The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 487 Battle Armor!

Chapter 487 Battle Armor!

"What have you been hiding for? Did you hide like that when you were protecting the general?"

"No, then let someone else do it." Wu Liheng is also afraid of the ghost wolf's weird sword skills, a ghost wolf martial soul, he is already very difficult to deal with, and there is such a guy with weird sword skills.

Every time he looked at it, he felt that his head was being watched by a scary guy.

Come again?

One by one, the blade, the fire hammer with constant force resisted, but the ghost wolf slashed down with a single knife.


Wu Liheng saw that the ghost wolf showed its weakness and entered the control, so he could not let the ghost wolf come down, "Hehe, you are too tender!" After speaking, Wu Liheng released his third soul skill, the fire shield, a The flame shield appeared, and the fire was burning, which was very inconsistent with the cold weather. He blocked the wolf's attack, knocked the wolf into the air, and at the same time, swung the extreme fire hammer...

"Not good!" The combo was too fast, everything was planned, when the shield went up, the Extreme Fire Hammer was already attacking, Wu Liheng's expression changed, the feeling of emptiness just now, it wasn't the ghost wolf, he was fooled up!
With a knife across the neck, Youlang said coldly: "You lose!" Cut the neck lightly, and this Wu Liheng will die. Just now, it was just a clone, a clone from "Shadow Sword Art", True and false, false and true, in fact, if you want to, then it was true just now, and this is also...

The onlookers looked confused, what's going on, the battle is changing so fast, right?Why did he lose in the blink of an eye when he had the upper hand just now?

Incomprehensible battle!Obviously a hammer has already hit, why did it appear behind him again?
Mu Xi was stunned and clapped her hands really well. She had seen the powerful clapping of the soul wolf before. The ghost wolf is terrible?However, Wuhun is always just a bait.

The scariest thing is the knife technique...

Soul skills are not that scary.

The female soldier screamed.

Seeing a bunch of little fans, Yudie laughed and said, "That's a clone. What Youlang is good at is not fighting alone, but teamwork." Before, they all cooperated with each other, she controlled, and Youlang attacked , if it is a teammate, then the ghost wolf will become even more terrifying.

Mao Xiaoyao nodded, it's okay, but he thinks that the saber technique can be more domineering, especially when facing this kind of opponent.

Domineering is better.

However, the fight happened again.

"No, our battle is not over yet." But the person who defeated the entire team with one move was not only because of the cultivation of the Soul Emperor, Wu Liheng smiled and summoned the battle armor instantly, and at the same time, he was also a two-word combat armor master.

In an instant, Youlang was shaken away by the power of the battle armor, Wu Liheng's backhand was a hammer, bang, Youlang was thrown hard, and he blocked it with a knife. Although he resisted part of the force, the force was very strong, and he hit the snowdrift .

Two-word battle armor master! ! !The onlookers were shocked. Most of them were not Doukai masters, and some of them only had one-word Doukai or just a few parts.

The two-word combat armor is what they are pursuing now. After they reach Contra, they will pursue the three-word combat armor...

However, the four-character combat armor above the title Douluo is too far away, and they don't know if they can reach it.

Some people, soul sect, soul king, like this!Basically, the upper limit is capped, because their physique is average, and the upper limit is there.

Therefore, the two-word combat armor is sometimes their lifelong pursuit.

Level six blacksmith is a watershed, there are not many holy craftsmen above level seven, even in the entire Douluo Continent, three-word combat armor, four-character combat armor, it is very difficult for big bosses to obtain.

Not to mention the two-word combat armor, the blacksmiths will not forge the battle armor for them at a lower price, the blacksmiths are all delicious, and they are all organized by the major forces!
"General Nicholas, this is a foul! Clearly, the ghost wolf has already won." A female soldier said weakly, and then all the female soldiers nodded. It was already stated that the ghost wolf won, why did they fight again?
"Why did you win? Wu Liheng is still standing there." The male soldier naturally spoke for Wu Liheng. It's useless even with a battle armor. How could he lose?

In an instant, the male and female soldiers began to stare at each other.

It is not tiring to work together with men and women. Sometimes they are very efficient when they are mixed. Everyone wants to express themselves in front of the opposite sex.

However, now they are angry, it is a matter of face for the male soldiers.

The female soldiers are just admiring and discussing the matter...

"It's okay, it's okay, just look at it. The two-word combat armor is actually not difficult, and the ghost wolf also has it. In the future, when you have enough merits, the adjutant will help you build a battle armor for everyone." Mao Xiaoyao is not very Don't worry, Spirit Wolf still has armor, double armor boost can make him invincible, but the armor can't be used, but the battle armor can!

However, the terrifying power of this force was something he hadn't thought of, and he would have a little more confidence in getting the abyss passage in a few days.

The Soul Saints, Contras, etc. of the Blood God Legion are basically in important positions, and naturally they don't know how to fight, so when the time comes, they will have to rely on the soldiers.

And, soldiers!Mao Xiaoyao frowned. That damned Tang Wulin and his cute senior brother would definitely participate. It's a headache to think about it.

Shocked and excited, the soldiers all looked at the adjutant.

Mu Xi glanced at Mao Xiaoyao, so many people's battle armors, will she be exhausted to death?

However, it's also a challenge...

Suddenly, the snowdrift moved.

The ghost wolf appeared, also wearing a pair of white battle armor, a two-word battle armor, forged by ghosts and cat demons, the fusion of refining techniques and forging techniques, the strength increase will not be worse than the fighting armor of constant force.

However, since there was a battle with equipment, Ghost Wolf also smiled. Compared with the equipment, he never seemed to be afraid. The knife itself is a magic weapon level knife, and it can also be increased by injecting soul power.

"Very good, that way, I won't be bullying you! My two-character battle armor is called: Extreme Fire! Infinity Fire." The Wuliheng battle armor is also red, which makes people look frightened and frightened. Isn't he afraid of being bullied? Is it hot?The material is so terrible?The entire Doukai was already red.

The ghost wolf also said indifferently: "Ghost, a ghost like a nightmare, follows you like a shadow." The whole battle armor is completely white as snow, the color is exactly the same as snow, hidden in the snow, no one can see it.

The surrounding soldiers were envious, they could actually discuss the name of the Doukai, what a devil, they don't even have a Doukai now, these two people are simply attracting hatred.

The battle unfolds between the sparks!One is terribly hot, the other is cold, two completely different battles, and both of them have eaten each other's tricks.

With the addition of flame power, wearing a two-character battle armor: Extreme Fire, his force is constant, like a flaming war god, hitting the wolf with a hammer, Extreme Fire, increasing his heat energy, making his flames even more terrifying.

Make him look like a flame god of war!
At this time, the surrounding snow has melted, and the playground is now flooded very seriously. The soldiers are digging soil to drain water, which is terrible...

They were all afraid that the igloo would collapse...

(End of this chapter)

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