The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 486 Extreme Fire Hammer!

Chapter 486 Extreme Fire Hammer!
"The captain of the fifth team, Wu Liheng."

I challenge you. "A male soldier stepped out, his muscles exploding, he was very strong, as the strongest man in the team, all the team members hoped that he could go out and challenge the spirit wolf.

Realm is also a soul emperor, and they are all soul emperors, so there is no need to be afraid of anything.

"Hit him, hit him." The male soldiers cheered for a while, now is the time to fight against each other.

You Lang said indifferently: "You Lang, please enlighten me."

The female soldiers were nympho one by one, talking so little, so cool, so handsome.

The male soldiers wanted to defeat Spirit Wolf one by one, this guy really deserves a beating, what's the point of being cool?
The real ability is the strongest!What's the use of bells and whistles?

"Click to the end." Mao Xiaoyao also said indifferently, and then looked at You Lang, he was not worried that You Lang would be defeated, but worried that You Lang could not control his hatred and do something.

Those are meaningless things, revenge on humans depends on the target, if this person has ever hurt a soul beast, then the little cat will definitely let the ghost wolf kill him, regardless of life or death.

You Lang nodded, and so did Wu Liheng.

The battle begins!
As soon as he came up, Wu Liheng directly summoned the martial soul, a hammer, a big red hammer, flashing with either thunder light, or the red fire light of the whole hammer, subconsciously, people would think it was the Clear Sky Hammer, but it didn't seem to be.

Martial souls are all weird and weird, and there are naturally many kinds of hammers. The martial soul with constant force is one kind, with the attribute of fire-extreme fire hammer!

"Look, how long can you last under my extreme fire hammer? The general guards, then you have to show your strength." Holding the extreme fire hammer, Wu Liheng smiled, those burning flames, to him There was no threat, the flame was close to him, energizing him.

You Lang didn't speak, closed his eyes and lifted the saber, charged forward suddenly, and slashed down with the saber.

"A trick?"

Wu Liheng smiled, he didn't care about the soft attack of the opposite ghost wolf, and immediately said: "Extreme fire tide!" He directly used the soul skill, showing his own soul ring, he is also a thousand-year soul ring, and a thousand-year soul skill.

As a soldier, he has made many meritorious deeds. In order to improve his strength, he did not miss the Spirit Transferring Pagoda.

The extreme fire tide, a pile of fires around, poured in instantly, penetrated everywhere, making it impossible to guard against. The red flames, like layers of waves, kept beating against the wolf.

"Hehe, our captain defeated our entire team with one move at the beginning. This man named Ghost Wolf is about to lose!"

"That means your team is weak! One move, you can instantly kill it? Are you still proud, not ashamed?"

"Hehe, I think, as the general's bodyguard, he will not be that simple."

The onlookers were discussing one by one, the battle was changing rapidly, and while they were discussing, the ghost wolf came back to fight back.

He is an agility attack soul master, not a control, not a strength, not a support, and not a human shield.

Taking the initiative is his goal!

"Ghost wolf, come out! Letting the enemy fear belongs to our excitement." The main body martial soul, ghost wolf, is a very terrifying soul beast, a ghost-like existence, always appearing behind the enemy unknowingly, just like this one now look.

Wu Li was always attacking the huge body of the ghost wolf in front, and he had already appeared behind, ready to sneak attack and counter the enemy with one move.

"The ghost is coming!" The ghost wolf also activated the soul skill, entered the invisible state, turned into a wisp of ghost, no one knew where it was, but the fear surrounded the opponent, making the opponent's scalp numb.

However, the Wuhun ghost wolf is not lazy, extremely fast, everything is based on speed, if you cling to Wuliheng, any distraction will cause problems.

Wu Liheng's face changed, dealing with such a fast ghost wolf, as a powerful soul master, he lacked control and couldn't lock it.

Not fast enough and unable to keep up.

"Hehe, stealth, do you think that I can't find you?" Wu Liheng was not afraid of anything, and at the same time he smashed the ghost wolf away with a hammer, he activated the second soul skill, "Extreme Fire Hammer Dance!"

The rotating big hammer, under the force of Wuliheng's control, rotated the soul power, and at the same time, firepower vortices appeared one by one, like a tornado, stirring the entire playground, Wuliheng remained motionless.

Looking around, where is the soul power fluctuating abnormally, then...

"So, it's there!" Wu Liheng went over with a hammer, and bang, the ghost wolf appeared, and at the same time the ghost wolf, the spirit wolf, helped him block the attack. When the light of the knife shone, the ghost wolf counterattacked with a knife, that was not a soul skill...

On the other side, hugging the rabbit, the cat demon smiled, and finally found a guy who could fight, the extreme fire hammer, which was burning with flames, and had strength, hehe, just enough to restrain Tang Wulin's Blue Silver Grass.

If you go, then let Tang Wulin fight with this force constantly. The little cat doesn't want to win, just beat Tang Wulin uncomfortable.

"Xiaolan, prepare the information on this martial force, and I'll see if this person can be used later." Mao Xiaoyao wants to train some subordinates for the convenience of doing things in the future. I don't know that there are still many strong people, and the ghost clan doesn't like to use their own martial soul very much.

For him, sword technique is the only one.

Confronting Wuliheng head-on, the ghost wolf is no match either, and the extreme fire hammer is too terrifying, even the little cat doesn't want to be hit with a few hammers, the temperature is too high, the key is that the strength has a sense of explosion.

However, Spirit Wolf has never been a sensitive attack, he is just a guy who was not selected for the special operations team, and his ability is the same as that of a guy, so there is a simple reason.

Mao Xiaoyao chooses Ghost Wolf, that's because he can hold his breath, he can continue to wait if he can't succeed in one blow, he doesn't give up, he attacks more and more powerfully one after another, and he will tell his opponent that he is just like a ghost entangled...

"The ghost wolf is just pretending to be cool, garbage, if it is a shadow, the shadow will not procrastinate." The rabbit is also from special operations. She knows the members of the team very well, and the shadow is a terrible guy who died in the shadow. There are many humans under him, all the guys who have harmed the soul beasts.

Among them, one of the most unlucky Contra was also assassinated by the shadow!Her name, shadow, is like a shadow, it is the shadow of a nightmare...

"Garbage, rubbish, I will also arrange opponents for you later, and you are not allowed to come out to play if you lose. I heard that you are always lazy in training?" The cat demon smiled speechlessly, and the rabbit was very arrogant. As a fighting master, she Recently, I learned from Xiaoxiong's combat experience. After exploding a soul king, she is now very swollen.

"What am I afraid of?" The rabbit was very arrogant, watching the battle at this moment.

She also despises the ghost wolf, that Wu Liheng didn't move much, his foot is very stable, at the same time, his foot is also weak, without the protection of a controlling soul master, Wu Liheng can't do anything to him at all.

The little cat patted the rabbit's head, then watched the battle, come on!Youlang, take out your saber technique, let me see how much you have improved!
(End of this chapter)

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