The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 498 Special Operations Squad!

Chapter 498 Special Operations Squad!


"I..." The little cat was speechless again. Mu Xi asked the same way before, why didn't she tell her, why did she hide some things.

But what did he say?
With tears streaming down his face, the black cat said angrily: "You let me down, little demon, you are always so self-righteous, you always think your own beliefs are right, and you never know that your beliefs are not our beliefs at all. .”

"You never think about yourself! If Mu Xi and Rabbit didn't tell me, then how long do you want to keep it from me?"

"We are lovers and partners, and wind and rain go hand in hand, so you don't trust me so much? Could it be that I despise you?"

"Do you know? Knowing the news that you are alive, I am very happy, happy every day."

"I can't wait to fly to you right away!"

"Do you know? No matter how many grievances there are, but when I think of you, those grievances are not so uncomfortable." The black cat really misses the cat demon, but she knows that she can't go to the human world now, because Dai Shu They don't allow it, and if they go, they will definitely expose some things and put themselves in danger. At that time, the cat demon will be more worried about himself.

Therefore, the black cat held back and didn't go with the special operations team, but she couldn't help but miss Mao Xiaoyao, so she called this communication.

"I'm sorry, Black Cat, I'm sorry for you, but the situation is complicated now, please understand me..."

"Seeing the current situation in Xingdou Village and the situation in the human world, I'm in a hurry to restore my cultivation, so that I can protect you, your family, and your children in the troubled times that follow..."

Mao Xiaoyao blamed himself very much, and was very helpless. When he faced Ruthless Douluo just now, in fact, he had nothing to do. If he disagrees, is it really impossible to fight?

Originally, the second prince's army was a bit dishonest, no matter what they did, it was just as it should be, but fortunately, I didn't know what happened in the end.

He actually agreed to the request, but what happened after the request?
Star Dou top sixteen?Defense of the abyss channel?Soul tool competition?Are you really sure?
Wu Liheng and the others are indeed very strong, but compared to Tang Wulin and the others... they are still too weak.

"Child?" The black cat was very moved, but it also felt sorry for Mao Xiaoyao, because Mao Xiaoyao never thought about himself, but always for them.

"The child has nothing to do with you, the child belongs to me! As a father, you have no responsibility at all, and the child and I have decided not to want you!" The black cat said angrily. In fact, she was very happy because she could finally tell the cat the news. Xiao Yao, they have a child, they are parents, they are a family!

"Don't, hehe." The cat demon smiled and said all kinds of good things.

After being separated for such a long time, they have endless things to say.

At this moment, in one cabin of the transport plane, Mu Xi and Rabbit were eating and chatting, and Mu Xi was absent-minded.

Rabbit is very happy.

"What's the matter, Mu Xi, are you unhappy?" Rabbit asked while eating the carrot, she didn't seem very happy when she saw Mu Xi.

Mu Xi shook her head, "No, I'm very happy, because the black cat can finally meet the little demon." She was very happy, she was just thinking about other things, about herself, and she could have one that belonged to her anytime. What about the child with the cat goblin?

However, Mao Xiaoyao said that this time is not suitable, and his unlucky mother has been stopping it, alas, thinking about it is really helpless_`.

Rabbit nodded, "Yeah!"

Then he said: "When we get the abyss passage, we will kill the abyssal creatures and let the little monster devour them. After the little monster recovers its strength, he will definitely take you back to our homeland."

"Xiao Yao said that at that time, no one from the tribe will be able to oppose him!"

"But, it can't do it now. It hasn't recovered its strength, and its strength is not strong enough. Going there will cause some reverse effects." Rabbit understands Mu Xi's mood, but, humans and soul beasts... She feels a headache for the little cat now She doesn't know how the little cat will deal with the relationship between humans and spirit beasts in the future.

If one is not handled well, he will lose his clansman and lover...

So, Mao Xiaoyao usually let Dai Shu do everything, so did she have the idea of ​​retiring?
The rabbit seems to have thought of some strange place to go!

Mu Xi nodded, she knew, always knew...

After a while, the cat demon came!

Catching a rabbit is a spanking, but Mu Xi will be spanking at night when she returns home!

A few days later, Snow Wolf Barracks.

A suspended transport plane landed, and there were almost ten people down, including the Spirit-Eyed Eagle, Colorful Spirit Butterfly, Colorless Dragon, and a total of ten special operations teams. After the rabbit returned to the team, there were eleven in an instant!
"Little rabbit, you are very immoral, you are a detective yourself." After seeing the rabbit and Xiaolan and Xiaolu come out to greet them, Lingyanying and the others teased them one by one. It was said that this little detective had found the leader, and they were all very excited. admire.

In addition to bringing new equipment from Star Dou Village, there were only ten members of their special operations team.

"So, I'm better than you, haha, let's go, it's cold outside, and the little demon is waiting for you inside." The rabbit said with a smile. As a leader, the little cat will naturally not come out to greet you unless Yan Wuhua and the others come.

After the Spirit-Eyed Eagle and the others heard the leader, they were excited one by one, not afraid of the cold, and immediately went in with the rabbit.

After the soldiers saw it, they took it for granted, because now they go back and forth a lot, and at this time with the Blood God Legion, defending the S-level passage, they went to ten teams, 500 people to guard the S-level passage.

It's a place with Title Douluo level abyssal creatures, so it's very dangerous.

In the cave base, Mao Xiaoyao is alone, and Mu Xi and You Lang are in the S-level abyss passage.

"Master Leader." Spirit Eye Eagle and the others were excited to finally see the leader, Mao Xiaoyao, that man, he didn't die, he was still alive...

"I'm very happy to meet you. You're cultivating quickly. I'm very happy." Four [-]-something Contras, three [-]-something Soul Saints, and three [-]-something Soul Emperors.

Taoist Armor, Two-word Battle Armor, and Taoist Powered Armor, they all have them. This is a terrifying team. Seeing them, Mao Xiaoyao finally saw a glimmer of hope for the top sixteen.

It doesn't matter even if Tang Wulin gets the first place, as long as ten of the top sixteen belong to them, they will win the battle for sure.

"We also miss you very much, Sir. It's great to see that you have nothing to do." Spirit-Eyed Eagle and the others excitedly asked each other, and the cat demon didn't explain too much.

Eleven Star Dou Cabins, similar to the Spirit Pagoda, this is a device that can connect to the Star Dou Network. Mao Xiaoyao asks the special operations team to get points for him. There are iron tigers on the data side, and some It can become nothing, and nothing can become something.

So Star Dou Battle Network, start fighting!
However, Mao Xiaoyao will also go to the S-level channel, and when he has time, he will also drive the mecha to abuse people.

 Hey, have you killed pigs during Chinese New Year?
(End of this chapter)

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