The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 505 Totoro Battle?

Chapter 505 Totoro Battle?

"Sir, many powerful abyssal creatures suddenly appeared in the passage. There is a phantom, which we cannot deal with. She is very powerful."

"It has been destroying our soul guides all the time. It seems that the soul guides are useless to her. She knows the weakness of our soul guides very well."

"Now, the abyssal creatures are going to counterattack." A soldier was reporting the situation to Long Yuxue. At this time, the cat demon was actually bringing out the abyssal creatures, destroying various soul guides, and commanding the abyssal creatures to come out. launched a counterattack, specifically looking for human weaknesses to attack.

At this moment, at this moment, he was approaching the defense zone step by step, and the human army was a bit unable to defend himself, so this soldier came to report the situation.

"Yeah." Long Yuxue nodded, then frowned, looked at Tang Wulin and Jiang Wuyue next to him, "Should we go over and have a look, or report to the team leader?" Long Yuxue was asking for opinions, but actually , She wanted to go and see, if everything was asking the chief how to do it, then what's the use of them?

Jiang Wuyue said: "Let's go! If we can't deal with such a trivial matter and let the head of the team take action, then we are really useless."

They just came down to take a rest. After all, killing abyssal creatures was very tiring. They had just rested, and there was a new situation, so they naturally had to go and have a look.

Long Yuxue looked at Tang Wulin, what should I do?
"Let's go! The creatures of the abyss must die! The passage must not be given to those people. I always feel that those people have some kind of conspiracy." When Tang Wulin looked at those troops, he always thought of Mao Xiaoyao... But, Mao Xiaoyao He didn't show up, but the only one who showed up was a person named Mao Xiaoyao in Star Dou Battle Network...

Is that true?

The federation did not make any response, but the people who went to participate in the Star Battle Network were basically fried, because the cat demon took out the terrifying mecha, and basically crushed them all the way...

As a wanted criminal all over the world, Mao Xiaoyao is now in the wrath of both humans and gods.

Can't find the evil soul master, but found a little cat demon?

"Let's go!" Long Yuxue nodded, and they immediately went to see what kind of phantom it was that could be so scary?
Armed and advancing, Tang Wulin also had the Golden Dragon Spear in his hand. Just as he came over, he saw a very terrifying scene. The phantom was devouring the corpses on the ground at such a fast speed that the corpses of the abyssal creatures were like a deflated balloon.

The naked eye can see that the speed is drying up.

One step late.

Their defense zone has been fully occupied, and the speed of defeat is faster than they imagined. At this time, the army is surrounded, one by one with soul guide weapons.


"Swallow and destroy, those powerful abyssal creatures actually use the weak abyssal creatures to open the way, but absorb them behind."

"The creatures from the abyss are so vicious, they deserve to die!" Tang Wulin held the Golden Dragon Spear. He didn't know what was going on. Regarding that phantom, he didn't know why he looked beautiful from time to time. At this moment, his heart was beating very fast.

A desire to fight spreads, he is a little excited, his whole body is excited, it is a kind of pleasure after a long drought, he wants to fight, fight with that phantom.

However, at this moment, the phantom cat demon also saw Tang Wulin, and immediately ordered the abyssal creatures to retreat, throwing away the abyssal corpses in their hands at random, and came step by step.

"That is no longer a Phantom, she is a Charm Emperor, she is very powerful, if not, she will run out, we must defend." Long Yuxue was shocked, she had never seen such a terrifying Charm Emperor , so unscrupulously devouring the corpse of his companion, and, such an obedient abyssal creature...

Why, at this time, are the creatures of the abyss so obedient?
The terrifying strength and leadership ability of this Charming Emperor made her feel very uneasy.

If the abyssal creatures can obey the command and be so terrifying every time, then they will face more powerful abyssal creatures in the future.

"I'll deal with her!" Jiang Wuyue volunteered, seeing the Charming Emperor approaching, he wanted to go up and try, to see what was so scary about the Charming Emperor?
Long Yuxue and Tang Wulin nodded, "Be careful." At the same time, several members of the Blood God Battalion also came, Blood Nine, Blood Eight, and Blood Seven.

They came to help Tang Wulin and the others!After all, this is a matter of whether the abyssal creature passage is safe or not, and they must be so guarded.

Jiang Wuyue nodded and rushed out.

The phantom cat demon's gaze was always on Tang Wulin, and he was also excited. After seeing Tang Wulin, he was more excited than eating anything.

bring it on!Tang Wulin?

Wait, what is this?
"What are you, you want to challenge me? Who gave you the courage? Liang Jingru?" The cat demon clenched his fists, very angry, his eyes were cold and cannibalistic, he looked at Jiang Wuyue, and at the same time ordered Phantom controls the abyssal creature well, wait for his order.

Don't be impulsive!

Phantom nodded.

Jiang Wuyue felt that he was being ridiculed. Originally, he also wanted to say a few words.

However, the Meihuang cat demon attacked in an instant, destroying with one punch, devouring with two punches, working left and right, hitting Jiang Wuyue with one punch, making his blood boil.

Jiang Wuyue wants to scold someone, what do you mean?
He's not ready yet.

At this moment, Tang Wulin and the others were all nervous, sweating for Jiang Wuyue one by one.

The battle of this phantom is too terrifying, and at the same time, it is also very insidious. As long as Jiang Wuyue reveals a flaw, that phantom will seize that weakness and attack wildly.

"Why did humans send you such a trash? Didn't you eat? Why is your attack so bad, so weak?" The Meihuang cat demon mocked, Jiang Wuyue is not Tang Wulin's opponent, so he must not be him either opponent.

Under the cover of the breath, the realm of the Yaozun, Mao Xiaoyao is at the Contra level, but he is not an ordinary Contra level.

"Hehe, it's not certain who will win the battle." Jiang Wuyue was furious. He really had no way to deal with this Meihuang, because this Meihuang was too powerful, and this was no longer something he could deal with.

However, he is not afraid.

Will not be afraid!

After speaking, let's fight immediately.

Mao Xiaoyao sneered, her courage is commendable, that's all.

Beside them, Long Yuxue and the others were nervous.

"Should we go over and help? This Charming Emperor is very powerful. Now is not the time for individualism."

"We must join forces to deal with her!"

Long Yuxue said that Jiang Wuyue was no match for the Charming Emperor at all.

Tang Wulin nodded in agreement.

Blood Nine, Blood Eight, and Blood Seven also agreed.

You can't pay attention to anything with the creatures of the abyss, you must win!Abyssal creatures must die!
They also rushed up.

However, the cat demon laughed!Come on, come on, come on everything!A destructive air current is as terrifying as Melaleuca Wave and the tide of the abyss. It is a move that imitates the tide of the abyss.

At the same time, something underground is going out step by step...

(End of this chapter)

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