The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 499 Tang Wulin's Worries?

Chapter 499 Tang Wulin's Worries?

S-class abyss channel!

Breath, that is stronger than ordinary channels.

500 guards, then 500 people, the Snow Wolf Legion and the Blood God Legion will naturally not play tricks, but whether some of them are human, then I don't know.

Tang Wulin and their side.

The S-level abyss passage is full of dangers, because the weakest abyssal creature here is at least around the level of the six-ring soul emperor.

One by one is very powerful.

As one of the best soldiers of the Blood God Legion, Tang Wulin naturally came to participate in the mission. He basically spent the rest of his time on Star Dou

He currently has a winning record!
At this moment, there are abyssal creatures rioting in the abyss channel guarded by the Blood God Legion. Tang Wulin, Long Yuxue, and Jiang Bie are suppressing them.

"The abyssal creatures are a bit active recently. Is it because we are unlucky to choose an abyss passage with the most irritable temper?" Tired, Jiang Bieyue is speechless =_=, the abyssal creatures in the abyss passage cannot be killed at all, and, In order to prevent the humanoid powerhouses of some abyssal creatures such as the Phantom of the Charming Emperor.

A bunch of Soul Douluo powerhouses also came, the backbone of the entire Blood God Legion was in this place, and even Blood One Ruthless Douluo came to inspect from time to time.

He takes it very seriously.

The rules just say that everyone uses 500 people to guard, but there is no specific 500 people to use.

In order to win, the Blood God Legion dispatched many big bosses, they didn't want to share the abyss passage, and they didn't want to lose. At the same time, some Contras also joined the Star Dou Battle Network.

For the sake of winning!However, in recent days, they have also applied for new soul guide weapons with the federation to deal with the third competition.

In the final analysis, they just didn't want to lose to the outsiders—the Snow Wolf Legion.

"I can suppress them! However, some powerful abyssal creatures have to rely on blood to three them." Tang Wulin held the Golden Dragon Spear, feeling the breath of the Golden Dragon King in his body. He can suppress the abyssal creatures. His blood is specially from the Golden Dragon The power of the king is very strong.

Blood God Camp, Blood One, Blood Two, Blood Three, Blood Four, Blood Five, Blood Six, Blood Seven, Blood Eight, Blood Nine, plus Tang Wulin, a non-staff member, made a total of ten people, and they were very powerful one by one.

It is precisely because of their existence that the abyss passage will be safer at present, and no abyssal creature will run out.

Long Yuxue looked at the waves of abyssal creatures pressed one after another, frowned and said, "When we were guarding, our strength was not that strong. There were always a few who ran out, but they were still killed by us."

"However, it's our first time entering the abyss channel to guard. I'm afraid of a problem now." The internal environment is complicated. In the past, they were all guarding the entrance of the cave and coming in to kill. Now there are also entrances and interiors, and also kill.

However, there is always such a danger in entering the abyss passage-the abyss tide.

That terrible tide of the abyss will not make any sense at all, it will destroy everything.

"The tide of the abyss..." Holding the golden dragon gun, Tang Wulin fell into deep thought. He couldn't deal with this, and the devouring was saturated. He hoped that Xueyi Ruthless Douluo and the others could do something about it.

However, now he is looking forward to a person - Mao Xiaoyao.

The equipment technology of those troops is obviously related to the cat demon.

The second prince's troops?However, according to his understanding, the second prince and the cat demon had a deep hatred, and the second prince's legs were blown off by the cat demon.


It seemed impossible to cooperate.

Mao Xiaoyao is not in such a good mood, and the second prince will not be so stupid.

However, that kind of soul guidance technology, why?
Tang Wulin fell into deep thought. He and Mao Xiaoyao took two completely different paths.

He is a blacksmith, nothing more.

It is forging metal, battle armor, and so on.

However, Mao Xiaoyao is a soul guide maker. He is proficient in all kinds of soul guide knowledge, but he invented some soul guides and manufactured some soul guides.

Up to the mecha, and the armor, etc., some soul guide armor, etc. have the shadow of the cat demon.

Sometimes he admires his little junior brother, who always sees so thoroughly, compared to him, he is indeed inferior to him... the theory of soul tools, he doesn't move.

However, the cat demon understands!Knowing everything, they can also create it. This is the gap between them, the gap that cannot be bridged.

"Why, what's on your mind? Are you thinking about your girlfriend?" Long Yuxue joked, the abyss channel is now guarded by soldiers, and overall it's very safe. It's also very necessary to have a lazy chat and relax.

Don't be tense all the time!In that way, it will have the opposite effect, and it will be more tiring.

However, relax, instead of relaxing their vigilance, they still need to observe the situation of the abyss passage at all times.

"No, I'm thinking of a friend of mine." Holding the golden dragon gun, Tang Wulin looked forward, "I haven't seen him for a long time, but I always feel that he is by my side. He is deep in the darkness, and I am deep in the darkness." Bright, we're going to have a fight, maybe without a fight."

"I'm looking forward to his return!" Lurking?Tang Wulin held the Golden Dragon Spear. Now he was no longer afraid of Mao Xiaoyao. He wanted to defeat Mao Xiaoyao and save him completely, so that he would not continue to sink.

That's his brother!

Enter the heart of a good brother!

He won't give up!
Long Yuxue was stunned for a moment, a man's friendship?Why did she see something different?
At the same time, a soldier came in and reported: "Mr. Long, there is a second-level abyssal tide on the side of the Snow Wolf Army, and the rage of the abyssal creatures is stronger than ours." The soldier was not happy, but was silent, kind of Unbelievable silence.

"Haha, then we have won. The second-level abyssal tide will definitely come out with the abyssal creatures. They will definitely not be able to resist haha." Long Yuxue laughed happily, and immediately prepared to tell Xue Yi Wuqing the good news. Get them and report the situation to them.

This is great news for them.

"Great." Tang Wulin also clenched his fists. The news was a bit exciting, but he had to stop the creatures of the abyss and not go out to harm people.

However, the person in charge of monitoring the Snow Wolf Legion said: "After the abyss tide appeared, it seemed to be absorbed by some strange soul guidance device, and no abyss creature came out at all. Over there, they used large-scale soul guidance devices to destroy Killing the creatures of the abyss, and even caught a phantom..." He witnessed a huge metal container, the metal alone was half a meter thick, that container was crazily absorbing the tide of the abyss, and he could vaguely hear something roaring inside... …The whole container is shaking, very strange and strange.

"What!" Absorbing the tide of the abyss?Is that something humans can do?Could it be that the Snow Wolf Legion has some secret weapon?
Can a humanoid abyssal creature like the Phantom of the Abyss be caught?
Shocked, very shocked.

Tang Wulin frowned, "Let's tell Officer Xueyi! Maybe, we will also face the tide of the abyss, or even a more powerful attack."

Long Yuxue ordered the soldier to continue monitoring, and then rushed to report.

The Snow Wolf Legion didn't send anyone to watch, and the people watching were all outside. As long as an abyss creature came out, it would be a loser...

(End of this chapter)

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