Chapter 496 Bet!

Xueyi Ruthless Douluo looked at Nicholas the cat demon, he was puzzled, who is this person?

Knowing the level of the abyss channel will not be weaker than myself, and the realm of cultivation seems to be...

Can't hold back the coercion?
Who is this person, why, he doesn't know him?

"What do you want to do?" Xueyi Ruthless Douluo finally asked, the other party can indeed negotiate with them, but, one thing, they will not change, they will not allow someone with bad intentions and insufficient ability to guard the abyss passage.

Everyone looked at Xueyi Ruthless Douluo, could it be that this was a compromise with the other party?

Mao Xiaoyao chuckled, "Army, army, naturally the purpose is to compete with the army. If they all come to compete with some powerful people, that's called being idle. Since they are so powerful, why do they need an army?"

Hehe, Mao Xiaoyao mocked Ruthless Douluo and the others, they are so powerful, why not go to a few people to deal with Abyss?

Relying on the old to sell the old, just now, he actually used his strength to coerce them, he is simply a shameless guy.

"Oh, don't you think that your army is comparable to our Blood God Legion?" Long Yuxue also said contemptuously. Regarding the abyss passage and dealing with the creatures of the abyss, who dares to be number one with the Blood God Legion?

Can't it be the guys who are attracted by them?

Haha, it's not that she looks down on her, but that she really doesn't have the qualifications.

"It's a mule, it's a horse coming out for a walk, talking, bragging, anyone can do it."

"I propose a few proposals for comparison, you can refer to them, if you think they are suitable, then let's compete."

Hehe, Mao Xiaoyao looked Long Yuxue up and down. She was another woman with a big chest and a stupid brain, but she had a good figure, but she still couldn't compare to his little Mu Xi.

Xueyi Ruthless Douluo and the others really want to hear how they compare.

"One, for the Star Dou competition, the requirements are below the title Douluo and below the three-character combat armor. Let's compare whoever can enter the top [-], and whoever has the most number wins."

"Second, the competition of soul-guided weapons. In this world dominated by soul-guided weapons, it has become a norm to equip the army with soul-guided weapons. Then let's compare whose soul-guided weapons are more advanced!"

"Three, since you guard the abyss passage, then Bibi guards the abyss passage. If any creature from the abyss passage escapes from the abyss, then you will lose."

"The bet is still the same as before."

"Two wins in three rounds, and if we lose, then we will give you twenty soul missiles, and we will never ask about the abyss passage again."

After Mao Xiaoyao finished speaking, Ruthless Douluo and the others were shocked one by one. There was a shocking competition, and they were even more shocked. It was the twenty tenth-level soul missiles after that...

That value already exceeds one god-level mecha, because twenty ten-level soul missiles can destroy how many such mechas...

Ruthless Douluo and the others were discussing, while Mao Xiaoyao and Mu Xi were staring at each other.

Wu Liheng and the others trembled and dared not say anything, especially Xu Haoqing... It was too scary, too scary. Could it be that their goal was the top [-] in Star Dou

How is that possible...

There are so many masters in the entire continent, and they are all below the title of Douluo and below the three characters of Doukai. Then, they will have to face the eight-ring Soul Douluo, the seven-ring Soul Saint...

"Agreed!" Xueyi Ruthless Douluo said, he had no reason not to agree, and if he didn't agree, it meant that their Blood Gods were afraid, and their Blood God Legion had never been afraid.

There is nothing wrong with discussing and deciding, and there is nothing wrong with the competition. This is indeed a test of the ability of an army.

Mao Xiaoyao smiled, "Please choose two abyss passages that are basically the same, and we will send the same number of troops to guard them. During the period, it will only be those few people. You can equip them as you like."

"Until the creatures from the abyss come out!"

"During the period, we can supervise each other, and we can also complete the Star Battle Network."

"Soul guide weapons, save them for last! I hope we can compete." After finishing speaking, Mao Xiaoyao and the others left, give them time to prepare!In a few days, the competition will start, and he will officially start devouring the creatures of the abyss. How much he can recover, whether he can meet Tang Wulin before the finals to restore his cultivation, is unknown.

The suspension transport plane took off, just swaggering like that.


The Blood God Legion felt very uncomfortable in an instant, because, after so many years, it was the first time someone came to them so unreasonably.

The position of the Blood God Legion is very mysterious, and it also has a pivotal position in the federal military headquarters. Why is there such an army?
Until Mao Xiaoyao and the others left and went back to the Blood God Camp, Tang Wulin couldn't help but said: "Ruthless Douluo, I think they must have their own ideas for daring to propose such a contest. We..." Ruthless Douluo told him The goal is to win the top three on the Star Dou Battle Network... This is too scary!Below the title Douluo, below the three-character combat armor, that is, the eight-ring Soul Douluo...

how to spell?
Top three?

The first sixteen are all difficult, and so is the sixty.

How to do……

"Well, I can't see through that Nicholas. His strength is definitely not inferior to mine. However, those soldiers today are also among the soul emperors and soul saints. The younger generation, they are very strong." Ruthless Douluo touched Chin, deep in thought, who is it?Such a strong person, and the Sun Moon Federation, why doesn't he know him?
(Mao Xiaoyao: No, I don’t, I’m not.)
Star Dou Battle Network is the first, which is similar to the reward of the wanted cat demon.

First, get a red god-level mecha.

And, the complete set of materials for the four-character combat armor...

Now, the onlookers no longer went to catch cats and monsters, but came to participate in the Star Dou Battle Network.

However, what is Star Battle Network?

Similarly, the Ascension to Lingtai of the Spirit Pagoda can enter a virtual space, fight arbitrarily in it, and exert its full strength, regardless of attributes.

Star Dou Battle Network is like a virtual space.

Afterwards, Blood One Ruthless Douluo came to a place and met a person, the leader of the Blood God Legion——Zhang Huanyun, a three-star general, every step of the way, is a meritorious service.

"Did you see it?" Ruthless Douluo asked, the discussion just now was actually a discussion with this boss.

The head of the Blood God Legion nodded, "I don't know what it means at the Federation side, but you are right, the abyss passage is not a place where cats and dogs can guard."

"Here, no fighting is allowed! Since the competition is to test an army, then we Blood Gods cannot easily admit defeat."

"Let them know that we are amazing!"

The head of the Blood God Legion smiled and said that he has confidence in his soldiers, and at the same time, he is also very confident in guarding the abyss passage.

However, facing a BUG cat demon...

Bloody Ruthless Douluo then went to arrange for the abyss channel contest.

Since the Snow Wolf Legion is so powerful, let's use the S-rank channel!
He really wants to see how the Snow Wolf Legion guards the abyss passage. If everyone is trying to protect the safety of the mainland, then he welcomes it.

if not.

He will definitely go and destroy it!
(End of this chapter)

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