The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 485 It's not easy to be a monster!

Chapter 485 It's not easy to be a monster!
"..." Mu Xi was shocked and frightened by the cat demon's plan, fearing that these abyssal creatures would be uncontrollable and too powerful to deal with.

However, when they came to the table, they found the drunk rabbit...

Yu Die and You Lang also blushed, obviously they were both drinking, and their capacity for alcohol was worrying.

However, the rabbit will get drunk when he drinks...

"We don't know, rabbits are not allowed to drink alcohol..." Yudie and Ghost Wolf were very embarrassed. Just now, the "Parties" fought and let them fight back and forth. In the end, they competed in drinking, and the rabbit collapsed after drinking...

They don't know that rabbits don't know how to drink.

Speechless, Mao Xiaoyao gave a blank look, "Nonsense, how old is she, she can drink, how scary." He hugged the rabbit, just now he ordered a mechanical spirit clan to clean up three rooms, rabbit, rain butterfly, ghost wolf.

They will be the cat demon's guards later!
However, after saying some things, the rabbit is probably also depressed!Depressed to investigate the matter clearly, but can't tell the black cat the truth.

Yudie and Youlang were also told by Mu Xi that it is bad behavior to bully children.

Yudie and Youlang are very helpless_`.

The rabbit murmured all about the black cat, for example, at this moment, she was telling the black cat that the little cat is safe...

The little cat was very touched.

carry her back.

Take care of her, one night...

The next day, Rabbit woke up in a daze and yawned. After waking up, she found that Mao Xiaoyao and the others were no longer there. A mechanical spirit told her that Mao Xiaoyao and the others were training soldiers.

Nicholas, Yao Xi, those are the current names of Mao Xiaoyao and the others, Rabbit remembers, and her name is Yu Linglong!

Going out, wrapped tightly, the rabbit felt that it was very cold outside, she didn't know why Mao Xiaoyao chose such a place, obviously there are places in the endless mountains that don't snow, why don't they go there?
At this time, the soldiers all formed a square team and watched the big screen.

It seems to be trying...

Nicholas Mao Xiaoyao said to the soldiers: "This is the guard I just arrived, Spirit Wolf, Soul Emperor Realm, is there any one who is willing to challenge, if you win, you will be rewarded with weapons and equipment." Mao Xiaoyao wanted to mobilize the atmosphere , and at the same time, let's see if Ghost Wolf has improved. Is this guy seriously practicing the saber technique I gave him?
Before, Mao Xiaoyao valued Spirit Wolf's tenacious character, so he chose to let him follow her. Later, some things happened, and he also became Mu Xi's bodyguard.

Wuhun is a ghost wolf, but its weapon is a Tang saber.

He's been through a lot, but instead of breaking him, it's made him stronger.

The soldiers looked at each other one by one, but none of them dared to strike first, they were all vigilant.

At this time, Xu Haoqing asked: "Then what if you lose?" The way this devil general trains people is so terrible. Could it be that there is no punishment for losing? ?

The soldiers were waiting for an answer, they were used to the horror of this devil general by now.

"If you lose, the entire team will be punished. Therefore, you must choose the strongest person in your group."

"I'll give you 10 minutes to think about it!" Mao Xiaoyao smiled. In fact, he also wanted Spirit Wolf to help him see if there is anyone there. He will go to the Blood God Legion in a few days. If someone abuses him badly , Then what face do you have to ask others for the passage to the abyss?
At this time, Ghost Wolf is in the center of the square, holding a knife, waiting for his first opponent. He has magic weapon armor, two-word combat armor, a thousand-year-old soul, and a thousand-year-old soul ring, and his comprehensive strength is very strong .

Glancing at the soldiers, it seemed that some soldiers were similar to him, and also had weaker existences.

However, the soldiers were speechless =_=, punishment?So what is the punishment?It turned out to be punishing the entire team...

After thinking about it, it seems that this devil general will definitely not give them some good treatment.

Mu Xi and Yu Die were also smiling, and their female soldiers were in charge of watching the show, because, You Lang is very handsome, and some female soldiers are helping You Lang cheer ^[-]^~.

After refueling, the male soldier was no longer calm, and began to choose people. Damn, he must defeat that guy.

At this time, the little rabbit appeared ghostly, and entered the group of female soldiers, "Let's go, let's go." The rabbit finally squeezed to the front, looking at the very cool ghost wolf, she was not convinced, what can the soul emperor do? ?
She is the soul master, and she still abuses those soul emperors, and the soul emperors who can't beat the soul guide weapons are all trash, a bunch of trash.

The rabbit looked at the ghost wolf with disdain, this guy must be trying to bully stupid humans, what rubbish, just when the rabbit complained, she suddenly felt a chill on her back, and then she was hugged...

"It's so cute." Xu Xiaomeng and Xu Xiaoxue hugged the rabbit and kissed fiercely^3^, how could there be a child in the military camp?So cute, the rabbit ears are so realistic, I really want to watch silently...

The rabbit kicked the chest, the rabbit struggled in Xu Xiaomeng's arms, kicked the chest, puyo puyo, the big chest vibrated, the rabbit was vigilant, "Who are you, believe it or not, let me tell my father, let my father beat you." The rabbit was angry Chong Chong, the cute little face is so angry that humans actually forcefully kiss her little face, it's really hateful, as for who is the father...

The female soldiers were shocked, where did the kid, so cute, even have a father?
"Dad, she bullied me." Rabbit ran to Mao Xiaoyao, took him by the hand, and pointed to Xu Xiaomeng who was rubbing her chest...

Rabbits are too bad, they kick people in the chest.

The soldiers were shocked. General Nicholas was so tough, yet he had such a daughter?Isn't it granddaughter?Everyone felt that this girl could be the granddaughter of General Nicholas.

Adorable, she looks only six years old! ?
"..." Mao Xiaoyao's face was full of black lines, what kind of father, where did he come from?
Mu Xi is also looking forward to whether there will be a mother...

It seems that there is no...

"Quiet, talking nonsense, I'll beat you up." The cat demon threatened, telling the rabbit not to talk nonsense, and don't reveal anything when people talk too much. At the same time, he pitied Xu Xiaomeng... kicking is better, her breast It's okay to be so big, but when I was kicked in the face, it was embarrassing.


The rabbit also threatened: "Then I will tell my mother when I turn around, you have a woman outside." The rabbit also threatened, huh?Believe it or not, let me tell the black cat that you are still alive?

"..." Mu Xi was speechless =_=, the damned rabbit always targets her.

The little cat was so angry that he hugged the rabbit to prevent her from running around, but this guy actually threatened him, "Look, don't run around, you need to learn." Learn to fight!He didn't know what task Yan Wuhua gave the rabbit, what development direction, but the soul master could never finish learning the routines in actual combat.

A new spirit is a new routine.

The rabbit was aggrieved, and then looked at the cool ghost wolf.

Shocked, after discussing the complexities of General Nicholas' family, everyone watched because, the first challenger, came...  

(End of this chapter)

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