What happened back then, why did you refuse to tell us while you were still alive, and your body..." The rabbit was very curious, when the volcano erupted, the bomb exploded, and the cat was small How did the demon survive, and why didn't he tell them after he did.

Why deliberately conceal it!
Yudie and Ghost Wolf were also curious.

Put a piece of meat into boiling hot water, rinse the meat, and the little cat took a bite of the meat-eating rabbit, then fell into deep thought, and said: "Ten top-quality blood demon pills, let me have a blood that can compete with the demigods and demons." The ability to fight, but it was only a battle, I couldn't beat him, and in the end, I chose evil to invade my mind."

"I want to use the bomb to activate the volcano and die with the demigods." At that time, he was ready to die, and he wanted to hold back the demigods. Can't kill him either.

Fortunately, in the end when the Great Elder of the Elf Clan appeared, Mao Xiaoyao gave her the sealing materials and asked her to seal the crack entrance of the Demon Clan, and then forced the Demigod Demon Clan to use all his strength to pull him out of the Demon Sealing Volcano, so that the Heavenly Dao The order is sensed, and the ascension is expelled.

Mu Xi was also shocked. It was the first time she heard Mao Xiaoyao explain what happened back then, and it was so scary?
Ten blood demon pills?

Demigod Demon Race!

It turned out that the cat demon was already alive and dead at that time...

The same goes for Yudie and Youlang. It was the first time they heard of it. At that time, they were responsible for protecting Mu Xi and did not participate in the actions of the demon clan.

Rabbit was not in a good mood to eat, "We searched for a long time, Huan Ya came with a leaf and said, you might be alive somewhere on the mainland, we have been searching, and we have been searching..." Talking, talking , I cried T﹏T, the rabbit thought of her previous life, she was just an ordinary rabbit who accidentally entered the Star Dou Forest, not a soul beast.

She avoided the attacks of the soul beasts every day, until she came to the territory of the dark night cat demon clan. They didn't attack her, so she just followed...

Follow, follow, always like that.

Until I met Mao Xiaoyao, this hateful guy, it was too immoral to use her to distract humans...

Afterwards, Mao Xiaoyao and the others left Star Dou Great Forest, and Rabbit was bored, so he also left...

They also became friends, friends for life.

"I'm the one who's sorry for you and made you worry. I'm an incompetent leader." Mao Xiaoyao sighed, punished himself with a glass of wine, drank it, and coughed violently.

Mu Xi said: "You just recovered, don't drink it." She glared at Mao Xiaoyao, then changed the juice, everyone was juice.

"Then...your body..." Rabbit held the juice cup, wanted to drink it, and asked again. Before, she heard from Tiehu that there seemed to be some problems, so Mao Xiaoyao didn't tell them, he himself live news.

The cat demon looked at Rabbit and the others, sighed, and then explained helplessly, saying: "At that time, after pulling out the demigod demons, he was expelled by the order of the heavens, and because of the side effects of ten top-quality blood demon pills, the essence and blood in my body disappeared. , the meridians all over my body were cut off, and I lost all my cultivation, but fortunately, God punished me in the end, and I drew lightning into my body, so I was able to save my last breath."

"Then, I met Xiaoxiong, the guy who loves to drink, and now, she still loves to drink so much!" When she transformed into her first form that year, the Heaven and Earth Thunder Punishment from the Kunlun Demon Realm came across the border to enforce the law. It was so terrifying , who can stand it?

Fortunately, in "Demon Heart Jue", there is a kind of lightning technique, which can lead lightning into the body, which can cultivate the lightning flash and activate the lightning body. Therefore, even if the little cat is struck by lightning from time to time, it is not so afraid.

After all, Tianlei can be used for cultivation!

At the beginning, everything had been exhausted, and those thunders were like a surge of energy, reactivating the cat demon.

This is why you can survive!
Rabbit nodded, "Now, she is my good friend..." Wait, Rabbit seemed to find something was wrong, "Damn it, it turns out that Little Bear kept saying that you are alive, not a lie, we didn't even believe her, this, This, this..." The rabbit was shocked, this world is too crazy!Little Xiong said more than once that Mao Xiaoyao was still alive, but they always believed that Little Xiong missed Mao Xiaoyao too much, and kept talking nonsense while drinking, so no one took it seriously...

Unexpectedly, what Little Bear said turned out to be true.

Looking at the hot hot pot soup, the rabbit was depressed, put a lot of meat, ate a lot of meat, put a lot of peppers, almost cried T﹏T myself......

"Haha, what she said is true."

Mao Xiaoyao also guessed something, everyone must think that Little Bear is drinking and talking nonsense, "She is my savior, good wine and good meat, I can't do without her, she is probably a soul beast with a story, otherwise, it won't be the whole story. God drink."

Rabbit nodded, "Yeah."

Mu Xi and the others were also listening and chatting. They didn't know, so they didn't ask any questions. They just quietly listened to Mao Xiaoyao's explanation.

Holding a piece of meat, looking at his hands and his body, Mao Xiaoyao explained: "When I met the little bear, at that time, I lost my cultivation, my body was paralyzed, and I couldn't move at all. In my body, there was only human body. Blood...and now."

"So, I persuaded Little Bear to take me to Shrek City. I contacted Tiehu and the others and asked them not to tell you, because I hadn't recovered anything at that time."

"Later, I used number 9527 to start activities to find a way to recover my body. As a result, the black cat came and sent me to Mu Xi's house for no reason. Then, something happened, so Mu Xi also knew me, and you also knew I..." All the unlucky things seem to start from being sent out by the black cat, which is a bit scary, too unlucky...

The rabbit suddenly laughed.

Mu Xi was also depressed, "At that time, I didn't believe the black cat said that you were missing, but luckily I didn't listen." She immediately hugged the cat demon, relying on her happiness, that is fate, the fate of everything.

Rabbit is very happy, happy to meet, everything is happy, "Then your body recovered now? Just now, I saw that you can walk around." Just now, Mao Xiaoyao was still hugging himself, did you recover?
Yudie Youlang is also looking forward to it.

"Enen!" Nodding, Mao Xiaoyao looked at the red-eyed rabbit and said, "It's just recovering the ability to move, and the cultivation base has not been recovered."

"I didn't tell you because I was afraid that you would worry, and that things would become complicated."

"Grimace ape, this guy is an uncertain factor after all."

According to intelligence, this guy has found Tost's secret base and seems to want revenge.

Bad thing.

(End of this chapter)

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