The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 488 Extreme Fire VS Ghost!

Chapter 488 Extreme Fire VS Ghost!


"Why is Spirit Wolf's battle armor white? I've seen his battle armor before, and it doesn't seem to be white."

Mu Xi looked at the battle strangely. In the battle between two battle armor masters, one for violence output and one for fixed-point output. The opposite mode has different effects.

But, she had seen the ghost wolf's battle armor before, and it didn't look like this at all.

"It can change color. The name of the ghost wolf's battle armor is ghost. It can change color according to the surrounding environment and can become invisible." Yudie explained.

The spirit wolf's battle armor is the same as his ability, it can be invisible, and it becomes even more terrifying after being boosted. However, how can a single-handed battle armor fight against the extreme fire battle armor with constant force?
It was too scary, Yu Die herself didn't dare to fight Wu Liheng like that, she was not a fighting soul master, she was just an auxiliary soul master.

Her Wuhun Colorful Rain Butterfly, besides boosting her teammates, her soul skills are designed to confuse the enemy. There are no compulsory attacks at all. If she wants to fight head-on, she will lose.

"It's amazing." Mu Xi nodded, so it turned out that during the battle, the ghost wolf's speed was too fast, so fast that people couldn't see his scent, and his battle armor had completely merged with the surroundings, turning into something like snow.

Wu Liheng's scalp is also numb now, he has endless anger, but he can't vent it, if he doesn't pay attention to the speed of the ghost wolf, as well as that weird knife technique, it will be like a fatal blow just now.

However, things like avatars are sometimes true and false, and it is difficult to distinguish between true and false.

Especially when the combat intensity is high, you don't consider so many factors, and you fight whatever you see. Sometimes, the body reacts faster than the brain.

Watching the soldiers:
"Look, that knife is very powerful, it left a series of knife marks on Wu Liheng's battle armor, alas, my heart hurts just looking at it."

"Strange sword skills, and his martial spirit is also very powerful, and he is not afraid of the hot battle armor at all."

"The first opponent is so scary, what will he do later, consume so much?"

The onlookers were puzzled one by one, what was going on?Is that saber technique also a kind of soul skill?Or is it a skill ability?

They have never seen it before, but they have seen it with their own eyes.

After Wu Liheng's soul skills, he is now in a state of dumb fire, and he is also using his own martial soul to attack.

"You are very strong, but I don't think you are suitable as a bodyguard. If it is an assassination mission, I will definitely not be able to compare with you, but your protection ability seems to be insufficient." Every soul master is different, and the force is constant How does the tight fire hammer work, then it depends on personal understanding, for example, his fire hammer, he can control the flame, so the flame will come out of the fire hammer to form various attacks.

If soul skills are unique moves, then some skills and moves that use martial souls can actually be called soul methods, which are the methods of using soul power.

It's a pity that every martial spirit is different, unless it is a kind of inherited martial spirit from a big family, which will be passed down slowly from generation to generation.

In that way, those families will have a special martial arts match.

For a young man like Wu Liheng, maybe he will gradually understand in the future!Practice makes perfect, slowly, he will develop a lot of skills.

However, Spirit Wolf doesn't seem to want to fight him in the future.

"I just like this style. If you want to face it head-on, I won't be afraid of you." You Lang said quietly, and in an instant, a knife turned into a powerful blade, slashing fiercely on the battle armor with constant force, The battle armor with constant force may restrain the entanglement of the plant spirit, but the spirit wolf's spirit is not a plant.

As a ghost wolf, their name, like a ghost, appears out of nowhere, causing great pain to the enemy.

It's not that they are too weak in stealth combat, but that they believe that this combat method is more suitable for them.


As wolves, they also have their own fierceness and fangs that make the enemy fear.

Wu Liheng struggled to resist, with flames around him, and the extreme fire hammer tightly blocked his chest. He felt sorry for his battle armor, and it would be very expensive to repair.

"Very good. I am very much looking forward to this kind of battle. Come on, let me see how powerful you are as a general's bodyguard." Wu Liheng also held the extreme fire hammer and went up to confront the ghost wolf. With a knife, the two fought inextricably, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that he was constantly being beaten by force, and he was unable to form an effective attack.

Instead, he was attacked by the ghost wolf all the time, with a knife, and then, the spirit ghost wolf of Wuhun appeared in a sneak attack in an instant, grabbed and slapped, causing huge damage.

Wu Liheng is too self-righteous, because, under the hot battle armor, others dare not do anything to him, in fact, it's just the same.

Ghost Wolf didn't show any expression, he was waiting, he was looking, Wu Liheng's abilities were very comprehensive, defense, attack, no matter what, he did it very well.

However, the only shortcoming is the speed. In terms of speed, force cannot keep up, so...

"This..." Wu Liheng's expression changed, and the surrounding soldiers were also shocked. Is there something wrong with their eyes?The color of the battle armor has changed, and it has become exactly the same color as the Wuhun. What does this mean?
Can the Doukai change color?

After the change, the ghost wolf's knife seemed to change as well!
The onlookers exclaimed, each and every one of them found it very enjoyable, a terrifying battle.

"Martial soul possession, the ability possessed by the beast-shaped martial soul, all the abilities of the martial soul, at this time, the soul master can use it."

"At the same time, strengthen every aspect of the body." Mao Xiaoyao murmured, just like his martial soul possessed, after possessing, the body changes, becoming like a soul like a martial soul, possessing the ability of a martial soul , This is an ability that other soul masters do not have.

Plants, food, animal shapes, weapons, tools...

Wait, what is a bunch of strange spirits? Then, there will be unique comprehension in certain aspects.

For example, if it's a kitchen knife, then this person must be a great chef, who treats the opponent as if he were frying a dish...

and many more……

"Ghost raid!" Ghost Wolf finally stopped holding back, it's up to their leader to decide if it's suitable or not, a human being questioned what to do so much.

As a soul beast, he cannot lose to humans, absolutely not.

Ghost Assault, a thousand-year-old soul skill, after the force and constant soul skill is basically used, Ghost Wolf's soul skill is still there, and now it is combined with the saber technique...

Here they come, ghost-like avatars one by one, the naked eye can't see clearly whether the real body or the avatar is which...


"Hehe, spirit body?" Wu Liheng smiled, is this trick again?It's just a spirit body, so there's nothing to be afraid of.

and many more!

A knife fell, the real body?
Wu Liheng smashed it with a hammer, and the ghost wolf was instantly smashed to pieces. No, it was a clone...

Another one, can it attack again?

real body?

No, that's still a clone...

Can clones attack?No longer a spirit body, no longer a fake?

Wu Liheng's scalp tingled.

 I went fishing today, it's late, huh.

(End of this chapter)

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