The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 502 The first floor of the abyss world.

Chapter 502 The upper level of the abyss world.

"However, that's very dangerous. If something happens to you, we can't go down to help you, and you will put yourself in a dangerous place."

"What should we do?" Mu Xi sighed, with a little anger on her face, she didn't want the little cat to go down, the situation below the abyss passage was complicated and changeable, she was afraid that something might happen to the little cat.

Rabbit and the others nodded, but they were also afraid.

"Trust me!" Mao Xiaoyao smiled, he didn't need to explain what he was going to do, and went directly to Phantom, "Keep in touch, so that we can locate where we are." Mao Xiaoyao and Phantom left, rushed Into the depths of the abyss channel, keep going.

The soldiers were shocked! ! !

Is that General Nicholas?

Your Excellency General is awesome, he went down with only one subordinate...

The soldiers were excited, so they frantically killed the creatures of the abyss, killing them until they were afraid...

Mu Xi frowned, and wanted to go too.

Rabbit shook his head, "Don't! Once the little demon decides to do something, it cannot be changed. The black cat tried to persuade him to do some things, but it was useless."

He is just such a stubborn guy, and now he has just recovered a little bit, so he went down to the abyss world, and the rabbit was speechless, but he still sent a few bloodthirsty lizards to follow, and those bloodthirsty lizards were already under their control.

The execution of any order is controlled by a soul through the soul guidance instrument in the body.

Sometimes, Rabbit also admires Mao Xiaoyao very much. Where did he get such fancy things?

Mu Xi sighed, it's really hateful...

At the same time, Tang Wulin and their side.

"Open the protective cover, open the protective cover, the first-level abyssal tide is coming, this... is infinitely close to the second-level abyssal tide..."

With the appearance of the abyssal tide, there will always be some abyssal creatures behind. Now, casualties have begun to appear on their side.

The situation is not optimistic!

"It's the Phantom, and Ba'an..." Tang Wulin's Golden Dragon Spear could absorb it casually, but it couldn't be compared with the cat demon's terrifying devouring. It was like drinking water with a straw, and gulping water.

When the abyssal creatures also came, Tang Wulin seemed a little hard to support.

Long Yuxue was also fighting, but the thing that worried her the most was still happening. It was too deep. Once the tide of the abyss happened, they would become very dangerous.

The troops began to suffer large-scale casualties, but they had to defend the abyss passage, and began to defend the protective cover device one by one. In order to resist, they also came in with equipment.


"I'll stop the phantom, be careful." Tang Wulin was at the front, and a golden dragon gun was thrust into the ground fiercely. His whole body began to change, and his scales were covered with golden light. Dragon Blood God of War, Golden Dragon King, he is now Know what power is inside you.

Control it well, then he can target those phantoms of the abyss.

The creatures from the abyss swarmed up. If it was the little cat, it would be basically a child with a mecha knife. After all, the tide of the abyss was absorbed by the little cat, and they would not be afraid of anything.

You can deal with abyssal creatures with peace of mind!

However, Tang Wulin's side is different, and there is no one to absorb it.

Tang Wulin's purification didn't seem to be that powerful, and he couldn't purify a large amount of the abyssal tide. The abyssal creatures followed the abyssal tide. After a hard fight, they finally defended.

However, they have to reconsider now, should they go that deep?

They've lost a lot of people...

Both Tang Wulin and Long Yuxue were not in a good mood.

If it wasn't for the appearance of Ruthless Douluo Xueyi in the end, then they would not be able to resist so many abyssal creatures.

Thinking about the terrifying equipment of the Snow Wolf Legion just now, they were shocked, and shocked, why could they absorb the tide of the abyss?

Could it be that they are not as good as the Snow Wolf Legion?

However, at this time, the cat demon and the phantom came to the world below, and "they" are two phantoms.

The big boss of women's clothing, Mao Xiaoyao, reappeared, and he once again beautified himself as a female phantom, YY himself in women's clothing...


Mao Xiaoyao couldn't help but keep looking at his chest, it was too exciting, too exciting, something like that.

Abyssal creatures, many, many, are gathering together for a meeting. They want to go up the passage one by one, but there are restrictions, so they must go to their own suitable passage.

The basic shapes of abyssal creatures, such as crocodiles, lizards, and dinosaurs, are basically those shapes.

On the other hand, the phantom and the human form of some abyssal creatures are really eye-catching...

However, when those abyssal creatures saw the two phantoms, they basically looked at them with respect. In the abyss world, the strong are respected, and if they have strength, they will be respected.

"Master, those are abyssal creatures. Our abyssal creatures are very capable of reproduction, but we have limited space and limited resources, so the emperors will send us out to attack humans every time."

For the future of the group, in order to eliminate those weak abyssal creatures, the weak will prey on the strong, and the fittest will survive.

Is it that simple for the emperors of the abyss to think?
No, after recharging their energy and gaining momentum, the goal must be to conquer, destroy, and devour the human world. This is the value of their abyssal creatures.

Destroy everything, devour everything.

"Take me to where you live, I need to take a break." Mao Xiaoyao suppressed the excitement deep in his heart, the breath of the abyss, his body was fully open, at this moment, struggling to swallow that strange force, from the abyss The terrifying power of the tides.

So, he must find a quiet place!

absorb slowly...

Phantom nodded, and then led him to a cave, which was very small, and there were two people living in it every day, so there were big problems.

Abyssal creatures don't have any houses. Most of them are in the shape of beasts, and basically don't need any houses.

Unless abyssal creatures like Phantom, they know how to make themselves more comfortable, find a cave, or build a cave for themselves to live in.

"..." The little cat doesn't know how to complain about the environment of the abyssal creatures, not to mention the abyssal creatures running all over the ground, why is a phantom living in such a shabby place?Is this a cave?Sure it's not a... um, how should I put it?

The cat demon can't explain it either, anyway, it's more shabby than a mouse hole...

"You just watch, you can tell me if there is anything, don't worry that I will go crazy, I am actually eager to do that." Going crazy is also a state, and it has always been the same with Jiluxie Mao. Once the evil spirit can't be controlled, basically It's a truth.

However, it doesn't seem to be a bad thing to go crazy in this place.

"Follow master." Phantom watched from a single point, the more she looked at it, the more uncomfortable she felt. She didn't dare to get close to the cat demon at this moment, because if she got close, she would be swallowed and absorbed...

However, isn't devouring the strong point of their abyssal creatures?

Why are cat demons more terrifying than them?
At this time, the little cat sat cross-legged, let go of his body and mind, let go of his absorption, the breath of the abyss...

Before, he couldn't absorb it so horribly, because his body was like a balloon that hasn't blown open.

And now, he is a balloon that has been blown...

Keep absorbing, he will reach the realm of fighting the demigods at that time, but it will take time...


(End of this chapter)

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