The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 503 Devouring the storm!

Chapter 503 Devouring the storm!


Devour and destroy!
The attributes of an abyssal creature come from the abyss world. Are you talking about evil?

In fact, if you think about it from another angle, everyone is trying to survive, but they are of different races.

If civilized society is just, then primitive society is evil?
Ha ha.

But at the same time, because Tang Wulin's Golden Dragon Spear could restrain and devour the creatures of the abyss, the tide of the abyss was also resisted without any risk.

"Swallowing and destroying, two attributes, I don't know how strong they can make me? I really like to absorb them all the time."

"The abyss world is really beautiful."

For seven days, the little cat devoured it without sleep, and all the abyssal aura around it disappeared completely. Such a terrible thing naturally attracted the attention of the abyss.

At this time, Abyss is sending a Charm Emperor over to check!This is an abyssal creature higher than phantom, and it is the right-hand man of the abyss emperor.

In seven days, all the breath of the abyss with a radius of tens of kilometers disappeared, and the little cat finally regained its strength. Its cultivation base reached the sixth ring soul emperor, with a soul power of level 69, five ten thousand year soul rings, and one ten year soul ring .

At the same time, his strength in the Yaozu realm has also reached the Yaozun realm. His strength is probably higher than that of Soul Douluo, but lower than that of Titled Douluo. Finally, his Devouring has also reached a saturated state.

It is not just as simple as devouring to improve the realm of the monster race, but swallowing and upgrading the soul master realm is very simple, but the little cat is still a monster race after all.

Returning to the original battle, he will be in the state of the monster race, and he will not be just a human soul master forever.

Beast form—little demon (in human form)—big demon—demon general—demon master—demon saint—demon king—demon king—demon god—demon ancestor.

The Tiger King was the peak demon king back then, so he guessed he was already a demon king now.

However, the Tiger Queen is a real boss, she is the peak of the Demon Emperor, but, at their level, it is not easy to improve a little bit?

"Master, there is a large army coming, and the leader is a Meihuang, what should we do?" Phantom rushed in and reported, at this moment, at this moment, the Meihuang is here, to check what is going on around, why is there no breath of abyss .

However, the source of devouring comes from this cave!

"Charming Emperor? Hehe." It happened just in time, Mao Xiaoyao was about to try the two abilities he had just mastered. That kind of joyful mood is the first time.

Since this is the case, what about the leapfrog challenge?

"Little Phantom, what's going on here, why is the surrounding area so clean?" Charming Emperor asked, the abyss aura was completely empty, even if it was her, it was impossible to swallow it to such an extent, what is going on?
Looking at those powerful abyssal creatures, Phantom immediately explained: "Master Meihuang, this is just my sister's cultivation." In fact, she was very nervous. She was the one who brought the little cat in. If anything was discovered, she would definitely die. .

Abyss will not let her go!However, if something is revealed now, perhaps, she will die on the spot.

The cat demon will not let her go...

Therefore, she dare not look at that Charming Emperor now.

Very guilty!

"Oh?" Meihuang frowned, "Now, there are a large number of human troops in the two passages, why don't you and your sister go? Could it be that the orders of Lord Demon Emperor are all useless?" Other phantoms and abyssal creatures all In the battle, now, the creatures of the abyss are going to those two passages, why don't these two sisters go?
Phantom wanted to say something.

The cat demon comes out, the moon is ashamed, the fish falls into the wild, the posture of the city, the figure of a devil, the highest state of women's clothing is to become a woman directly...

"We're not going, so why don't you go? What's your opinion if the retreat is delayed for a few days?" Mao Xiaoyao directly yelled at the Charming Emperor, raised his head and chest, he is also big, what's the matter?
Her strength seems to be around Contra's, and the abyss is very strong, so she is a good opponent.

Wanting to fight, Mao Xiaoyao didn't hide anything when he looked at Mei Huang.

"Oh? You were the one who devoured it? Lord Demon Emperor didn't listen to his orders. It seems that I have to teach you a lesson." Charming Emperor waved his hand and ordered a group of creatures from the abyss to attack this ignorant guy. If he has achieved some success in cultivation, then let Want to get high?
Phantom looks ugly, what should I do?
Why did they fight?

The creatures of the abyss rushed forward one by one, trying to tear the little cat to shreds. The ability to devour and destroy one by one, ordinary people really couldn't stand it.

But touch!

Swallow everything with one punch, with a swallowing aura, Mao Xiaoyao sent out an attack like a black hole with one punch, surrounded by black air, carrying destruction, and returning with devouring energy.

After the destruction, devoured back, seems to form a cycle.

It was only after he punched a Ba'an that it exploded, did the cat demon realize how powerful he was. How powerful is a Ba'an that is as big as an elephant and full of lizard scales?
Destroy with one punch, devour the sky and the earth.

Meihuang was shocked, such a powerful phantom, she couldn't even kill Ba'an with such ease and ease.

But at this time, those abyssal creatures did not escape the fate of being devoured and destroyed one by one, and the cat demon did not use any soul skills...

That is to devour and destroy!Simple abyss creature ability.

"You unexpectedly!" Mei Huang was angry, those were her subordinates, now they died one by one, there was nothing left, the corpses were all swallowed up, and it was still in front of her, how could this be tolerated?
The Lord Demon Emperor asked her to check the situation. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if she went back in such a desperate manner?

Charm Emperor!

A formidable opponent!The cat demon was excited, and let out a very unfeminine wanton laugh, laughing so hard that his chest went up and down, "In the abyss, the strong are respected, so what if you are the Charm Emperor? If you are not strong enough, no one will respect you." you."

"Come on! Let me see how terrifying the Lord Demon Emperor's right-hand man is." The cat demon kept laughing wildly, a formidable opponent, he would not let the black cats and the others wait until they finished dealing with the endless mountains. matter, he will go back to solve the matter of Grimace Ape, he will go home, go back to that house...

Because, there is a person in the family who is waiting for home.

Everyone is waiting for him...

"You will die, and you don't even know who you are, dare to talk to me like that, ha ha." The Charm Emperor teleported over with anger, and with a super powerful destructive force, it turned into a devouring magic ball, purple and mysterious , exuding endless devouring power, instantly enlarging and enveloping the little cat, trapping him inside...

Then, compressing, compressing, compressing, just like Roujiamo, Meihuang wanted to kill Mao Xiaoyao, devouring his ability completely, squeezing it bit by bit...

Think so.

The little phantom watching beside her was too scared to look at it. If it were her, she would have died long ago, and there would be no scum left.

However, she was stunned with a small face.

Oh my god, the little cat resisted.


Meihuang's complexion changed, "What..."

At this moment, a magic ball appeared in Mao Xiaoyao's hand, and everything around her disappeared, "Why don't you try your own trick?" In an instant, the black ball enveloped and attacked Meihuang, trapping her and devouring her at the same time...

After swallowing, can I use it myself?
The answer is: some can.

The Charming Emperor screamed, what kind of scary guy is this, why can he copy the trick of devouring her...

(End of this chapter)

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