The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 500 Cat Little Demon Brand "Vacuum Cleaner"

Chapter 500 Cat Little Demon Brand "Vacuum Cleaner"

At this time, on the side of the Snow Wolf Legion.

Mu Xi, Youlang, Yudie, Rabbit, they were all there, and Xiaolan and Xiaolu were in front to kill the creatures of the abyss.

Basically, they release poison gas, set traps, release soul guide weapons, and come out with various weapons to greet them, and the abyssal creatures can't stand it at all.

However, they all have soul guide armor, and they are not afraid of poisonous gas at all.

"Instructor Xiaolan, then... what kind of powerful weapon can absorb the tide of the abyss, it seems that the Blood God Legion does not have such a thing."

"They only have defensive shields..."

As a soul engineer maker, Xu Haoqing was very curious about the principle behind it, and he was able to roar like a wild beast. What's the situation?
Much like meowing.

Does the soul tool have a temper?
At this time, the mecha unit is at the forefront, the second is the soul guide armor unit, and the third is the artillery unit. All kinds of soul missiles, soul guide cannons, etc. are all burning money...

Tyrant's way of fighting!Technology crushes everything, money is willful, and weapons are like cabbage.

"You talk a lot of nonsense, let you know about the secret weapon, it's still called a secret weapon? That who, yours, go and destroy him!" Xiaolan pointed to an abyssal creature that came out of the crack in the mech unit, and ordered Xu Haoqing Hurry to destroy.

At this time, Xu Xiaomeng and Xu Xiaoxue were also fighting against the creatures of the abyss, but the female soldiers were basically happy to fight. Originally, the cat demon didn't plan to use female soldiers.

However, that bastard said that he discriminated against women, so he was so angry that he found a few of the weakest ones to experience the abyss passage.

Very speechless, he has a name, Xu Haoqing nodded, "Oh, oh!" Immediately, he rushed up to be a soul-guided cannon. Problems that can be solved with technology must not use soul power and soul skills...

Xiaolan and Xiaolu looked at each other, looked at each other, and suddenly smiled, metal device?That was a metal cage in which their leader was imprisoned.

At this time, in the metal cage.

The lustful evil cat covered in chains was struggling, and in front of him, there was a girl, "Little cat, meow meow, mommy is here, don't be afraid..."

That clear voice was like the sound of a spell, it was just a special language for cats, but it was very effective. After hearing Mu Xi's voice, the cat demon calmed down, and his body began to change, turning into a human body...

Clap clap!Rabbit and the others were shocked, laughed, and applauded, but Yudie blushed because the little cat was naked.

Mu Xi supported the weak cat demon, and put on his clothes, "My little cat is back!"

She smiled and patted her head.

The cat demon was wearing clothes, rolled his eyes, and said, "Let's, can you put it another way next time? Are you stroking the cat?" He rolled his eyes at Mu Xi, what kind of bird spell, after hearing it, he was full of energy, and he directly wake up...

so horrible!
what kitty kitty kitty...

"Congratulations, sir, is the absorption effective?" You Lang also said happily, Yu Die blushed and nodded.

The rabbit is checking the cat demon's body.

Mu Xi stuck out her tongue cutely, she was just stroking the cat, there was nothing wrong with it.

Putting on the clothes, the cat demon closed his eyes, feeling the demon core in his body... Finally, the demon power, the soul power, can finally...

Summoning, the cat demon summoned his evil cat armor. Finally, he possessed a trace of soul power and demon power. Sure enough, devouring can restore...

"Evil cat armor, this..." Looking at a very dilapidated armor, the rabbit stuttered and couldn't say anything. Of course, the cat demon was wearing it to fight the demons.

At the same time, those humans in the underground base of Shrek City began to be punished by the contract. They thought the contract was invalid?

No, recovery is just beginning now, and they will suffer greatly until they let go of those betrayal thoughts.

Mu Xi also hugged the cat demon, crying, "Little demon, you've recovered!" She was happy, very happy, from the time she saw the cat demon, to the despair he felt when he lost his mobility and cultivation , she was very distressed and understood the mission he carried.

Losing cultivation means losing a lot.

It's back now!She is very happy.

The rabbit is also jumping and screaming happily.

Everyone is dancing with joy!
Mao Xiaoyao smiled, then silently pointed outside, signaling to keep his voice down, but the sound insulation is very good, so he doesn't seem to worry about anything.

"Hee hee." Rabbit nodded while covering her mouth, but she was still happy.

Yudie and Youlang are also happy, everyone is happy.

Mao Xiaoyao hugged the crying Mu Xi, and gently wiped the excited tears from the corners of her eyes, "Now, it's just the beginning. I'm going to start with this S-level abyss passage, and I'll come back, and I'll become even stronger." powerful!"

Devour!Swallowing the creatures of the abyss, the cat demon looked at the tied abyss phantom with a wicked smile. The creatures of the abyss have a kind of magical power, especially the tides of the abyss. The cat demon longs for it to come a few more times.

Mu Xi and the others were happy, and immediately went out to hunt the creatures of the abyss, and let the little cat devour them to restore their cultivation.

Because, the picture of the little cat devouring the creatures of the abyss is never shown to them. In his words, that is: hot eyes!

"If you devour, just devour, don't do anything else." Mu Xi looked at the cat demon with warning eyes, because that phantom was a woman, a beautiful woman with a good figure, and there were few clothes for abyssal creatures.

Mao Xiaoyao rolled her eyes, "There are two wives at home, how dare I?" Then Mao Xiaoyao whispered something in Mu Xi's ear, and Mu Xi blushed and rushed out.

Rabbit and the others were stunned, and then went out.

In the metal cage, there are only the Phantom of the Abyss and the cat demon.

The Phantom of the Abyss is full of fear. The clothes are some furs of their abyssal creatures, which tightly cover some important parts. It looks like a uniform...

"Phantom? Is your name?" The little cat undid the restraint on Phantom's mouth, allowing her to speak. In fact, if you look carefully, Phantom is really beautiful. Under the human form, the figure is also very good. Abyssal creature?
For the cat demon, he is used to it!Because there are all kinds of races in the Kunlun Demon Realm!
"Don't understand? Forget it, then I'll start eating from your thigh!" The sharp claws lightly touched the elastic bronze thigh, blowing on it, it felt a little hot, the cat demon showed his demon In clan form, he bared his fangs and smiled.

"Understood, understood." Not very fluent in human language, the female phantom said fearfully, they had never seen the breath of the monster race, and the terrifying breath just now... the Abyss Demon Emperor?

Why is it so powerful?

Absorb the tide of the abyss?

"It's good to understand, what's your name, I'll give you a chance to live." The little cat lightly touched his thigh and arm, shamelessly touched his chest, in fact, Mu Xi felt right, A lecherous cat is a lecherous cat, and the creatures of the abyss will not be spared.

The female phantom said in fear: "I don't have a name!" She is just a weak phantom. Under the abyss passage, there are too many phantoms who are stronger than her. name.

"Then the phantom is the phantom. From now on, you will be the phantom, and I will be your master. If you are obedient, I will make you stronger. If you are not obedient, I will devour you bit by bit. Have you seen it?" Glancing at the shriveled corpses of the abyssal creatures next to him, he looked at the Phantom strangely.

Phantom nodded frantically.

She is afraid.

 Killing pigs continuously is not halal at all, I'm a bit busy recently.

(End of this chapter)

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