The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 504 Restore Strength!

Chapter 504 Restore Strength!


Devour, devour.

After devouring it, use it yourself before destroying others.

Mao Xiaoyao's approach is a bit rascal, but this is also the characteristic of abyssal creatures, devouring and destroying, they can devour all energy bodies, and for Mao Xiaoyao, he can already devour everything.

Using abyssal energy to attack?Isn't that Xiaoyu'er hitting the cat, never returning?
"You, you..." The Charming Emperor was terrified, struggling hard, swallowing the black energy shield, a terrifying devouring force was devouring everything about her, when she broke free from the restraint.

The cat demon has already grabbed her neck hard, as long as she squeezes hard, she will die, everything is that simple.

However, the battle changed so quickly that Little Phantom couldn't see anything at all, and the battle ended. Originally, she hoped that the Charm Emperor could win, so she could also be saved.

However, the Meihuang lost, and the Meihuang who was very arrogant just now lost...

What do you mean?
Why so weak?

She looked at Meihuang a little angrily, and at the same time, she was even more afraid of the cat demon who had really recovered her strength.

"Sister, she is under Lord Demon Emperor, how about we..." Phantom, who is also a creature of the abyss, couldn't help pleading, she didn't want such a Phantom Emperor to die in vain...

At the same time, he also told Mao Xiaoyao that there is an Abyss Demon Emperor on this level, and he is the master of the next level. It seems that it is not a wise choice to provoke him.

"Oh?" Mao Xiaoyao became interested in an instant. Now that he has recovered his strength, he has become stronger. He is just a Charming Emperor, and he can't beat him. After he repairs his armor, the Abyss Demon Emperor?It's only at the title Douluo level, and it's not impossible to fight.

But what's the use of hitting?
If it wasn't for devouring recovery, he couldn't find a reason to kill the abyssal creatures.

"Let me go, otherwise, Lord Devil Emperor won't let you go..." Charming Emperor struggled, but she was terrified because the power in her body was disappearing all the time, and the power was pouring into the body of this frightened guy. .

Devouring power?Is this guy going to kill himself?The Charm Emperor struggled, but she gradually became weak...

Phantom is in a hurry, won't she really kill him?

kill?Of course not, the cat demon will not kill Meihuang, because he is searching for the soul...

"Ah..." The Charming Emperor's face was hideously distorted, in great pain, as if being hacked into pieces by a thousand knives, an extremely charming face that made her even more charming, turned into a terrifying existence...

The phantom watching from the side, da da, took a few steps back, limp on the ground, covering her small mouth...

Meihuang's whole soul was trembling. Facing the stare from the evil cat, she couldn't resist, allowing all the memories to be devoured by the cat demon. From twisting, she gradually became dull and lifeless...

It's like it's been broken.

Suddenly, a mark appeared between Meihuang's eyebrows, but it disappeared soon...

"Master." Meihuang respectfully said to the little cat, even though she was very weak, she still couldn't escape the fate of being controlled by the little cat.

Soul control!

Phantom is shocked, what do you mean?Why is this Charming Emperor more straightforward than her, calling the master directly?Is it that scary?

Mao Xiaoyao opened his faint blue eyes, the first floor of the abyss, so it is like this, he now understands the abyss very well, he doesn't understand anything at all, he is simply a know-it-all.

However, it took a lot of mental power to absorb that memory, and Mao Xiaoyao was a little bit at this time. At the same time, he looked at this Charming Emperor, extremely charming, very beautiful, with a plump figure, and now he has become a servant of himself.

Think about it, it seems a little bit of that.

What did you do with such a beautiful servant?

"After I go back, how should I say, you should know? Remember, don't reveal my identity." Now is not the time to meet the Devil Emperor, the cat demon still has a lot of things to do, and can't be wasted in talking with the Abyss Devil Emperor. Confrontation is a headache for human beings.

Abyssal creatures are none of his business!However, he has an army of 5000 people to hunt the creatures of the abyss, and those troops will kill the creatures of the abyss for him.

"Understood, master." Meihuang nodded, then took a complicated look at Phantom, gritted his teeth and left...

"..." Phantom was stunned, looking at the little cat walking towards her step by step, she was terrified, stepped back a few steps and fell down, what is the little cat going to do?She, she, she, doesn't want to die...

Phantom closed her eyes, she was terrified.

Soon, Mao Xiaoyao didn't let her go, but she didn't resist the whole process, so the contract was very simple.

After the contract, if the cat demon wants to know what the phantom is thinking, it is easy to know, just think about it, for example, at this time, the phantom is scolding the cat demon.

scold him……

"Try trying to scold me, believe it or not, I will devour you now?" Mao Xiaoyao glared at the guy who kept scolding him. Before, without a soul contract, this guy must have been scolding himself all the time, right?

Get angry when you think about it.

The phantom is afraid, why, and what she thinks, the cat demon knows it all.

Is it! ! !

What's the situation, why my body doesn't listen to control, and my hands start touching me...

She is controlled by Mao Xiaoyao, and now, her mind is full of thoughts about how to share a little for Mao Xiaoyao, if she helps Mao Xiaoyao, so why Mao Xiaoyao is born and dies.

What do you mean?
The phantom was terrified, why did she become so strange, what did the little cat do to her...

"The slave contract is really powerful, and it can enslave the person under control." Gently stroking this sexy little phantom, the cat demon, a young man with a strong blood, naturally can't resist such a charming phantom with all kinds of charms, but, now The identity of women's clothing, but it just makes him feel itchy...

Servant contract!It is a more terrifying contract technique that the cat demon can practice after becoming a demon master. After the contract, the contracted person will be enslaved, loyal, and never betrayed...

Take the master as the center, the master is the god, let Rang kill and kill, be the master wholeheartedly, be loyal to the left and right, and never betray...

It means that under the subtle influence, Phantom will gradually become a servant who wholeheartedly gives everything for the little cat.

However, it will not affect them anything, that is, there is just one more master, one more belief.

The phantom was terrified, she couldn't control her body, and even felt a sense of admitting her mistake when she scolded the cat demon just now, "I'm sorry, master..."

Master, the cat demon is the mistress...

The cat demon doesn't have that kind of evil punishment, so let's let this phantom go for now, "One day, you will know how lucky you will be to follow me." You must strengthen your cultivation!
Tang Wulin, don't worry, soon, his little cat will come, hehe, after all, he has endured for so long.

"Yes, master." Phantom respected her face. In fact, she was very depressed, but she never dared to scold the little cat secretly again.

Mao Xiaoyao smiled, and then went everywhere with Phantom to hunt and kill abyssal creatures secretly. Mao Xiaoyao was consolidating his cultivation, and when he fully recovered, he would go to Mao Xiaoyao.

 Tomorrow the pig will be slaughtered.

(End of this chapter)

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