The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 489 Training Confrontation!

Chapter 489 Training Confrontation!

True and false, false and true.

It looks gimmicky, which one is true, and the soldiers onlookers can't tell which one is true.

However, the real body will definitely not be so easy to be hit, all-round attack, any position has it...



Wu Liheng's complexion changed, and he looked into the air. It was terrible, countless blades fell, and he couldn't resist it. Could it be that the real body is in the air?

Fight hard, Wu Liheng is also a ruthless person, activated the last and most powerful soul skill, and shouted: "Extreme Fire Hammer!" The Extreme Fire Hammer rotated at a high degree, just like the propeller of a helicopter, The breath of the flames also kept spinning, resisting the falling blades, and then, with a hammer that soared into the sky, hit it hard! ! !

The onlookers were shocked. With such a terrifying power, would the general really not stop it?If you go up with a hammer, Spirit Wolf will be smashed to pieces...

The onlookers, especially the female soldiers, did not dare to look at each one of them. They were terrified when they thought of what might happen.

Spirit Wolf is a formidable opponent. As a captain, he will challenge him later, but what's the point of winning with so much consumption?Xu Haoqing looked at this and that General Nicholas, and he didn't seem to be worried or intending to stop it. Could it be that Spirit Wolf will win?
At this time, Nicholas the cat demon smiled, sometimes he thought it was the most real, but it was fake, some, it was obvious at a glance that it was fake, but it was real...

"Shadow Knife" Shadow, shadow, dark corners have no effect, dark corners have only darkness.

However, the dark shadow will never become a bright hope. With a soaring blow, the ghost wolf's attack is all shadows that follow Wu Liheng, like a shadow, so where is Wu Liheng's shadow?

Fake?Is it fake again?Wu Liheng collapsed, wondering what is going on in life, why is the ghost wolf in the sky still a fake?

However, those attacks are obviously so terrible?
So, where is the real body?
Is it...

At this time, when it landed, there was no place in the air to borrow strength, and force became a living target.

"Let's end it!" The ghost wolf slashed from bottom to top, slashing towards Wu Liheng, and Wu Liheng resisted. , bang, make a hole!

Wu Liheng fell to the ground heavily and couldn't get up. He finally lost.

"Captain, captain." The members of the fifth team all went up to check the strength, and then glared at the wolf one by one, fighting schemingly, they refused to accept it.

However, Wu Liheng took off his battle armor, but said: "Thank you for your mercy, you are very strong, I am not your opponent, as a soldier, I am not as good as you in real fighting skills." He signaled the team members not to be angry, it was him It's just that the skills are not as good as people's. If you lose, you lose. It's not shameful. The opponent is General Nicholas' guard.

There was also a burst of noise and applause from the soldiers watching. It was really wonderful. This was a very wonderful battle.

The girls shouted Spirit Wolf's name and cheered for a while, like the excitement of loyal fans after seeing their idol win.

The morale of the male soldiers is a bit low, so a powerful force is always no match, so what should they do?
Still fighting?
It's not fair to win!

You Lang said indifferently: "You are also very strong!" Then he went back to wait for his next opponent, he took a pill, and in an instant, his soul power was full, and he was in the best state of mind.

The pill is terrifying!
Wu Liheng smiled wryly, and then left with the support of his team members. Before leaving, Xiaolan gave him a pill.

"Eat it and it will recover!" Xiao Lan said.

Wu Liheng was puzzled, looking at something like a sugar pill, is it so magical?

However, he still ate...

In an instant, the injury began to recover.

Wu Liheng was very happy, "Thank you, instructor Xiaolan." He could feel that his body was recovering bit by bit, and the pill was really miraculous...

The team members are also grateful, so it's not the devil instructor?

"It's okay, it's okay, you go to the swimming pool and soak for 10 minutes first! Others will have to use it later." Saying that, Xiaolan left, everything was so chic, as punishment, it was naturally from the swimming pool of Daxue Mountain, How cool it was there.

Wu Li is always speechless =_=.

The fifth team is all autistic...

Then I entered the swimming pool and started crying and howling.

All the team members are afraid, now, they all hope that the captain will not cheat them, after all, Spirit Wolf is already so tired...

The snow mountain swimming pool is so cold, minus ten degrees, just looking at it is very scary, the snow is flying for hundreds of miles, it is unreasonable to take a bath in the swimming pool...

At this time, a girl said: "General, Spirit Wolf has already fought a round, wouldn't it be unfair to fight again? He is already very tired."

"The soul power has not recovered, do you need some news?" The girls all nodded, which made sense. After fighting for so long, the soul power must not have recovered so quickly.

Everyone is concerned about this issue. After all, what is the situation of the ghost wolf now, is there anything wrong, will there be any problems in fighting?

The female soldiers worry about that.

The male soldier was also worried about the ineffectiveness of victory. After all, with so many people watching, bullying an opponent who had no state was unjustifiable.

Facing everyone's doubts, Mao Xiaoyao explained with a smile, and said, "Don't worry, Youlang has recovered after taking this general's special elixir, and now his battle strength is overwhelming. He will definitely not disappoint everyone."

"Win, reward, lose and go swimming."

"So, you have to work hard."

Mao Xiaoyao smiled, the martial strength just now is good and can be cultivated, he has to see if there are any talents among these captains.

The soldiers were shocked, there are still various operations?Special elixir to restore soul power?What kind of monster is their general, and how can there be such a terrible pill.

With so many captains, could it be impossible to fight them one by one?
Youlang also said: "Please teach me!" An aura of being lonely and seeking defeat, Youlang is a bit arrogant and can beat and abuse humans violently, so why not a little more?

Spirit Wolf is not afraid of anything, if there is any opponent, then he will fight whatever opponent, he hasn't been so straightforward in a long time, and can fight so many humans.

The more I think about it, the more excited I get!
After the male soldiers heard General Nicholas' begging, the challenge naturally continued, one by one gearing up...

Unfortunately, most of them fail.

There are only a few who are really strong, and after looking down for so long, they have also discovered some weaknesses of the ghost wolf. Only three people can defeat the ghost wolf, and of course they are the ones who won miserably.

The others all failed. They all went to swim in the ground. After swimming, they didn't stop, and then went to run, running around the snow-capped mountains!

After the first battle, the ghost wolf was also exhausted, and finally his body became weak, and he was rescued by the little cat...

The elixir made him numb, in fact, he had no strength...

(End of this chapter)

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