The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 495 The Arrogant Cat Demon!

Chapter 495 The Arrogant Cat Demon!

Long Yuxue brought Nicholas the cat demon and the others to the conference room, military equipment, and military facilities.

Long Tianwu, Xueyi Ruthless Douluo, and the other leaders of the Blood God Legion were all waiting for Nicholas, the cat demon, and the others, each of them looked unhappy.

Why share the abyss channel?
Why share?

They have guarded the abyss passage for so many years, who knows the creatures of the abyss better than them?
An introduction...

blood one?Nicholas Mao Xiaoyao looked at Ruthless Douluo, this is a terrifying guy, his strength seems to be above Yunming.

Back then, Yun Ming chose to protect Shrek Academy, but he left Shrek Academy and chose to come to Endless Mountains to protect the entire continent. Many people thought he was wandering around the rivers and lakes, but in fact, he was guarding Endless Mountains.

For so many years, he went in and out of the abyss, entered the bottom of the abyss, and knew the abyss very well.

"Want to get the abyss channel? What do you get it? Do you know the creatures of the abyss? If you don't understand, and you don't have the strength, then sorry, we won't give you two a channel."

"This is not a place for you to fight. We are the army of the entire continent, not someone's army." Bloody Ruthless Douluo said coldly, obviously he just didn't want to give the abyss passage, no matter what, he didn't want anything to happen to the abyss passage .

Endless mountains and abyss passages cannot be used as a tool for political struggle.

Long Tianwu and the others also nodded, what kind of abyss channel do you want to come to without two brushes?It's just hehe, they have guarded the abyssal creatures for so many years, but they never said they understand the abyssal passage.

What shit Snow Wolf Legion?
"Abyss passage, I understand, one hundred and eight emperors abyssal creatures, and a bunch of abyssal demon emperors, abyssal tides..." Mao Xiaoyao used all the information in his memory to tell everything he understood, and Tiehu collected Some of the information I got, etc., combined, the level of understanding is even better than that of Xueyi Ruthless Douluo, who has been in and out of the abyss passage all the year round.

Ruthless Douluo was instantly speechless.

Everyone in the Blood God Legion was also silent. At the same time, they were shocked. What's going on?
However, Tang Wulin next to him kept looking at Nicholas the cat demon, which made Mu Xi very nervous. Damn Tang Wulin, why was he staring at them all the time?
"Hehe, although my strength is mediocre, in terms of my understanding of the creatures of the abyss, I am no less than "you", and I will not lose to you. As a member of the Federation, we are also obliged to protect the safety of the continent. From the beginning of the mountain range, we are no longer the army of a certain person, but the army of the entire continent, because behind us is our home..."

The word you represents many, many, the introduction just now, the identity of Xueyi, he did not introduce, it is just the blood god camp Xueyi, that's all.

You: Heartless Douluo!

For other things, let Xueyi Ruthless Douluo guess for himself. Ruthless Douluo wants to hide his identity, but how to hide the cat demon?
This is the advantage of the cat demon!
In a word, it was originally a private army that wanted to destroy the safety of the abyss passage. In one sentence: We belong to the entire mainland people's army, which instantly made the Blood God Legion selfish.

At the same time, the Snow Wolf Legion suddenly gained momentum.

But Long Tianwu patted the table and said angrily: "What do you mean? Do you think that our Blood God Legion can't do without that strength?"

"Hehe, don't you have any?" Hearing that Nicholas the cat demon looked down on the Blood God Legion so much, as a member of the Legion, Long Tianwu was furious.

The other members of the Blood God Legion were also angry one by one. Is this person here to find fault?
Want to fight?
Xue Yiruthless Douluo's expression was uncertain.

"I know, you won't give us the abyss passage so easily, tell me! How do you compare? You have guarded the abyss passage for so many years, when did you become pedantic? The army, is it you?"

"Aren't we?"

"It's better than anything! Of course, if there is some kind of Limit Douluo, Title Douluo, then I'm sorry, we don't have the background of your Blood God Legion."

"However, when Contra comes down, we will let you know how vulnerable your army is without the protection of the boss."

Nicholas Mao Xiaoyao said so arrogantly, he is not afraid of guys below Contra, even if stinky and shameless guys like Ruthless Douluo come out to make trouble, then he really has nothing to do, in order to recover, then he has no choice but to Sneak into the passage of the abyss.

But that would be very dangerous, and his actions would be easily exposed, so Mao Xiaoyao thought of controlling several abyss passages by himself.

After controlling it, it is enough to prevent the abyssal creatures from coming out, and it will be considered a success.

At the same time, it also studies the creatures of the abyss.

"Arrogance, arrogance!" Xueyi Ruthless Douluo exuded an endless coercion, Wu Liheng and the others trembled instantly, it was the aura of Limit Douluo, it was too powerful, they couldn't resist...

Mu Xi was also very uncomfortable ╯﹏╰, but the cat demon grabbed Mu Xi's little hand, signaled her not to be afraid, and then said: "If you want to fight, I have a tenth-level soul missile here, how about it, can you bear it?" ? Level [-], it should be a relatively powerful soul missile now! I don’t have one for killing gods, but there are too many soul missiles, and I can still kill a false god.” It's useless to say, because he has also reached that level, and the aura of the demigod and demon race is stronger than that of Ruthless Douluo, why should he be afraid?
Mu Xi smiled, she was not afraid with the little cat around.

Ruthless Douluo was shocked, the opponent's strength would definitely not be inferior to him, and facing his own coercion, he was so calm and calm...

Tang Wulin was also shocked, and he stopped doubting for a moment, because how many people in the entire continent can do it without the pressure of the Heartless Douluo?
However, the threat of the soul tool?This made many people very unhappy, because Shrek Academy and Tang Sect were blown up by soul guides.

Now, the opponent actually has a tenth-level soul missile?
Suddenly, a soldier came in and said, "Report, that suspended transport plane suddenly started by itself, ready to launch a tenth-level soul missile. Do you want to destroy it?"

"At the same time, in the air, we also found many troops with the snow wolf logo..."

The soldiers came in to report, and everyone was shocked. What does this mean?
Is this going to start a war with their Blood God Legion?
"Nicholas, what do you mean? Do you know what you are doing? Once we find out about the battle, the creatures from the abyss will definitely come out."

"When the time comes, the whole continent will be in danger, do you know?" Asking the soldiers to go down and order not to act rashly, Long Tianwu said angrily, the other side actually sent troops over, and what does it mean to make an attack gesture?
Mao Xiaoyao held Mu Xi's little hand tightly, looked very scared, looked at Xueyi Ruthless Douluo, and said: "I am a person! I am not strong enough, I am timid, I have to bring some troops when I go out, I always feel that the tenth-level soul missile , should be scary, right?"

It means that you are scaring me, and if my hand trembles, I may have to fight, hehe, anyway, the cat demon doesn't mind letting the creatures of the abyss come out for a walk, and help them contain human masters.

Long Tianwu and the others changed their expressions. They had never seen such a brazen person who casually threatened others with tenth-level soul missiles. What the fuck...

(End of this chapter)

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