The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 501 Want to go to the Abyss Formation!

Chapter 501 Want to go to the Abyss Formation!


Abyss passage, leading to the abyss.

There are one hundred and eight floors below the abyss. Each layer of the abyss world has an emperor, and an emperor manages the entire abyss layer. Once the emperor dies, the entire abyss layer will be destroyed.

If you really want to destroy the creatures of the abyss, then you have to kill the emperor of the abyss.

However, their weakest cultivation base is also a Titled Douluo, who has countless abyssal creatures, and it is not so easy to kill them.

"Take me to the first floor of the abyss!" Mao Xiaoyao looked at the female phantom and said, the tide of the abyss comes from the underground world of the abyss, it is obviously unrealistic to wait for the tide of the abyss every time, so he wants to go down and have a look, can Can't find that special energy...

An eleventh-level soul master, Mao Xiaoyao's current cultivation realm.

The realm of the monster clan, the kind that has just transformed into a form, the overall strength can beat a three-ringed soul master violently.

Not enough, still too weak.

After putting on the armor, he can basically deal with the soul king!Wearing mechs, Contra is not afraid, because Mao Xiaoyao has powerful technological weapons.

However, it still feels unreliable.

The only strength that can be used is the soul guide weapon. Those abyssal creatures can't stand it at all. Moreover, they have courage but have brain problems.

"But humans... can't enter. Once you enter, you will be discovered, and you will not be able to come out at that time." Phantom said, with a sexy and good figure, even a man would be a little cautious when he saw her, but think about it. Abyssal creatures...

It seems a little more exciting.

On Phantom's neck, there is a metal collar, but it has changed color, and is surrounded by a fur scarf of abyssal creatures. This is the way the cat demon controls her. If she keeps talking, she will be shocked by electric shock, or even die.

The demon power is too low, and the cat demon cannot activate the soul contract, otherwise, the phantom will be truly controlled by him.

Become a serious and obedient slave!

"Oh, you mean, I'm a human being?" The corner of Mao Xiaoyao's mouth showed an evil arc, and it slowly changed into an appearance, a person exactly like the phantom, and his breath, after absorbing the creatures of the abyss and the tide of the abyss, his The breath is a little bit more authentic than Phantom.

The Phantom was shocked and terrified, was she looking in the water mirror?

Why is it so similar?
this person!Who is it... No, he doesn't seem to be a human being. The changes just now let her know that this person's aura seems to be more terrifying than their abyssal creatures.

Now, she can imitate other people's appearance again. This is simply a terrible enemy. She is desperate, and now she doesn't dare to think about leaving.

Instead, think about what is the use of oneself, what can be done, so as not to be killed.

"Master is very powerful, Phantom is willing to surrender, but, master, there are many abyssal creatures on the first floor. As the first floor above the connected human world, new abyssal creatures will come up every day."

"The master wants to kill, but he can't do it alone, that's too dangerous." The phantom reminded him that he had a great desire to survive. It was the first time he connected to the abyss passage, so the first floor was more dangerous, and the lower one was calmer.

The abyssal creatures below are powerful, and the lower they go, so are the abyssal creatures.

The bosses at the lower levels are the main strength of the abyssal creatures.

"Cooperation may be impossible. You have already cooperated with the evil soul master, but do you know how to contact the evil soul master with you?" Mao Xiaoyao asked. According to his understanding, the evil soul master is not without Backstage, they seem to be colluding with the creatures of the abyss.

So how to collude?

It is estimated that there are people from them in the Blood God Legion, and the position will not be bad.

After Spirit Transferring Pagoda cooperated with the evil soul master, the Spirit Transferring Pagoda will always be so righteous, and the backhand is to eliminate the evil soul master. However, the evil soul master is now hiding somewhere. The anger of the college being destroyed was given to them.

However, some people are getting away with it.


Phantom was shocked, and then shook her head: "Phantom's status is low, and he can't know what those abyss emperors are doing. What the emperor said, what we do, this is the rule of our abyss creatures."

"Even if the Emperor of the Abyss tells us to die, we will die, and we can't resist anything."

It seems to be a spiritual connection. Once the emperor dies, they will all die. The emperor is their god, and they must believe in it.

"Kill your emperor, I can't do it now, but one day you will thank me, because even if the emperor in that abyss dies, you will have nothing to do."

"Follow me, I won't let you suffer, but I will save your life. After all, you are no match for human beings." The cat demon turned into his original appearance and smiled. The Abyss Emperor is very delicious, but now he can't deal with a Abyss Emperor, a titled Douluo-level opponent, now, his main purpose is to devour.

The corpses of abyssal creatures will be transported out continuously using the space soul guide, and the little cat can go back to absorb them, but he doesn't want to keep waiting.

Now that he is starting to regain his strength, he must do something.

You can't wait so foolishly!And, in order to win, he had to go down and do something, for example, find the abyss passage on Tang Wulin's side, go down and let the abyssal creatures pass, concentrate, and rush out!

In order to win, in order to restore strength.

Huh, fair?
What's the matter, people from the Blood God Legion, Ruthless Douluo and legion leader Zhang Huanyun all came to help, so it's fair?
Hehe, human beings don't want to give abyssal creatures, and cat demons just want it.

Means are just a method used for victory.

Win or lose!

Phantom nodded, now she can't resist, she will obey the little cat no matter what order she orders!

However, due to the lack of absolute hard-core strength on the Mao Xiaoyao's side outside, the consumption of weapons and equipment is relatively large. After a battle, it is not known how much Federation currency was used.

Outside, the phantom put on a pair of soul guide armor and squeezed out, like a baby learning to walk, wobbly, unable to walk normally at all.

However, in order to hide her identity, she had to do that!

"General Nicholas..." Rabbit and the others laughed, obviously it was the cat demon himself, every time they saw it, they couldn't help but want to laugh.

At this time, Xiaolan and Xiaolu were advancing steadily step by step. At the same time, they planted bombs, arranged some soul guidance devices, and then defended that place.

As long as the abyssal creatures inside don't come out, then nothing will happen. Once they come out, it will basically be an attack, a money-burning attack...

The soul guide is terrifying!
"Well, you guys guard this place, I'll go down to the abyss world to have a look." Mao Xiaoyao said.

In order to quickly recover his cultivation, he had to go down to see where the tide of the abyss came from.

However, the voice just fell.

Mu Xi refused.

Rabbit refuses.

Yudie and the others refused.

"Refusal is invalid. Your task is to guard this place and prevent an abyssal creature from going out."

"And I will go down disguised as an abyss creature, don't worry, I have a guide, nothing will happen."

Mao Xiaoyao and Mu Xi explained the situation and the effect of the abyss tide on him. He had to go down and do something.

Otherwise, their chances of winning would be slim.

Human beings, after all, understand the creatures of the abyss better than they do.

(End of this chapter)

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