Chapter 484 Something!
The cold wind blows and the snow falls.

Mu Xi watched the heavy snow fall quietly by herself, letting the cold wind beat her face, failure, a little failure, very good news.

Why are you so uncomfortable?

Lovers get married, isn't it normal for a black cat to have a cat demon child?
When he knew the identity of Black Cat and Mao Xiaoyao as a couple, he decided to be desperate, so he should have known in the first place.

Uncomfortable, come out, isn't that making it difficult for the little cat?

"That's great..." Mu Xi sighed, it was a bit cold, she hadn't put on her clothes, the cold wind was blowing, the temperature was very low, there was no one here, and the soldiers were all carrying heavy loads on the snow mountain.

Mao Xiaoyao made a kind of soft bomb, which has no lethality, and is used for group confrontation and training.

Suddenly, thinking about things, the body became very warm, and the clothes came back.

Mu Xi turned around, "Xiao Yao, I..." She hesitated to speak, her discomfort ╯﹏╰ was a bit inexplicable, she must have made it difficult for the little cat!Alas, I am such a small-bellied woman.

"Put on your clothes, it's cold outside." Mao Xiaoyao also sat beside Mu Xi and looked into the distance, watching quietly.

Mu Xi was wearing clothes, but she didn't speak, she kept looking at Mao Xiaoyao, the atmosphere suddenly felt a little bit like that, she was also in a very chaotic mood now, very chaotic.

Do not know their own inexplicable.

"Xiao Yao, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that, I..." Mu Xi sighed and lowered her head. In dealing with some things, she is not as generous as the black cat. The black cat can accept her, but she can't accept everything, hehe , It's really a little ironic to say it.

Mao Xiaoyao smiled, "The black cat has always wanted a child, but due to my physical condition, it has never been successful. And I also hope that through this child, the black cat can stay away from fighting."

"Mu Xi, we can also have children. Your children and Black Cat's children are all my children. In the future, I will have a lot of children."

"Would you like to have a baby for you?" Asked a bit rogue and helpless, Mao Xiaoyao looked at Mu Xi seriously. He didn't know how his physique was now. He wasn't sure that he had such an ability, but the current situation was not right, some There is really no rush in things.

Mu Xi blushed, "I'm not a pig, how can there be piles of them." Yes, she can be angry as much as she is, why should she be angry, maybe, she can still have a son!

My butt is bigger than a black cat.

People say, big buttocks make it easier to have sons!

"Go, go back and have a baby." Mu Xi had a determined face, she couldn't admit defeat, she had to do something.

"..." Mao Xiaoyao was speechless =_=, pulled Mu Xi, let her sit down gently, sat in his arms, lightly scratched her little nose, and said: "I promised your mother, I will be with you in the future." You can't do that without formally asking them to agree, and the current situation doesn't allow us to have children, otherwise, you can go back to Xingdou Village to rest and play cards with the black cat." The situation is complicated and changeable, in this case, it is not Great time to have kids.

The situation is unstable.

"That's no good, I won't go. Without you, I don't think it's interesting to go. Then we will ask for it next time. Anyway, I'm still young, so I will definitely give birth to a big fat boy for you." Mu Xi clenched her fists and grimaced. She needs to look hard, but in fact, she is also afraid... without Mao Xiaoyao, going to get along with his clansmen, she is afraid when she thinks about it, not because she is afraid of their identities, but because she is afraid that there will be a special look in her eyes wherever she goes.

What's more, there is now an internal fighting situation. If I am going to Xingdou Village and cause some unpleasant things, it will make things a little more complicated.

That's not what she wants!
"Yes, yes, it's all up to you." The cat demon smiled wryly, at the peak of the demon life, hugging left and right?He finally understood Tiger King's suffering...why did he sneak around?
Fortunately, the black cat is not the terrifying existence of the Tiger Queen, otherwise, his life might not be much better than that of the Tiger King.

Neither party can offend, so only oneself can suffer.

Mu Xi happily leaned on the cat demon, and suddenly found a problem, looked at her and said: "Oh, your appearance... Hurry up, change back, don't let people find out, otherwise, it will be troublesome." Transformed into a cat demon, Nicholas came back, and the soldiers who just passed by were also saying hello, the timing was just right, it was just a little bit short.

Mu Xi breathed a sigh of relief, and patted her big chest. It's okay, it's okay, the soldiers didn't find anything, otherwise all their efforts would fail, and they would have to be hunted down by those soldiers...

What a terrible thing that is!

The abyss creature, according to Mao Xiaoyao, is a creature that can help him recover.

Mao Xiaoyao smiled wryly, "I can't help it, if I don't come out one step later, I will lose my wife, so, for my wife, I have to work hard." Just now, he ran away on purpose, where there is no one, he goes wherever he goes, to avoid Exposure happens.

However, the Sky Eye satellite also told him the exact location of Mu Xi.

What wife?It's nameless, Mu Xi blushed, and said, "Go back! The rabbits are waiting for us now." It's all her fault, she's too self-willed, today is a lesson, she can't just think about herself in the future, she wants more Just think about it for the little cat.

You can't make it difficult for the little cat to do something because of some inexplicable things.

Mao Xiaoyao nodded, and then went back with Mu Xi, they became closer, and if some things were discussed, then nothing would happen.

After returning to the cave base, they return to their original appearance. In front of outsiders, they will change their disguises, but they will not change their disguises after returning.

At this time, they passed by the abyssal creatures - bloodthirsty lizards.

Every bloodthirsty lizard sticks out its tongue, looking at Mao Xiaoyao and Mu Xi, without that kind of violence, each one is very docile, just like seeing its master.

There is a round hole metal device on their necks. If you don't look carefully, you can't find anything at all. The camouflage is too good.

"These controlled abyssal creatures, what do you want to do, I don't think they are cute at all, when they look at us, they seem to be looking at their heads..."

The more Mu Xi thought about it, the more frightened she became. Abyssal creatures were their enemies, even the enemies of the mainland. These creatures were too evil, and they would attack humans from time to time.

Every time, human beings suffer heavy losses.

However, compared to soul beasts, which did not actively attack humans, they were almost exterminated by humans. After thinking about it, sometimes this world is really unfair.

Mao Xiaoyao also looked at the bloodthirsty lizards. In fact, he thought they were very cute, "You are right, I want to raise them, and I want to raise them for nothing. After that, they are delicious, so I will kill them." over them."

It's like raising pigs, keep them, they will be fat for nothing, and they will be killed after the New Year!

Bloodthirsty lizards, he will cultivate them, make them strong, go to the abyss to devour them, and then he will devour them...

And so on, perfect!
(End of this chapter)

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