The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 483 Becoming a Dad?

Chapter 483 Becoming a Dad?

It's just to restore the body, not to restore the cultivation base?After Rabbit heard this, his eyes opened wide, and then he sighed and his face felt a little sad. The cat demon is their leader, and if he loses his cultivation, it means that he will lose a lot...

Rabbit seemed to understand a little bit why Mao Xiaoyao didn't tell them that he was alive.

"But, little demon, Grimace Ape and the others are getting stronger and stronger now, do you really plan to keep watching like that?"

"I don't agree with the black cat's decision at all. I think it's better to beat them to tears so that they know who is the boss. We have Xiaoxiong and Wuhua sister, so we won't be afraid of them." There was a conflict, but Grimacing Ape seemed to be even more arrogant like that, and didn't take them seriously at all.

Rabbit sometimes wants to go up and beat Grimace Ape by herself, but she is not Grimace Ape's opponent.


Mu Xi couldn't understand some strange and unfamiliar names, but there were so many things happening in Mao Xiaoyao's home, it was hard for her to imagine what Mao Xiaoyao was suffering in his heart.

When she looked at Mao Xiaoyao, she had an extra responsibility. In the future, she will help share more.

"No, Linglong, you're wrong." Shaking her head, the cat demon called the rabbit's name, Yu Linglong, a very nice name, "The black cat is doing the right thing, it can't fight, we can't fight, once it hits, Human beings will look down on us, and so will Gu Yue, they will all look down on us."

"In the end, we were the ones who were killed or injured!" The little demon Mao knew about the grievances Black Cat received when he went to negotiate with Gu Yue, and was also very angry.

Ditian, Xiong Jun, and Mao Xiaoyao chuckled, and when he was on the side of the abyss and raised enough strength, he would go back and trample them under his feet.

The rabbit sighed, that is not allowed, this is not allowed, so what should I do?
Sensitive topics, Mu Xi does not participate, she eats with Yudie Youlang, talks about herself, and at the same time, listens to it from time to time...

She is a human being, it seems...

However, a warm hand held her.

little demon!

Mu Xi looked back and smiled, and Mao Xiaoyao also smiled, and then said: "Shrek Academy was bombed, you know it too! Qingtian Douluo Yunming, those people from Shrek Academy, those people from the Tang Sect, what are you doing?" Like? Not great!"

"But, what's the use? They still can't resist the attack from the soul missile, and they never dreamed that it came from their own people, from the Federation, from the Spirit Pagoda, and from people who hate them!"

"This is infighting! After I went to Shrek Academy to rescue Mu Xi, I chose to come to this place, the Endless Mountains, to use the second prince's ambition to control this army and help me recover my strength."

Endless mountains, creatures from the abyss, each one is a great supplement to the little cat.

Perhaps, for ordinary people, eating too much is not good, and so is too much supplementation.

However, for the extremely lustful cats and little demons who are born with the ability to automatically devour, they can't devour too much, because it is a racial talent, the more they devour, the stronger they will be.

The army is just a pretense to enter the abyss passage.

"Hey, then let Grimace Ape be so arrogant?" Rabbit sighed, and then secretly looked at Mu Xi. Mu Xi is a human being, and seeing the cat demon using the human army, isn't she angry?

Is Mu Xi angry?

It seemed useless, she couldn't stop Mao Xiaoyao's thoughts, so she worked so hard to change, and to change with her own identity.

She hoped that Mao Xiaoyao could give up something for her.

"Go! Let them do whatever they want, maybe, pay some death price to let them know the horror of war." Mao Xiaoyao looked at Mu Xi's little face that was a little bewildered, and said immediately: "Battle is not peaceful The method, that way, will only make the tribe more painful, the black cat once stopped me, and has been persuading me to give up some hatred, so I will not kill people casually, this is a promise of mine." At the same time, it was also to Mu Xi A promise, he will not kill casually, but none of the people who should be killed should live.

"Mu Xi, do you know what you are doing now? If you go back, I will ask Yudie and Youlang to send you back." Mu Xi is a human being, and sometimes, the little cat is embarrassed for her. Asking her to stand is neither sitting nor sitting.

The rabbit also looked at it, yes, if they clashed with humans, how would Mu Xi deal with it?
Although Mao Xiaoyao promised not to kill casually, but when he wakes up casually, he is not a human being.

Especially in the case of underground bases...

Don't let Mu Xi know.

Therefore, in the future, you must be careful when speaking.

"Tch, the rabbits are here, and you want to drive me away, no, no, I won't leave if you said you let me know the people of the tribe." Mu Xi shook her head, holding the arm of the little cat, she would never Let's go, now we can be together every day, that would be great...

The little cat sighed helplessly, and then asked the rabbit something about Xingdou Village, how everyone was doing, especially the black cat...

So the rabbit said a lot.

Almost forgot a big thing!
"Xiao Yao, you are now a father!" The rabbit also wanted to assist the black cat, she still likes the black cat, and still hopes to persuade Mu Xi to quit...

puff! ! !
! !

The little cat poofed himself.

Yu Die and Ghost Wolf were also shocked.

Mu Xi was silent.

"What did you say?" The cat demon looked at the rabbit, very excited, but he didn't dare to get too excited. What does dad mean?
The rabbit is a little ghost, and said: "I heard from the black cat that it seems that when she was in the elves, she became pregnant after you, and Cangyuhe cooks nutritious meals every day, but your child is too scary and too capable. Eat, Cangyuhe said, because of your special genes, it is impossible for a child to be born within three to five years."

The rabbit was talking endlessly, saying a bunch of things, and the little cat couldn't calm down anymore...

Mu Xi got up and said, "I'm full, I'll go out first, it's a bit hot here." She left!

The atmosphere made her feel a little uncomfortable ╯﹏╰, the little cat has a child, and the black cat has a child. In fact, she is also very happy, but there is a kind of endless discomfort ╯﹏╰. In fact, she also wants to...

Alas, she needs to calm down.

Be quiet.

Maybe this is what she has to bear!
After all, the road is her choice.

Mu Xi changed clothes and went out immediately.

The cat demon yelled, "Xiaoxi, Xiaoxi." She didn't respond, but went out even faster.

"You bloody bastard." The cat demon glared at the rabbit, why not be so complacent, what he said just now obviously made Mu Xi uncomfortable.

The rabbit stuck out its tongue, "I am the Black Cat Party!" I am proud, how come?
Yu Die and You Lang are speechless =_=, they also look at the rabbit, they have been together for so long, they find that Mu Xi is very good, since the black cat boss doesn't care, then they are Mu Xi's party.

It seems that the winner can only be decided by drinking fruit juice.

"You guys eat, I'll go out and have a look." I didn't even put on my clothes, it was so cold outside...

Wait, how do you change your disguise...

The cat demon is speechless =_=, Mu Xi has gone out, who will help her change her disguise?

No matter, one step later, there will be no wife, get out!

Bite your head.

(End of this chapter)

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