The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 494 Go to the Abyss Passage!

Chapter 494 Go to the Abyss Passage!


Blood God Legion.

Tang Wulin had just stabilized his footing and used his status as a blacksmith to attract popularity and gain merits. Now, everyone who needs forging basically asks him for what they want to forge.

However, the number was too scary, and some people still guessed his identity: Tang Wulin, the head of the Seven Monsters of the contemporary Shrek Academy!

However, the Blood God Legion didn't want to participate in those battles, they didn't want to offend the forces of the Federation, Tang Sect, Shrek Academy, they didn't want to offend either, so they pretended not to know about the Blood God Legion.

He completely regarded Tang Wulin as an ordinary soldier, a soldier of their Blood God Legion.

Promotion, promotion, because of his terrifying strength, now, Tang Wulin also has his own team - the Blood God Battalion.

Blood one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, nine people, plus Tang Wulin makes ten people, and Blood One is the Tang Sect's Heartless Douluo.

It was Yun Ming's generation, the head of the Shrek Academy Seven Monsters.

Xue San is Yun Ming's cousin, Yun Lan, and some other four strengths, such as the Temple of War, Spirit Pagoda, Tang Sect, and Shrek Academy. This Blood God Camp is extraordinary.

"Recently, what is the meaning of the Snow Wolf Legion? The Federation asked us to give up some passages for them, but what a joke, the passages are not managed by cats or dogs." Abyss passages are related to the safety of the entire Douluo Continent. Blood One, Ruthless Douluo was angry, he was very upset by the Federation's decision, "Fighting, if we come to the Endless Mountains, I will go there and destroy them immediately."

Ruthless Douluo was angry. The destruction of Tang Sect and Shrek Academy was definitely not a simple matter. The Holy Spirit Cult could have so many soul missiles, but how could three Godkilling [-]th-level soul missiles appear in the Holy Spirit Cult? on hand?
Federation!Ruthless Douluo Xueyi was angry, the anger from a strong man, Yun Ming, his good friend, why is he like this?


"I can't get in to check. Xue Jiu and I just arrived at the foot of the mountain and didn't even go up. We were warned, a warning from the metal troop." Tang Wulin shook his head. He saw the anger of Ruthless Douluo, and he was also very angry , but, in order to investigate everything clearly, he must become stronger...

"Their troops are very strange. They are covered with metal all over the body, and all kinds of terrifying soul guides are all the latest technology, something we have never seen before." In fact, he has seen the cat demon... But, Tang Wu Lin didn't dare to think about that, because he didn't want the Federation to have anything to do with the cat demon, and he didn't want to stand on the opposite side.

In the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, he got a lot of help from the king of soul beasts, he didn't look down on soul beasts, but felt that they were very pitiful.

However, the cat demon hates humans so much, he really doesn't want the cat demon to have anything to do with the Federation, and some things...

"Metal army?" Ruthless Douluo frowned. This kind of army was the first time he had seen that kind of army from the image data that Long Yuxue gave him last time. It was really terrifying...

However, no matter how terrifying it is, guarding the abyss passage is no child's play.

It was their duty to protect the entire Douluo Continent. From the time they stepped into this place, their lives no longer belonged to themselves, but to the entire continent.

So, he really doesn't want internal fighting to happen, and it's still fighting in this place...

The other members of the Blood God Battalion team were also shocked. The metal army, it seems that their federation doesn't have that kind of technology yet, right?Or have they not been out for a long time, and the news has become ignorant?

It fits the human body so well, it is already something like a battle armor, and it seems to be smaller and more flexible than a light mech...

Tang Wulin replied: "They came today, and when they were talking about the abyss channel, they asked for C, B, A, S, and each channel needs it."

Although a bit arrogant, the other party just said that, after a month passed, he finally came to get the abyss passage, but is it really that easy?

Ruthless Douluo sneered, "Just try it, I don't agree, they don't even want to get a channel."

The abyss channel is related to the safety of the entire continent. This is not a bargaining chip they use to fight. He will not allow this kind of thing to happen.

Tang Wulin and the others nodded and respected one by one, and they would stop them.


Tick ​​tock, time is up!

A black hover transport plane landed at the designated location!The engine roared, quickly attracting onlookers and surveillance.

More than a dozen people, very pretentious, came out one by one with soul guide armor, metallic texture, rattling, they came to the Blood God Legion.

"The environment of the Blood God Legion is still good. We are on the snowy mountain. It is so cold." Mao Xiaoyao appeared pretending to be B. As an empty general, the second prince established his own private army general. He has no power at all. Xiaobing, his meritorious service is higher than him...

Long Yuxue came to greet her very reluctantly.

Blood God Legion soldiers, they are also angry one by one, what kind of bird army is this.

"General Nicholas, please." Long Yuxue invited. The etiquette should not be messed up. After all, he is also a general.

"It's so beautiful, by the way, do you have a boyfriend?" Nicholas the cat demon smiled, holding the rabbit in his arms, arguing to come, if he didn't come, he would tell the black cat, and the cat demon would take him with him she comes.

In fact, she had already told the black cat.

However, Dai Shu and the others from Xingdou Village also looked confused, what's going on?Why is the black cat so happy?
Is it too stressful and something happened?
They had to enlighten the black cat one by one.

However, the black cat always smiles without saying a word, and her cat demon is still alive...

Because, the light of hope of the leaves is getting brighter and brighter...

Mao Xiaoyao is now thinking about how to deal with this Blood God Camp. Although the Second Prince has some rights, he said so, but in the Endless Mountains, it is still the Blood One, the Empire's General Ruthless Douluo, who is a little stronger.

Therefore, if you want to get a few abyss passages, you must prove to Ruthless Douluo that they have that strength.

Therefore, the ultimate two-word combat armor is prepared as standard, but the mecha is a god-level mecha!The horror of the material has reached that of a Taoist weapon, but it is not a Taoist weapon either.

That is the combination of forging technique and weapon refining technique, a more powerful technique, Mao Xiaoyao's Dao weapon armor, Dao weapon mecha, etc., are actually that kind of technology, but, in order to distinguish!
Mao Xiaoyao still calls it: Artifact Refining Technique, and the one on Douluo Continent is called: Soul Guidance, no conflict, already fused, since Mao Xiaoyao succeeded in merging at the beginning, and stepped into the Seven-Star Saint Craftsman (seven-level blacksmith) After that, that technique is always on.

In the entire Douluo Continent, he is the only one who can do it!

Mu Xi didn't know it either, she knew a little bit, but without demon power, she couldn't reach that kind of perfection.

However, the reason Mao Xiaoyao is so confident is because there are ten powered mechas, god-level, and each mecha has its own exclusive auxiliary spirit.

Weapons are basically destructive!Seventh-level soul missiles and above...

Soul guide guns, rail guns, laser cannons, etc...

Ten units, from the underground base, the mechs that Mao Xiaoyao studied before, power mechs, and now, Mao Xiaoyao can also control mechas.

 New Year's Eve is difficult.

  From time to time, some friends come to look for it, huh?

(End of this chapter)

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